Chris Streveler, Steven Richardson and Drew Wolitarsky all win Grey Cup title with Winnipeg

Wow, that's cool! Thanks for sharing! I wonder what kind of season Richardson had? That dude was such a beast. I thought for sure he'd stick in the NFL given the importance of inside pressure and push these days. The height, though.

Congrats to those guys!

It is a nice feeling to win. Richardson had a monster year. No one could run on the Bombers. Streveler may be the toughest football player I have ever seen (but can't pass well enough to be a #1). Streveler is also becoming a folk hero in Winnipeg:

Wolitarsky is ok but I was expecting more of a jump from him. A Canadian player with his pedigree should dominate.

It is a nice feeling to win. Richardson had a monster year. No one could run on the Bombers. Streveler may be the toughest football player I have ever seen (but can't pass well enough to be a #1). Streveler is also becoming a folk hero in Winnipeg:

Wolitarsky is ok but I was expecting more of a jump from him. A Canadian player with his pedigree should dominate.
Very happy to see these former Gophers win a champ and for the city of Winnipeg! Congrats to you Winnipeg Gopher!

Streveler, what could have -- or maybe could have not -- been.

He had a great career after transferring to South Dakota.

Do they play football Up There in late November? Must be a might chilly.

Watched the game. Streveler is a Man's Man.

Interesting, when you Google Winnipeg Blue Bombers, the predominant item that shows up is a fan, an older gentleman, that is finally wearing pants again after 18 years

Here's Streveler at today's Grey Cup parade (there are tons of pictures on-line).

It's not that cold for the time of year but is still 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 Celsius).


I grew up in Vermillion, SD home of the Coyotes. He was a fan favorite. They had a good run. Some of my friends run up to a Blue Bomber game the last few years to see him. Fun guy I’m told.

Fun stuff. Seems like a cross between Broadway Joe, Jim McMahon, and Grizzly Adams. Any hope he can settle in as a QB if he gets the mental part locked in Winnie? Seems like statistically at least he struggled this year in terms of passing. Sophomore slump or lost cause?

It is a nice feeling to win. Richardson had a monster year. No one could run on the Bombers. Streveler may be the toughest football player I have ever seen (but can't pass well enough to be a #1). Streveler is also becoming a folk hero in Winnipeg:

Wolitarsky is ok but I was expecting more of a jump from him. A Canadian player with his pedigree should dominate.

Ever watch a game? Fun, but Canadian football is a step below NCAA top 10. Each team has 10 American guys that can’t make an NFL practice squad. The league is also in very poor financial shape.

Good for them, but the Bengals could beat these guys 9 out of 10 games.

Ever watch a game? Fun, but Canadian football is a step below NCAA top 10. Each team has 10 American guys that can’t make an NFL practice squad. The league is also in very poor financial shape.

Good for them, but the Bengals could beat these guys 9 out of 10 games.
Mostly true but you are wrong, the Bengals could beat a CFL all star 10 out of 10.

It is a different game though and in many ways a more exciting game than American football. By your logic, what is the point in watching NCAA hockey (any player good enough for the NHL is not there and to be honest the majority of the best 18-20 year olds not in the NHL are in Canadian junior), MLS soccer, or any sport that is not MLB, NBA, NHL or NCAA?

Honestly, the beauty of the CFL is the minor league nature of it. You never see Winnipeg Jets around Winnipeg but you always see the Bombers and the players are always open and approachable.

This will be my last posting on this but here is a nice article on Grey Cup win (which of course mentions Streveler). Hopefully one of the Minnesota papers will be writing something similar on Sunday.


CFL traditionally had a good number of DII and DI-AA guys from the states (such as the Dakota schools). Not sure if they still do that.

any player good enough for the NHL is not there and to be honest the majority of the best 18-20 year olds not in the NHL are in Canadian junior

Not to derail the thread on hockey talk, but that has changed in the last 15 years. More and more top-end players are going the college route. Up to 32% of NHL players now that played college.

To keep my post on topic....Go Blue Bombers!

I've never been to a CFL game. One of these days, I'd like to take a road trip to Winnipeg.

Not to derail the thread on hockey talk, but that has changed in the last 15 years. More and more top-end players are going the college route. Up to 32% of NHL players now that played college.

To keep my post on topic....Go Blue Bombers!
I'd be curious to know if that is mainly North American players (which I'm sure is a majority of NHL players, but also probably a sizeable chunk of Europeans), going to NCAA DI teams. Some of the Canadian universities have teams too, not sure how the quality of those teams compares to the NCAA DI teams.

And would also be curious to know how long the average NHL draft pick plays on a NCAA DI team. Does he stay 4 years and get a degree? Or is it closer to a NBA "one-and-done" type scenario.

I'd be curious to know if that is mainly North American players (which I'm sure is a majority of NHL players, but also probably a sizeable chunk of Europeans), going to NCAA DI teams. Some of the Canadian universities have teams too, not sure how the quality of those teams compares to the NCAA DI teams.

And would also be curious to know how long the average NHL draft pick plays on a NCAA DI team. Does he stay 4 years and get a degree? Or is it closer to a NBA "one-and-done" type scenario.

I would love to elaborate but this isn't the thread for that.

I've never been to a CFL game. One of these days, I'd like to take a road trip to Winnipeg.

I went to a Rider game in Regina a few years ago. There were a few adjustments to make (cheering loud on 2nd down, goalposts in the middle of the field), but it was a fun time.

They beat the tar out of the BC Lions that day, and I found out an ass-whooping in Canadian football looks an awful lot like one in American football.

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