Claeys to KSTP: "I won't be up here freezing my ass off, so y'all enjoy the winter"

Don't feel bad for Claeys. In very short order he will have a good job as a coordinator and be laughing at Kaler/Coyles as they are left to clean up the mess.

Within in a year we see a story in the Strib about how he landed on his feet and is happy and it'll be clear he's actually the big winner here.

Maybe Penn State can hire him. They just gave up 52.

So even if you can only compare a 9 win season to 1999 and further, we've won 9 games twice in 17 years

# of wins isn't everything. If you were to do an honest ranking of Gopher best football seasons in the last 30 years, this one probably wouldn't crack the top 5. That said, he wasn't fired because he lost too many games.

# of wins isn't everything. If you were to do an honest ranking of Gopher best football seasons in the last 30 years, this one probably wouldn't crack the top 5. That said, he wasn't fired because he lost too many games.

Maybe I have a different opinion than you, but I watch Gopher football in the hopes that they win games. That's what I judge each season on. I've had season tickets for 30 years and I hope they win every game, that's about all their is to it. This "scandal" is no where near what it has been made out as. Claeys tried to stay on good terms with his players and got fired because of it.

You can't blame the guy for being pissed. I can think of a lot worse things he could have said in that situation. I find it funny how easy it is to get people all worked up over nothing.

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# of wins isn't everything. If you were to do an honest ranking of Gopher best football seasons in the last 30 years, this one probably wouldn't crack the top 5. That said, he wasn't fired because he lost too many games.

It wouldn't? How do you figure? The 1999, 2003, and 2014 seasons are the only ones in the ballpark. Which others would even be in the conversation?

It wouldn't? How do you figure? The 1999, 2003, and 2014 seasons are the only ones in the ballpark. What others would even be in the conversation.

2013 is the only other one in the conversation

I really enjoyed 2005 but was not comparable by resume

Get some damn stability in this program. When you have to reset to square one every four years it's hard to build a program. Lost all respect for Coyle/the administration with this decision.

We elect a President every four years. Just think what that does to a nation. Would you advocate a constitutional dictatorship? Don't need to answer.

We elect a President every four years. Just think what that does to a nation. Would you advocate a constitutional dictatorship? Don't need to answer.

You're comparing the president of the most powerful country in the world to a mediocre college football team? Seems like the same scenario... Wisconsin hasn't fired a coach since 1989 and Iowa has had two coaches since 1978. Yet we've had more coaches than I can remember in 10 years.

Good for him. The way this situation was handled was dreadful and so unfair to Claeys

Jon KrawczynskiVerified account
Clear from Coyle's press conference he had higher expectations on field as well as off. Wants more than 9-4.

Jon KrawczynskiVerified account
Coyle: "We need a leader who sets high expectations athletically, academically, and socially."


But ya, what Claeys said is SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad.:rolleyes:

A fella has to keep warm somehow.

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Claeys has his bar in Kansas. He'll be just fine. It's all of us who are left with the snakes in the grass who are running the U of MN.

Is anyone actually offended by this?

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+1 i read it on twitter and thought to myself "good for Claeys" and then kept scrolling down. Never even gave it much thought.

Claeys has his bar in Kansas. He'll be just fine. It's all of us who are left with the snakes in the grass who are running the U of MN.

Perhaps you should join him. Maybe he could use a lackey there to do odd jobs.Maybe not as many snakes in Kansas.

No surprise there. I liked Claeys but he was a total pussy about the cold. The snowsuit/toque could have become an internet meme.

I can imagine he isn't too happy, so it doesn't surprise me that he might lash out a bit at the state in general. However, it doesn't bother me anyway, it's not like it's not cold here. I get more offended when people other places (that aren't) try to say it's just as cold there.

Perhaps you should join him. Maybe he could use a lackey there to do odd jobs.Maybe not as many snakes in Kansas.
Nah, gotta keep some sanity in the Northland rather than leave the State to you treehuggers.

Can't wait to see Claeys' name pop up as the new Defensive Coordinator for the Edmonton Eskimos of the CFL.

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