Unfortunately I agree that Claeys is probably a dead man walking unless a couple of the Regents step and start backing him, and the tide turns very heavily against Kaler, and Coyle slinks into the shadows to keep out of the way of the Regents.
Claeys has a lot going against him. This is very sad, since Claeys has proven that the has what it takes to move the team ahead with a deep athletic defense and some hope on offense. They were in the middle third of the Big Ten with a chance to move up. Now, anything but a drop to the bottom rung is all but certain.
1. The average person in the public, who will take the one sided, biased EOAA report at face value, will cherry pick the most unpleasant, if not illegal details and blame Claeys. This is the PR disaster part of this.
2. Secondly, Kaler and Coyle will be on a mission to get rid of Claeys since he did not act 100 percent as a weak, compliant toady after they lied in the initial statements, and named TC as being part of this decision. Kaler stated that he understood TC was in the "tough sport" during his AM interview Saturday with Jay Kolls on KSTP, but I don't think he cares either way, even though he may believe that statement. He is vindictive and will try his best to get rid of Claeys for being not loyal enough.
3. Coyle as AD knows that he needs to right the football program if he is to survive long term. This mess, made much worse by the actions of Kaler and Coyle (letting the EOAA run amok, lying, and enraging the players) , is so gigantic that no coach has any chance of success in future years, unless he happens to have a cupboard of Urban Meyer type depth lying around. This mess will decimate the talent on the team and will poison ticket sales and any positivity.