Congrats, GopherLady!


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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According to facebook photos, Nadine was named Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Minnesota 2012 Woman of the Year." Congrats on earning the title, which is justly deserved, but more importantly, congrats on raising important funds for cancer research. Kudos to her team, too!

Go Gophers!!

Additonal information:

Nadine and her team (teambabu) raised $37,000 through various fund raising events and individual contributions. A goodly sum was raised at her GopherHole/tailgate gathering during this year's spring game.

Again, well done!

Go Gophers!!

Congrats to you and Mr. Sauce for making a difference.

Thanks, Nadine! I had a young cousin die of leukemia years ago, after being one of the pioneers for bone marrow transplants between identical twins. It didn't save him, but I always hoped the research helped those looking for a cure. The loss was very hard on our extended family.

According to facebook photos, Nadine was named Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Minnesota 2012 Woman of the Year." Congrats on earning the title, which is justly deserved, but more importantly, congrats on raising important funds for cancer research. Kudos to her team, too!

Go Gophers!!

Thank you so much for your kind well as being one of my 1st donors. I appreciate all the GHers support, just to name a few off the top of my head: Bleed, Goldy's Army, Norman Dale, The Godfather himself (Jason Groth), Formo, Wags, Nooram, all the guys that came to the tailgate...and I'm sorry, so many of you, like Matt, I know by your real names, and forget your monikers! Thank you guys so much for supporting me, and more importantly, the cause :)

Congrats to you and Mr. Sauce for making a difference.

For those of you that didn't know, Meatsauce from KFAN won man of the year. He was the underdog, but he pulled it off! He has a huge heart, and cares a lot about the cause, this is us from the gala:

Thanks, Nadine! I had a young cousin die of leukemia years ago, after being one of the pioneers for bone marrow transplants between identical twins. It didn't save him, but I always hoped the research helped those looking for a cure. The loss was very hard on our extended family.

I am so sorry to hear this. It's stories like this that made us work so hard to fundraise, no child, adult, or family should go through that. My condolences to you.

What really inspired me was the kids I met, Paige, who was the girl of the year 2 years ago was why I ran. And these two kids, Maddie and Matthew were they boy and girl of the year this year. They were amazing - both went through treatment for 2-3 years. It's one of those things that if they can battle this for so long, the least I can do is do my very little part to fundraise.


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