Coach Kill's surprise visit to the team today at the game

why was he there?

Yeah, not to mention he probably got up at 3 am with Rebecca in order for them to get there an hour before the game started. I can understand him looking a little out of it.

Let me preface this statement by saying I was incredibly impressed with how prepared this team for this this game and how well Tracy Claeys handled the most difficult coaching job in america on Saturday. Great win. NW was still reeling from OSU loss and we took advantage like we needed to, very satisfying win.

Having said that, what the hell is Kill doing at the game? He looks terrible in that video clip, completely out of it. I know he's probably on meds and acclimating to that, totally get that, but this whole get up at 3am deal to drive to the game? WTF? He's on medical leave! Did his doctor approve of this plan? If fatigue and stress are factors (as we all assume) how is getting up at 3 to drive to chicago consistent with his treatment regime?

Also, are we to believe he decided, quite literally in the middle of the night he was feeling well enough to head to the game? That kind of impulsive decision making consistent with keeping with his treatment regime? Did he alert the athletic department before he left or after he was already almost there?
Why not decide the day before and hop on a plane?

Nothing about this appearance makes sense to me, but in the end the Gophs got the road win so I wont waste anymore time wringing my hands over it this week.

Let me preface this statement by saying I was incredibly impressed with how prepared this team for this this game and how well Tracy Claeys handled the most difficult coaching job in america on Saturday. Great win. NW was still reeling from OSU loss and we took advantage like we needed to, very satisfying win.

Having said that, what the hell is Kill doing at the game? He looks terrible in that video clip, completely out of it. I know he's probably on meds and acclimating to that, totally get that, but this whole get up at 3am deal to drive to the game? WTF? He's on medical leave! Did his doctor approve of this plan? If fatigue and stress are factors (as we all assume) how is getting up at 3 to drive to chicago consistent with his treatment regime?

Also, are we to believe he decided, quite literally in the middle of the night he was feeling well enough to head to the game? That kind of impulsive decision making consistent with keeping with his treatment regime? Did he alert the athletic department before he left or after he was already almost there?
Why not decide the day before and hop on a plane?

Nothing about this appearance makes sense to me, but in the end the Gophs got the road win so I wont waste anymore time wringing my hands over it this week.

I'm not going to question him being there, but at the very least, a guy making over a million dollars a year couldn't spring for 2 tickets on one of 10 or so early Saturday morning flights from MSP to Chicago that would have gotten him there on time?

I'm not going to question him being there, but at the very least, a guy making over a million dollars a year couldn't spring for 2 tickets on one of 10 or so early Saturday morning flights from MSP to Chicago that would have gotten him there on time?

I would guess that risking a seizure on an airplane is what they wanted to stay away from.

I would guess that risking a seizure on an airplane is what they wanted to stay away from.

I dont' buy that. How is that any more like than a seizure in a car? Honestly, if he's having them so often he can't fly then the situation is far worse than we think. I doubt that factored in.

I would guess that risking a seizure on an airplane is what they wanted to stay away from.

Had this been worked through the athletic department they probably could have figured out a way to get him down there on a private plane of some kind. But yeah I would assume your response would explain why he would not have flown commercial. The fact that he and Rebecca drove is all the proof I need that this decision was made with no knowledge from the department that he was planning to come to the game.

Whether it was a good decision, or bad decision that is up to Kill and his doctors to decide.

I dont' buy that. How is that any more like than a seizure in a car? Honestly, if he's having them so often he can't fly then the situation is far worse than we think. I doubt that factored in.

The situation did call for him to take a leave, and they are treating him. Maybe changes with meds are taking place that are fairly new and they don't know how he will react. Like I said, it was a guess. I do know that I would much rather be in a car if something went wrong. I would be that much closer to help or medical attention.

Had this been worked through the athletic department they probably could have figured out a way to get him down there on a private plane of some kind. But yeah I would assume your response would explain why he would not have flown commercial. The fact that he and Rebecca drove is all the proof I need that this decision was made with no knowledge from the department that he was planning to come to the game.

