The fact that he backed into Tubby Smith doesn't change the fact that he butchered an entire basketball season with his inability to make a decision. He didn't do them any favors last year either, between Mbakwe and the UMPD's 'investigation' but at least those situations were understandable, even if still handled very poorly.
How often can the sporting public ignore how often the University has had to endure rape cases. Some were proven false. But, there has been a few convictions. Maturi did the right thing with Mbakwe. I don't allow felons in my house. Maturi shouldn't in his house either. I wouldn't put quotes around the word investigation as if the UMPD is suspect. What possible motivation would you have in tossing the cops under the bus? Poor in one persons opinion, just in another persons. I don't allow thieves in my house either. Who you let in your house is up to you. I understand Mbakwe was not convicted of rape. It would have sullied the University if he had been convicted and we had played him.