Cool vid: Presbyterian pulls off a fumblerooski

Great play. Great sell by the wideout.

Pretty cool play, why they would get that out on the scouting report in a game they were never going to win is beyond me but cool nonetheless.

Awesome play.. First time I've ever seen it used in a game situation, successfully nonetheless!

The High school I played at...

Ran this play a few times when I was on the Sophomore team, scored every time. We ran it once at the varsity level and should have scored but the idiot receiver decided to put the Mustard on the Hot Dog and got ran down from behind. Did anyone else notice that the one guy from Wake Forrest figured it out, but was too far away? Presbyterian was going to be on T.V. once this year and they made to most of it. I don't blame them one bit.

Team in high school tried it against us in high school and it ended up being intercepted.

It's kind of dangerous. A bit like crying wolf.

Can you imagine the injury if they really thought it was a dead ball and the LB smacks him full on without being ready for the hit. I mean if I'm wake, the next time I'm taking him down if I don't hear the whistle.

Just a point on the Nebraska/Oklahoma rivalry. From 1970-1995 was THE BIG GAME. It was during these games that Keith Jackson coined "The Big Uglies" and "Snot Slobber". The hits were as big as the names on both teams.

Nebraska used the "trick" plays as a counter to tendancy.
Here is the orignal fumblrooski, it just happen to be The National Championship game.

I think Nebraska was sensative to that rivaly when the recent Divisons were set. One potential Big Game will be Nebraksa vs. Iowa.

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