Claeys to KSTP: "I won't be up here freezing my ass off, so y'all enjoy the winter"

I would assume his tone was in his folksy Kansas tone so I'm not offended

I would assume his tone was in his folksy Kansas tone so I'm not offended

They showed it live and he came off snarky talking over his shoulder while he kept walking. Granted these TV fools are always sticking a camera in someone's face after something bad has happened. Plus, even @ -30 is that cold enough to freeze 400 lbs.?

Almost as bad as his shopping at Walmart over Target.

Let's all hate him after our second 9 win season in a century

"Winter" = parting metaphor for the cold and dark the Gopher football program will go through without him.

Serious question: How long has the U been playing 13 games seasons consistently?

Not gonna lie...feels like Winter is Coming and we just chopped off Ned Starks head.

Serious question: How long has the U been playing 13 games seasons consistently?
I want to say the move to 12 regular season was around 2000

1999 sun bowl team was 8-3 going into the bowl

Gotta love that Maryland/Rutgers inflation.

There have always been bad teams in the Big Ten. The difference is we used to be one. And we lost to the rest of them. Hope you enjoyed those days. They might be returning.

I want to say the move to 12 regular season was around 2000

1999 sun bowl team was 8-3 going into the bowl

So even if you can only compare a 9 win season to 1999 and further, we've won 9 games twice in 17 years

Get some damn stability in this program. When you have to reset to square one every four years it's hard to build a program. Lost all respect for Coyle/the administration with this decision.

I hope he burns as many bridges as possible on his way out.

I got nothing but respect for Claeys ... his text was totally taken out of context. He was a down-home regular guy who put together a hell of a defense. We were a QB away from having an ok offense.

Keeping it classy Claeys. Good riddance, go back to small town Kansas. You were in way over your head.

Wow...well he won't be a publicist anytime gosh....

Is anyone actually offended by this?

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Don't feel bad for Claeys. In very short order he will have a good job as a coordinator and be laughing at Kaler/Coyles as they are left to clean up the mess.

Within in a year we see a story in the Strib about how he landed on his feet and is happy and it'll be clear he's actually the big winner here.

Got to admit this is pretty hilarious coming from the "we're going to do things the right way" Kill/Claeys crew.

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