CONTEST: This win was SO ugly...


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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it made Gene Keady's comb-over look good.
Ok, next. Give it your best shot.

This game was so ugly that Dick Bennett gizzed his pants.

...I thought we were playing Northwestern
(Good one, Spermo - you should cut and paste it in)

This win was SO ugly...

...that Iowa women looked good by comparison.

This win was SO ugly... makes Fox's BCS coverage look like Keith Jackson circa 1990.

This win was so ugly that it looked like Doug Gottlieb shooting free throws.

I'll do you one better Nate,

That win was so ugly it looked like Darius Washington from Memphis shooting free throws in the C-USA tournament in 2005.



It makes him look good!

The game was so ugly that the prettiest thing about it was the sprained ankle.

This win was so ugly, that it was beautiful. Any road win in the Big10 is a beautiful win. This win makes the word ugly a new description for beauty. No complaints, here, it was a beautiful win. nuff said. Way to go MenGophers, and way to go LadyGophers... It's a good night to be a Gopher FAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Double for the Gopher B-Ballers...Gotta Love It.

This game was so ugly, even the blind kid had to shut it off.

This was was so ugly that GoldysArmy would go home with it!

This game was so ugly, Garrison Keillor couldn't make a joke about it!

Butt-ugly Beautiful.

I'm so old. But...

Back in the day, when I lived near the U, a friend and I were returning from some fine drinking establishments after attending them in our rain gear (this was during some serious flood level rainstorm). We stopped at a place to pick up some food, and the cashier asked my friend rather sarcastically, "Are those swim goggles? Why are you wearing those?"

My friend replied, in legendary fashion, "These are my beer goggles, baby. And I must say, you are looking mighty fine."

This win needed some serious beer goggles.

The game couldn't have been uglier if both teams had been wearing Ringling Brothers flap shoes.

This win was so ugly...

...that even my momma wouldn't love it.

...that even Brad Lohaus couldn't watch it.

...that it might make Luke Recker transfer back to Indiana.

I've seen prettier games were everyone was wearing grease paint and flap shoes.

We have a winner!!!

This was was so ugly that GoldysArmy would go home with it!

Great thread, Moonlight...but my vote is for S.Well to win this contest. I actually received this via text earlier tonight, and it's still cracking me up!

This game was SO ugly, they should have played it at the Weisman.

Well done, Bad!

This game was SO ugly, they should have played it at the Weisman.

Too early to be creative for me. Also, since I did not actually see the game I can't comment. But a win on the road is a win on the road. Take it and run.

This game was so ugly. ...

I found myself pining for all the attractive personality traits of Mike Wilkinson's girlfriend (now wife).

To this day, I still can't figure out how such a seemingly classy kid as Wilkinson ended up with a nut-job like her.

...that players from both teams joined the Iowa cheerleaders as they grazed on the lawn outside the arena at halftime.

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