Coach Kill's surprise visit to the team today at the game


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Nov 11, 2008
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I'm sure this is buried in the in-game thread, but I thought it deserved its own. I imagine this was an emotional lift for the team.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Per <a href="">@jgkfan</a>, Gophers Jerry Kill is at the game, sitting up towards the coaching boxes. He isn't coaching but he did address the team.</p>— (@GopherHole) <a href="">October 19, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

per Shooter:

The Gophers football team didn't know that its head coach, Jerry Kill, would attend the Northwestern game, which started at 11 a.m. Saturday, until an hour before game time.

Kill, who took last week off for treatment of his epilepsy, telephoned from the car he was being driven in to say he was 45 minutes from the stadium. That got the Gophers' staff scrambling, trying to find a way to get him through traffic to Evanston, Ill., find a place to park and get him to the press box.

Kill was dropped off at the stadium entrance, then security escorted him to the press box in time for the opening kickoff and his team's 20-17 victory.

Kill briefly addressed the team at halftime, telling them they were better than they think they are and to go out in the second half and win a game and have fun.

Go Gophers!!

per Marcus:

"He's kind of like Linus' blanket," Claeys said. "To have him around just makes everybody feel comfortable because he means a hell of a lot to all of us. That's what I told them at halftime: 'If Coach can make the effort to get here and drive, then we can dig a little bit deeper and play just a little bit harder. It'll be special to be able to finish it off.' I'm so proud of them."

Go Gophers!!

Even though the Gophs are my team and I am happy Kill was there, did the damn tv coverage need to spend so much time showing JKill in the box? The first time was cool, every time after that it was beating a dead horse.

PiPress: Gophers' Jerry Kill makes trip to Illinois, watches game from press box

"He didn't come here to coach," said Gophers associate athletic director Chris Werle, who had no update on Kill's condition.

Kill was driven to the game Saturday by his wife, Rebecca. He missed his first game in a 42-13 loss at Michigan on Oct. 5 after having his fifth game-day seizure while at Minnesota.

Go Gophers!!

per Marcus:

"He's kind of like Linus' blanket," Claeys said. "To have him around just makes everybody feel comfortable because he means a hell of a lot to all of us. That's what I told them at halftime: 'If Coach can make the effort to get here and drive, then we can dig a little bit deeper and play just a little bit harder. It'll be special to be able to finish it off.' I'm so proud of them."

Go Gophers!!

First ever Head Coach to be compared to Linus from Peanuts, I gotta believe.

Even though the Gophs are my team and I am happy Kill was there, did the damn tv coverage need to spend so much time showing JKill in the box? The first time was cool, every time after that it was beating a dead horse.

With the nature of the media, I bet they were hoping they could get a shot of the booth later in the game and if they didn't see Kill, they could speculate that he had another seizure.

With the nature of the media, I bet they were hoping they could get a shot of the booth later in the game and if they didn't see Kill, they could speculate that he had another seizure.

At least the person they were showing had something to do with the team, and not a family member or celebrity like you see a lot of times. I don't care what so and so's parents are doing after each play.

Even though the Gophs are my team and I am happy Kill was there, did the damn tv coverage need to spend so much time showing JKill in the box? The first time was cool, every time after that it was beating a dead horse.

That's Beth and Joey. If it had been Spielman or Herbstreit you wouldn't have had to put up with that, how many times by the way did Beth Mullins say Northwestern when she meant Minnesota? She is Dave Lee bad.

That's Beth and Joey. If it had been Spielman or Herbstreit you wouldn't have had to put up with that, how many times by the way did Beth Mullins say Northwestern when she meant Minnesota? She is Dave Lee bad.

Yeah that was bugging me too. It's one thing to occasionally butcher a name, but to say the wrong team on several occasions, inexcusable. Of course you know they can't get rid of her without a discrimination complaint, but she is bad.

At least the person they were showing had something to do with the team, and not a family member or celebrity like you see a lot of times. I don't care what so and so's parents are doing after each play.
That garbage really got ramped up in the late 90s with Kurt Warner's wife and Jamal Anderson's mom.

