Coach Kill is on the Sports Huddle

4four4, Coach Kill did discuss recruiting when he answered some questions by Dave via email and twitter queries. He said they would recruit JUCO players occasionally and selectively; primarily to fill immediate needs and that they "must be able to handle things in school and are a good fit." Kill used the term "a good fit" several times. He said he had good connections with the junior college coaches, especially in Kansas. His primary emphasis in recruiting, however, would be in the high school ranks (having a player for 4-5 years for development, depth and continuity versus JUCO players for two years). He also said it's not an easy transition for a JUCO player to a four-year school, which only amplified his preference and intent to recruit the high school ranks.

Go Gophers!!

Bob, I am glad I wasn't the only one confused by his post.

Sidenote: I am disappointed in Brew's lack of RS. I understand we didn't have a lot of depth, but how nice would it have been to use a RS on players like Dajon McKight and Eric Lair, even on his first season on campus. He would come in and run a wildcat play or two and sit on the bench the rest of the game.

Ask yourself how many 6th year medical reshirts has Minnesota had in the past 20 years? Could the football team have used the services of Jimmy Wyrick, or Ryan Roth? Both lost seasons to injury recovery. Shall I go on?

Ask yourself how many 6th year medical reshirts has Minnesota had in the past 20 years? Could the football team have used the services of Jimmy Wyrick, or Ryan Roth? Both lost seasons to injury recovery. Shall I go on?

How many 6th year medical redshirts has college football had the past 20 years? It is not something that the NCAA hands out on a regular basis.

I didn't disagree with your original post, I didn't understand what you were saying.

I am not an expert on this, but I think I remember hearing for at least two players, we did apply and were turned down. Applying for an additional year, for somebody you know can play seems obvious unless the probability is so low that it is not worth it if you have to leave a scholarship open.
In the case of Mason's teams it would especially make sense, because they knew some of their late recruits were long shots to ever play anyway.

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