Chris Monter: Minnesota Basketball Visitors To Attend Gopher Football Game

Good stuff, Chris....thanks as always for the article. I love the recruiting tidbits on this board!

Maybe we should schedule visits during Volleyball games instead?

who would want to commit to our school lol? Today was a diaster, as was last years fb & basketball seasons. Pull it together gophs.

Well there were a bunch of Gophers and visitors at the game today I saw Wally and his brothers, Ralph, Mo, Chip, Tyus and others… We did a Tubby chant and he stood up and waved so that was all good. Hope coach Kill is recovering; the stadium was crazy quiet as he was getting medical help.

Kill's seizure was heat related

Marcus's twitter account info on coach kill -- link at bottom

Team doctor Pat Smith said Kill's seizure was heat related. He said Kill was given medication before he left for hospital.
1 hour ago »
GophersNow PiPress Gophers Now
Coordinators told players not to be worried. They said this has happened before and the team and Kill was able to move forward.
2 hours ago »
GophersNow PiPress Gophers Now
Gophers team doctor and both coordinators are being made available to talk about Kill's status and history with seizures.
2 hours ago »
GophersNow PiPress Gophers Now
Gophers officially calling it a seizure for Kill. He is in stable condition.
2 hours ago »
GophersNow PiPress Gophers Now
Kill is being looked at on the sidelines after collapsing following the third down play came up short. He is still down.
2 hours ago!/GophersNow

The Gopher football team had one recruit (Harbison) on campus yesterday and he committed to MN after the game so I don't think it was the recruiting disaster some suggest above.

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