Columbia Daily Tribune: The Real 'U' resides in sunny south Florida

I've heard people from Texas refer to Dallas-Fort Worth as the "Twin Cities." To a Minnesotan, that sounds weird, but I don't think its a copyrighted term, so I guess they can call them whatever they want.
In my experience they they are far more likely to use the term, Metroplex, or derisively, Metro Mess, than Twin Cities. Tampa-St Pete is sometime referred to as the 'Twin Cities" but more often 'Twin Ports'.

In my experience they they are far more likely to use the term, Metroplex, or derisively, Metro Mess, than Twin Cities. Tampa-St Pete is sometime referred to as the 'Twin Cities" but more often 'Twin Ports'.

I thought that was Duluth-Superior

I thought that was Duluth-Superior
Actually it is, Tampa-St Pete is far more likely to be called, Tampa-St Pete, than anything else, but the term will occasionally pop up. Both cities sit on Tampa Bay so Bay Area would be appropriate but it's already taken.

If someone asked where I went to school, I would never say the U outside of MN and probably our border states.

If the discussion was about hockey specifically on a national or international message board, I'd say a recruit was going to the U.

If someone asked where I went to school, I would never say the U outside of MN and probably our border states.

If the discussion was about hockey specifically on a national or international message board, I'd say a recruit was going to the U.

I've done it and get Minnesota? more than Miami?

Here is the thing, while athletes (at least in football) use The U to refer to Miami more often, I would bet money more of the general public use it in relation to the U. Mainly due to our alumni base I would guess. We also have more mingling with the surrounding states. It spreads since most other midwest schools (at least in the big ten) use another letter (UW, UI, NW, UM) or more (OSU, MSU) so when someone says "The U" more people know they mean Minnesota. I dunno, just my 5 cents.

Actually it is, Tampa-St Pete is far more likely to be called, Tampa-St Pete, than anything else, but the term will occasionally pop up. Both cities sit on Tampa Bay so Bay Area would be appropriate but it's already taken.

Stayed down in Florida many times. In Orlando, St.Augustine, Miami and Ft.Meyers heard "Tampa/St.Pete" most often. When we stay in the Tampa/Clearwater/St.Pete area we hear that, but mainly hear the "Bay Area".

I bet that must piss Joe Vozzelli off royally. Particularly if he's down there covering a Mizzo loss. :D

I've heard people from Texas refer to Dallas-Fort Worth as the "Twin Cities." To a Minnesotan, that sounds weird, but I don't think its a copyrighted term, so I guess they can call them whatever they want.

Interesting. Lived in DFW almost ten years and never once heard the term Twin Cities used for Dallas Ft.Worth. There is an area referred to as the Park Cities, but the whole area was typically called DFW or "the metroplex".

I live in OUTSTATE Minnesota.
Not too far from MANKATO STATE.
I like to go to up to the CITIES for Gopher games at the U.
Then I go back home to my small town, that does not have any STOP AND GO LIGHTS!

all fixed now. there's the U and the FU

we are not allowed to have nice things. and just when there is less xanax on campus

all fixed now. there's the U and the FU

we are not allowed to have nice things. and just when there is less xanax on campus

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