Coach Kill is on the Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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He said they will definitely have policies related to the social media.

Spent time yesterday with staff working out expectations for the coaching staff and players. They worked on plans related to a Code of Conduct.

Go Gophers

Just said he is working on getting a sixth year for Royston. Says it might be difficult to get a redshirt for Kirkwood.

Love Sid, he is a sports legend in this state and beyond....however, it is so tough to listen to him and conduct interviews....Tough situation for WCCO. What do you do? To promote the U with him messing kids names and getting info wrong, to me just isn't good PR. Don't get me wrong...nobody loves the U more than Sid and I get all of that, just think his radio days are over. Ray Christianson got it, now maybe it's time for Sid to step aside.

I could listen to Coach Kill all day. They better keep him a regular all year around. Love the weekly updates and conversations they have with him on the Huddle.

Just said he is working on getting a sixth year for Royston. Says it might be difficult to get a redshirt for Kirkwood.

Stop the presses. A Coach at the U is working on a Medical Redshirt for a player. That is news. How many athletes have found the staff disinterested, uniformed, or unwilling. I think I can name more than a handful of players who were left to exit stage left.

Thank you Coach.

Stop the presses. A Coach at the U is working on a Medical Redshirt for a player. That is news. How many athletes have found the staff disinterested, uniformed, or unwilling. I think I can name more than a handful of players who were left to exit stage left.

Thank you Coach.

I am probably coming off really naive here, but could you explain what you are saying here? Did prior regimes not RS properly or know when they can or can't get a 6th year?

I am probably coming off really naive here, but could you explain what you are saying here? Did prior regimes not RS properly or know when they can or can't get a 6th year?

Bob, I am glad I wasn't the only one confused by his post.

Sidenote: I am disappointed in Brew's lack of RS. I understand we didn't have a lot of depth, but how nice would it have been to use a RS on players like Dajon McKight and Eric Lair, even on his first season on campus. He would come in and run a wildcat play or two and sit on the bench the rest of the game.

Coach Kill also said he might consider 'stickers on helmets'. Too late in year to change uniforms so next year will be the same uniforms. He didn't say they would keep changing them week to week though.

I believe he said last year was the first year he put names on the back of uniforms.

I do not like stickers on the helmets. It seems to make a team of have,s and have- nots. Is that good for team unity?
Some players will never see the field but they bust it in practice for the length of their college carrier.
They do not get the same chance to collect a stable of stickers. Handing out stickers should stay in grade school. These are young adults, not Children.

I do not like stickers on the helmets. It seems to make a class of have,s and have- nots.
Some players will never see the field but they bust it in practice for the length of their college carrier.
They do not get the same chance to collect a stable of stickers. Stickers should stay in grade school.

Everyone gets a trophy! Everyone wins! Hugs all around!

It would kick a$$ if Royston was awarded a medical redshirt. I would be very excited about our prospects next year with him in the defensive backfield.

The difficulty with kids that age is that they are both men and boys simultaneously. That is why they can get in so much trouble so fast, they don't even have to be a chronically bad kid. Dom Jones was a great kid based on everything publicly known about him up until the drunken episode.


Why is a red-shirt a problem for Royston? What are the issues?

Why is a red-shirt a problem for Royston? What are the issues?

Isn't a part of the problem with Mr. Royston has to pay the way of Kim. Remember he wasn't on scholarship here because he transferred within the same conference. Not sure if that is an NCAA rule or just a B1G rule.

I'd love to see him back to help mentor the new guys w/ all that said.


Why is a red-shirt a problem for Royston? What are the issues?

I believe he used his red-shirt when he transferred from Wisconsin. I believe there is still a "5 years to play 4" rule and you have to petition to go beyond that.

For the record, I don't like stickers either. I think it was Woody Hayes' idea.

For the record, I don't like stickers either. I think it was Woody Hayes' idea.

I saw something about helmet stickers not too long ago. I think there are only 12 D1 schools still giving them out. I like what Georgia does with the bones, small enough that they don't overwhelm the helmet, but still there. What would we even use?

I saw something about helmet stickers not too long ago. I think there are only 12 D1 schools still giving them out. I like what Georgia does with the bones, small enough that they don't overwhelm the helmet, but still there. What would we even use?

Little Goldy heads or tiny Ms would be possibilities. But yeah, keep them off completely.

I say give them stickers for good plays but make them put them on their Dawson Creek Trapper Keepers.

I saw something about helmet stickers not too long ago. I think there are only 12 D1 schools still giving them out. I like what Georgia does with the bones, small enough that they don't overwhelm the helmet, but still there. What would we even use?

Gopher Holes????

I do not like stickers on the helmets. It seems to make a class of have,s and have- nots. Is that good for team unity?
Some players will never see the field but they bust it in practice for the length of their college carrier.
They do not get the same chance to collect a stable of stickers. Handing out stickers should stay in grade school. These are young adults, not Children.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ohio St. doesn't hand them out for individual achievements, but rather for team and "unit" successes. For instance, if the team wins, everyone gets so many. And if the defense achieves a set goal, everyone on the defense gets the sticker regardless of how much time they play. If the Gophers were ever to do that, I think that's how you have to do it. I don't like the stickers for individual success.

I don't like the stickers. I'd rather keep the helmets uncluttered looking and free of visual distractions like that.

The Gophers wear beautiful helmets. Stickers will turn them into Scrapbooks.

I do not like stickers on the helmets. It seems to make a class of have,s and have- nots. Is that good for team unity?
Some players will never see the field but they bust it in practice for the length of their college carrier.
They do not get the same chance to collect a stable of stickers. Handing out stickers should stay in grade school. These are young adults, not Children.

If used correctly, I am all for them. I dont see Georgia or OSU having problems. The Sporting News had a article a few issues ago about helmet stickers. There are not that many schools that use them, I think it was around 17 D1 schools. Georgia gives them out for football (white bones) and also the classroom (black bones). tOSU only gives them out team accomplishments. One for a win, two for a big ten win. differernt goals for both O, D , and Special teams each week. trys to include everyone, not just the stars. the article said BYU had to stop with them as the O was getting way more than the D and it created problems between the two units. It was an interesting article. I am sure Kill will use them in a way that everyone will have a chance to earn them, not just the players who play in games.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ohio St. doesn't hand them out for individual achievements, but rather for team and "unit" successes. For instance, if the team wins, everyone gets so many. And if the defense achieves a set goal, everyone on the defense gets the sticker regardless of how much time they play. If the Gophers were ever to do that, I think that's how you have to do it. I don't like the stickers for individual success.

It's both. You can be awarded individual stickers, but everyone gets one for each win. Here is a good read about it.

I think tOSU and Florida State's look the best. Georgia's and Clemson's look awful to me. For me it would depend what they looked like and if we changed our helmet's. I could see them being pretty sick or the U really screwing it up.

Correct me if I'm wrong...we used to have stars for stickers under call stoll for bit right? Or was it Salem?

Kill say anything else?

Stickers are a bad idea.

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