This is in another thread too but some might not have seen it yet. It shows Kill giving a few words to the players after the game. Also, Tracy Claeys is a pretty quiet guy but I thought he gave a great message to the players as well.


This is in another thread too but some might not have seen it yet. It shows Kill giving a few words to the players after the game. Also, Tracy Claeys is a pretty quiet guy but I thought he gave a great message to the players as well.

I'm guessing that's been that hardest part of taking over for now for Claeys. The head coach has a ton of media obligations. That said, I think he's done a good job with it.

It struck me as a bit self serving and unnecassary for him to go to the game but we won and he didn't seize so it's all good.

That's Beth and Joey. If it had been Spielman or Herbstreit you wouldn't have had to put up with that, how many times by the way did Beth Mullins say Northwestern when she meant Minnesota? She is Dave Lee bad.

I'm not sure if this was intentional and the joke just went over my head, but it's Beth Mowins. Just a little ironic to call someone out for butchering names while calling them by the wrong one yourself.

I'm not sure if this was intentional and the joke just went over my head, but it's Beth Mowins. Just a little ironic to call someone out for butchering names while calling them by the wrong one yourself.

It's OK if I do it, but you'd better not do it.

It struck me as a bit self serving and unnecassary for him to go to the game but we won and he didn't seize so it's all good.

I don't think Jerry is a self serving type of a guy. You've got it wrong.

That's Beth and Joey. If it had been Spielman or Herbstreit you wouldn't have had to put up with that, how many times by the way did Beth Mullins say Northwestern when she meant Minnesota? She is Dave Lee bad.

The trifecta of sports broadcasting would have to be Beth, Dave, and AggieVision. Think of all the fun!

I'm not sure if this was intentional and the joke just went over my head, but it's Beth Mowins. Just a little ironic to call someone out for butchering names while calling them by the wrong one yourself.

He also doesn't get a pretty lucrative gig and paycheck from ESPN so I can let it slide.

It struck me as a bit self serving and unnecassary for him to go to the game but we won and he didn't seize so it's all good.

This would make sense if he made some kind of announcement before the game, stood on the sideline in clear sight, did a bunch of interviews, and essentially took over for Claeys.

It is possible he just wanted to be there with his team. I don't think there was anything more to it.

This would make sense if he made some kind of announcement before the game, stood on the sideline in clear sight, did a bunch of interviews, and essentially took over for Claeys.

It is possible he just wanted to be there with his team. I don't think there was anything more to it.

Totally agree. He's a coach for cripes sakes. He's going to want to be as close to his team as possible and I think he handled it just right. More interesting to me is the possible discussion that ensued when he said to his wife about 3:00 in the morning, "Honey, wake up. I want to go to Evanston. I feel fine. Will you drive me?"

The trifecta of sports broadcasting would have to be Beth, Dave, and AggieVision. Think of all the fun!

The reporting me thinks was a giant blooper newsreel. Here is something bring relief to whatever ails you. Watch the last blooper of two Hogs Eye fans...:pig:


This is in another thread too but some might not have seen it yet. It shows Kill giving a few words to the players after the game. Also, Tracy Claeys is a pretty quiet guy but I thought he gave a great message to the players as well.

Really nice video, there's no doubt those coaches and players have a ton of love and respect for Jerry. I hope Jerry leans a bit more on Claeys going forward to help lighten the load a bit. Did anyone notice coach Kill looked really tired/ out of it? I'm guessing they likely have him on a new prescription he is adjusting to.

Really nice video, there's no doubt those coaches and players have a ton of love and respect for Jerry. I hope Jerry leans a bit more on Claeys going forward to help lighten the load a bit. Did anyone notice coach Kill looked really tired/ out of it? I'm guessing they likely have him on a new prescription he is adjusting to.

Yeah, not to mention he probably got up at 3 am with Rebecca in order for them to get there an hour before the game started. I can understand him looking a little out of it.

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