Colorado coach Deion Sanders again made no recruiting trips: 'I'm not doing that'

I can certainly see how making recruiting trips would take away time and resources from promoting the Prime Brand. Those California Almonds certainly aren't going to sell all by themselves.

I'm guessing the University of Colorado Admin is OK with Sanders selling the Coach Prime Brand and the Buffalos benefit by association.

It will be interesting if he can maintain his success after losing two top 5 picks.
They are still in the Big 12 so that improves odds of sustained success in a garbage conference. The conference change is what drove most of their improvement from 2023 to 2024.

He clearly tried to get an NFL job this off season and failed. Will be interesting to see how long he actually sticks round without his kids and Hunter on the squad.

Just curious what people really think of what Deion Sanders is doing at Colorado?
This past season, most thought he had the best QB, the best WR and the best CB in all of college football and CO did not make the playoffs.

Do I like what he is does for kids? Absolutely.
Do I like his arrogance? No. A complete turnoff.
Do I think he can coach? I'm not sure.
Does he attract some good players? Certainly but some end up leaving his program.

Here is my question, with his son and Hunter not around next year, what do all of you really
think is going to happen with Colorado?

Deion is certainly entertaining but should people take him more serious as a coach?
I struggle with that so I'm just curious to get other people's view on Deion.

Just curious what people really think of what Deion Sanders is doing at Colorado?
This past season, most thought he had the best QB, the best WR and the best CB in all of college football and CO did not make the playoffs.

Do I like what he is does for kids? Absolutely.
Do I like his arrogance? No. A complete turnoff.
Do I think he can coach? I'm not sure.
Does he attract some good players? Certainly but some end up leaving his program.

Here is my question, with his son and Hunter not around next year, what do all of you really
think is going to happen with Colorado?

Deion is certainly entertaining but should people take him more serious as a coach?
I struggle with that so I'm just curious to get other people's view on Deion.
I know you just recently joined, but over the past 2 seasons he's been discussed on this board ad naseum. You can go back and find other threads on it and read those, but I don't think there will be much appetite for this to be rehashed again.

And I'm not trying to sound harsh, you asked good questions. It's just that all of it was discussed already.

Gotta admit, their commercials aren't bad. The Heisman House stuff though...oooof. Nissan needs to back up the brinks truck and hire the Dr. Pepper Fansville people.
I like the Heismam House spots. Not all of them hit the mark but the concept is strong. I want them to put together at least one commercial with the most (relatively) obscure/forgotten living Heisman winners. Ty Detmer, Jason White, Troy Smith, Eric Crouch, Danny Wuerffel, Gino Toretta and Rashaan Salaam stand around a new car complaining that not even driving around in a Nissan Rogue can get them noticed. That would be funny.

I like the Heismam House spots. Not all of them hit the mark but the concept is strong. I want them to put together at least one commercial with the most (relatively) obscure/forgotten living Heisman winners. Ty Detmer, Jason White, Troy Smith, Eric Crouch, Danny Wuerffel, Gino Toretta and Rashaan Salaam stand around a new car complaining that not even driving around in a Nissan Rogue can get them noticed. That would be funny.
It might be more creepy than funny seeing as how Rashaan Salaam is dead.

I like the Heismam House spots. Not all of them hit the mark but the concept is strong. I want them to put together at least one commercial with the most (relatively) obscure/forgotten living Heisman winners. Ty Detmer, Jason White, Troy Smith, Eric Crouch, Danny Wuerffel, Gino Toretta and Rashaan Salaam stand around a new car complaining that not even driving around in a Nissan Rogue can get them noticed. That would be funny.
...and probably the first one to make me laugh. I agree the concept is school, but the plot/humor is awful. What was the last one, Spurrier walking around in gator boots and then Tebow pretending to be worried and attempting to call the Florida mascot??? I mean, junior high interns should be able to do better than that.

I know you just recently joined, but over the past 2 seasons he's been discussed on this board ad naseum. You can go back and find other threads on it and read those, but I don't think there will be much appetite for this to be rehashed again.

And I'm not trying to sound harsh, you asked good questions. It's just that all of it was discussed already.
This is your version of 'hello'?

Same thing happened to your husband's 2022 class.
Never argued Fleck was an amazing recruiter for one. And having it happen to one of ten classes is a little different than having it happen to your only class. Also your info isn’t even accurate. Bixby medically retired, Schwartz just transferred out after two years, not one. Knuth was the only one that transferred after a year.
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Never argued Fleck was an amazing recruiter for one. And having it happen to one of ten classes is a little different than having it happen to your only class. Also your info isn’t even accurate. Bixby medically retired, Schwartz just transferred out after two years, not one. Knuth was the only one that transferred after a year.
Youre arguing semantics, none of them played any meaningful football here and left early. Bixby is on another team.
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Youre arguing semantics, none of them played any meaningful football here and left early. Bixby is on another team.
And what are you arguing? That Prime does recruit well? Using Fleck as your example? Ok Heather.

I read it clearly enough. Sarcasm noted.
Ok, you wrote back politely, as will I. I didn't think I was being rude, and the OP even responded with a "Thank you!".

Since that post, there is like 1 reply in here about Coach Prime, and it's actually a question, not a statement. So it doesn't look like people were really interested in talking about him, as I kinda predicted.

Ok, you wrote back politely, as will I. I didn't think I was being rude, and the OP even responded with a "Thank you!".

Since that post, there is like 1 reply in here about Coach Prime, and it's actually a question, not a statement. So it doesn't look like people were really interested in talking about him, as I kinda predicted.
It is a Gopher football board. I'm not really interested in him. I did read the threads to see if there were interesting tidbits on him. There was a bit as I usually read them but typically don't respond. But then I saw the usual bickering that gets tiresome.

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