I believe you lost the moral high ground or any claims to intellectual or ethical superiority the day you sent Michelle Bachman to Congress.
You might want to at least learn how to spell her name before you rip her (and by association, the state) for being "intellectually or ethically inferior." And based solely on this post, I can't imagine you're swelling with pride to be represented by Rand Paul. On the other hand, neither Rand Paul nor Michele Bachmann (or, if you prefer, Michelle Bachman) have ever won a national championship in basketball by building the filthiest and least ethical program in collegiate sports. But if I were you, I'd have reason to hope. With the state of Kentucky's slavish devotion to basketball, they should be able to keep Calipari's cheating under wraps for years, maybe even until after he's retired! And then you can have a nice quiet ceremony cutting down all the banners.