Whether it was a good decision, or bad decision that is up to Kill and his doctors to decide.

I don't know about that, but it is not important to me. He and his wife have been driving around the country for years together. So he sleeps in the car and watches a game live vs. sleeping on his couch and watching on TV, who cares?. It seemed like his appearance was appreciated, and we won, and he is still alive.

I dont' buy that. How is that any more like than a seizure in a car? Honestly, if he's having them so often he can't fly then the situation is far worse than we think. I doubt that factored in.

Assuming the risk of a seizure is the same whether he flies or drives, which of these scenarios would you go with?

1 - Have a seizure in the car with his wife who has dealt with his condition many times and knows exactly what to do.
2 - Have a seizure on a commercial airplane with his wife and a whole bunch of other people

No harm done, move along. He's taking a leave from coaching. He never said he'd be bed ridden the whole time.

Was it a controversy when the colts coach with cancer made an appearance in his locker room after a game?

That's Beth and Joey. If it had been Spielman or Herbstreit you wouldn't have had to put up with that, how many times by the way did Beth Mullins say Northwestern when she meant Minnesota? She is Dave Lee bad.

Beth and Joey treated it like it was a WWE storyline. It was unbelievable.

Beth: Joey, is that Jerry Kill in the pressbox? Oh my God it is!!!
Joey: It is. What does this mean? He's not on a leave of absence if he's in the stadium.
Beth:Has he talked to the players?!?!?!?? Is he involved in the playcalling?!?!??!?
Joey: I have never seen anything like this before. We have some of ESPN's finest crew members looking into this now.
Beth: This is unbelievable. I am at a loss for words.
Joey: Was Kill involved in the decision to have Mitch start the second half?
Beth: Northwestern may have a man with a neurological problem calling plays and making personnel decisions!!
Joey: Yep.
Beth: Wait, I meant the Gophers... Nelson will carry it himself for another Northwestern first down.......

Like usual, lots of speculation with no real knowledge.

Maybe he wanted to wait until early Saturday morning because he didn't want to commit to it until he knew for sure he was feeling well enough.

Maybe he prefers to ride in the car with his wife instead of flying on a private jet.

Maybe he wanted to show up when he did without the team's knowledge so he wasn't a distraction.

Either way, why does it matter? As afurry91 said, no harm was done.

If he had a seizure in a car, his wife can immediately pull over, and she can be at a hospital within minutes. If he had a seizure on a plane, it's national news. Riding in a car isn't that big a deal, it's not like he's driving it.

Jerry's not an idiot. I'm sure he considered options and factors and when it came down to it, he wanted to be at the danged game. I'm sure there were/are plenty that didn't want him there. Glad he's the head coach and it's his decision.

Maybe he didn't want to walk through MSP in Gopher gear with people seeing him getting on a flight to Chicago and tweeting pictures of it?

This is a tough one for me. I totally understand Kill's desire for wanting to be around the team, especially on game day, after you have invested as much time and emotion into something I'm sure it has to be extremely hard to stay away, I'd have a hard time too.

Having said that, I think this was a poor decision, even though it seemed to give the players a boost and they seemed happy by it.

But....and this is not out of the realm of possibility because they told us they are still tweaking his medications, he is extremely tired (you can tell by the video) and there is stress involved not only from the travel but also watching the game, what if God forbid he had another seizure at the game within eyesight of reporters? How many of us live and die with every play and are anxious and on the edge of our seats? Magnify this by 100x for Kill with as much he has invested in it.

We would all then be questioning his judgement then and probably be saying it's time to move on, at least the media would be and you would wonder about the Administration. It will be interesting to see how Teague comments on this, whether he is on board with this or not.

Far too risky to put your own desires before the program's at this juncture in my opinion. Glad it worked out, still a Kill supporter but that doesn't mean I can't question the wisdom here.

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