
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
Let's hope our visitors from Texas bring some warm clothes...highs in the 30's on saturday?!?! jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze us.

RE: Cold Weekend

I hear what you are saying, but now that we are playing outside, we have to have
guys who are tough enough to play in 30 degree weather.

If they get spooked by the upper 30's, they probably wouldn't fit in here anyways!!

Ironically, it is looking like a nice warming trend for NEXT week... just in time for the Gophers to go on the road for two weeks. :(

Yeah, I noticed that. 25 tomorrow morning is the coldest it's gonna be in a little while and the Gophers will be on the road lol. Hey, they play in stuff colder than this in the NFL. If these guys are serious about getting to that level, they can't be scared of a couple games in 30° weather.

I don't care, I was just expecting this against Illinois or SDSU. This really is an Inconvenient Truth.

Let's hope our visitors from Texas bring some warm clothes...highs in the 30's on saturday?!?! jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze us.

If it's between us, Nebraska and Missouri we'll be fine. They could DROWNED playing in Columbia last night!

I brought a good warm jacket that just happens to be red. I will stick out like a sore thumb.

I brought a good warm jacket that just happens to be red. I will stick out like a sore thumb.

Apologies in advance for the yahoos who think you're a Badger fan trying to rub it in.

Maybe they will see that I have a Razorback hat on.

I brought a good warm jacket that just happens to be red. I will stick out like a sore thumb.

Dress in layers. Maroon and Gold colored layers!:D Seriously, The Arkansas hat will help.

I hear what you are saying, but now that we are playing outside, we have to have
guys who are tough enough to play in 30 degree weather.

If they get spooked by the upper 30's, they probably wouldn't fit in here anyways!!

Exactly. The NFL wants guys that can play in the cold too.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Maybe they will see that I have a Razorback hat on.

Many will but I'm thinking you might run into 1 or 2 really drunk winners who can't see past their Badger hatred. So again, apologies in advance for the few knuckleheads you might run into. :)

BTW, aren't your Hogs playing at the same time as the Gophers?

Yes they are.
I have friends that are texting me with Arkansas/Auburn updates.
I figure it will be a long game since neither team plays defense.
So the Gopher game will be over long before the Hog game is.

Yes they are.
I have friends that are texting me with Arkansas/Auburn updates.
I figure it will be a long game since neither team plays defense.
So the Gopher game will be over long before the Hog game is.

You should try to befriend someone working at the McNamara alumni center GameDay Party. That way, you can convince them to put the Hog game up on the big screen after the Gophers game. ;)

We live in Minnesota, we not becky's'we can handle the cold

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