Colin Cowherd..

I'd rather be a whiner than someone who whines about the whiners.

When you're talking about a place, the correct word is "here". There's a neat little trick you can use. "Hear" has the word "ear" right in it.

Hey, it's kind of fun to hop up on a soapbox and call out everyone else.

Two words: Get bent.

Two words: Grow up.
Many words: Learn how not to generalize an entire board of people by the comments of a few. Folks will be less likely to think you're a blathering fool that way.

I agree with you B-Town, the comment doesn't really bother me if it was part of a SportsNation type of thing. That's the entire point of the show and taking jabs at programs and such is sort of what it's about. He still isn't entertaining to me but that kind of gimmick doesn't bother me.

I don't watch SportsNation. I watched it a little in the beginning, but not since. Nothing against it, just better things to do.

I stand by my comment that I'm a Cowherd fan though. I think he's far from Rome or a "shock jock". He's smart, he understands his business thoroughly. One way to look at it is he's a "frontrunner" or however you want to put it and another is that he just appreciates excellence and doesn't apologize for it. I actually enjoy his takes on life in general as much or more than I do his thoughts on sports.

I wouldn't expect everyone to appreciate his show. That's the way it is. If you're looking for somebody to talk about batting averages and completion percentages, his show isn't for you.

He's a carbon copy of every other ESPN employee. Goes out of his way to be either wacky, zany or controversial. I grew tired of ESPN a long, long time ago. Show some highlights, report the scores and pertinent information and move on. If you need to invent a catchphrase to get people to notice you, you're not very good at your job. Say what you want about the Twin Cities media, but I think we're pretty lucky with Schmidt, Rosen and Shaver. There's a reason Russell Shimoka lasted about a week.

I'm right with you on ESPN. IMO SportsCenter has become nearly unwatchable. Back when Patrick and Olberman were there it had a good amount of witty, intelligent humor. The people they have now spew so many dumb catch phrases that I can't take much of it before I have to change the channel.

You're probably right. He kept going on and Beadle interrupted him. Why he brought up football when a basketball highlight was shown, I don't know. I'm just venting my frustrations.

Wait, Beadle has a co-host?

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