Congrats are in order . . .


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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GopherLady completed her graduate studies (MBA) at the U yesterday.

Congrats Nadine on a job well done!! No small feat, especially given all the work you do at your job(s), GopherHole duties, blog, etc.


Go Gophers!!

Congrats GopherLady!

I'm graduating from the U this very evening!

Congrats Nadine! Hopefully in a couple years I'll be in those shoes :)

Wow - this thread just totally made my day, thank you all so much! It was wasn't the coursework that was tough - but just finding time to do it! Appreciate all your congrats :)

GopherLady = One awesome person.

Congrats, Nadine. The reprehensible creep, Dr.Don, is very, very proud of you.

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grats I got my MSSE awhile back. It takes a lot of work, but well worth it, imo.

Well done Nadine! What's in store next for your obvious bright future? Hopefully KFAN puts you as the co-host of the PA show.. You'd be the go-to Gopher coverage gal!

Well done Nadine! What's in store next for your obvious bright future? Hopefully KFAN puts you as the co-host of the PA show.. You'd be the go-to Gopher coverage gal!

Haha! If you could start lobbying for this, it would pretty much be my dream job!!!

Next up - my graduation party, it's going to be quite the shin-dig...and catching up on all the happy hours I missed at class every night!

Congrats GL

Has KFAN at all talked about having you on weekly or something with PA to talk Gopher sports? I know they have KEvin Gorg, Trent Tucker and some others on quite a bit and I really think they'd need someone who a diehard Gopher person...can't think of anyone better for the job.

GopherLady completed her graduate studies (MBA) at the U yesterday.

Congrats Nadine on a job well done!! No small feat, especially given all the work you do at your job(s), GopherHole duties, blog, etc.


Go Gophers!!

Yes Congrats to GL!

we all know she is smarter than us.......and with her new hair thing, she just out classes us.

She can also out-eat most of us... She stole my cheeseburger many years ago. I will never forgive her.

Congrats! Well done!

Congrats GL

Has KFAN at all talked about having you on weekly or something with PA to talk Gopher sports? I know they have KEvin Gorg, Trent Tucker and some others on quite a bit and I really think they'd need someone who a diehard Gopher person...can't think of anyone better for the job.

No - but during hoops season, PA had asked me to be on just about every week. It was always so much fun, he's a pro.

we all know she is smarter than us.......and with her new hair thing, she just out classes us.

I don't know about that, but glad you like the bangs, lol!

She can also out-eat most of us... She stole my cheeseburger many years ago. I will never forgive her.

Come up with new material. You have indirectly called me fat about 1000 times. Hope that makes you feel good about yourself. And for the record, I'm not the mooch that would ever take anything, that's you.

No - but during hoops season, PA had asked me to be on just about every week. It was always so much fun, he's a pro.

I don't know about that, but glad you like the bangs, lol!

Come up with new material. You have indirectly called me fat about 1000 times. Hope that makes you feel good about yourself. And for the record, I'm not the mooch that would ever take anything, that's you.

Congrats Nadine! You must have invented the 27 hour day.

Congrats Nadine! You must have invented the 27 hour day.

LOL! There were many times I wish I would of had 3 extra hours each day. Now I don't even know what I'm going to do with all my time...more GH time, that's for sure! :)

LOL! There were many times I wish I would of had 3 extra hours each day. Now I don't even know what I'm going to do with all my time...more GH time, that's for sure! :)

Pick me!!! Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pick me!!! Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha, alright...but I'll need a promotion before I can afford to buy all the beer you require with your lifestyle ;)

Haha, alright...but I'll need a promotion before I can afford to buy all the beer you require with your lifestyle ;)

GL, I am a big boy, I can and will buy all of my own and even some of yours!!!!! :cheer: :drink: :rockon:

Once again, congratulations to you.

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