Coors to sell 60-pack in Wisconsin only

We come for the cheap land and the nicely paved raceways: your interstate highway system

FWIW, I grew up in IL, lived in MSP for 10 years and live in Puget Sound now. But my roots will always be a FIB and Gopher
Found the fart sniffer.

Id like wall to keep sconnies out. The come to take our jobs

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At least you got the grammar right for people who make this argument in a national sense.

You wanna know what the problem with Minneapolis and Chicago is? Wisconsin is in the way...FWIW I heard that from a New Yorker.

In stealing this btw

In Illinois growing up, we noticed a certain phenomena. Geese always flew upside down over Camp Randall. Then it occurred to us: it wasn't worth a ****.


The 60-Packs seem to do the job just fine.

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Who buys Coors Light? So many better light beers.

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