Chip: Unlike their opponent, Gophers are unable to overcome their adversity


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
per Chip:

"We got exactly what we deserved," Fleck said.

This one left a bad taste. The Gophers have obvious limitations in certain areas, but they played so poorly at home against a team with its own limitations that it's difficult to muster much optimism.

Yes, the loss of Antoine Winfield Jr. to injury early on was deflating, especially since the other starting safety, Duke McGhee, was sidelined for undisclosed disciplinary reasons. Injuries and suspensions are exposing the roster's lack of depth.

But let's hold the woe-is-us spiel. Maryland was down to its third quarterback coming off a 28-point loss to Central Florida. The Terps faced significant challenges, too.

One team overcame its adversity, one didn't.

Go Gophers!!

Maryland has a lot more depth and that was evident tonight. Will be interesting to see how this team bounces back, against a Purdue team that is playing well

All explanations/excuses aside (lack of depth, lack of talent and so forth), there was also a lack of focus and simply put, Maryland was a lot more intense and ready to play. That's inexcusable after a two-week layoff. No excuse for that. None.

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All explanations/excuses aside (lack of depth, lack of talent and so forth), there was also a lack of focus and simply put, Maryland was a lot more intense and ready to play. That's inexcusable after a two-week layoff. No excuse for that. None.

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Maybe the coaches were more worried about recruiting during season than actually developing a game plan and coaching the team.

Why bring up even one excuse, unless of course he was insecure? Truth is, they were already driving down the field pretty handily before Winfield got injured. It's not like we got blown out, so the lack of depth and "talent" wasn't the problem. The coaching was the problem. There was a shift in momentum that I thought was key to the game. We had just tied the score and stopped Maryland's next drive rather easily, and instead of having a killer instinct, we just did the normal thing... RUTM on 1st and 2nd. This was key because as we were doing the RUTM, they were bringing the heat and stopped us for a loss on both downs including a fumble that we luckily got back. As I said at the time, their coaches wanted it more. Our coaches kept RUTM only. Their coaches spread the field and did everything they could to get the ball into their playmaker's hands. We had RUTM. Even though I love Rodney, he was having an off day. Shannon was doing a lot better, yet Rodney kept getting the ball. A couple adjustments here and there could have won the game. Unless... you know, we just don't have enough talent.

Just maybe Maryland is a better team at this point.

I mean Maryland could be just like Penn State last year, we don't know. Say what you want to say but that's a pretty good football team. I hear people saying that "this Gophers defense is terrible!" No, that Maryland offense is good. Losing Winfield changed the dynamic for sure, but this defense is not bad. I did have to chuckle when others have said that maybe Smith is better than Claeys and Sawvel, maybe not...but they are not coming back. Maryland doesn't need their best QB when they have such dynamic backs that have speed like they do. When the Gophers failed to stay home (which was too often for my taste) Maryland made them pay. Not a lot of teams have running backs with their speed and despite that the Gophers were still almost there to make the play quite often so I don't think you will see many other teams able to do that to this defense. I guess we will see though.

Can we cut the crap, please. Maryland has talent, but they are hardly a top-ten squad. They just lost the previous week on their home field to UCF by TWENTY EIGHT POINTS! They started their third-string quarterback, of Pete sakes. We did not lose this game because of Maryland's talent. We lost it because our players, despite having two weeks to get ready, were not as prepared as theirs, our game plans--both offensive and defensive--were atrocious, and our in-game adjustments were nonexistent. And the worst part is, if we show up next week with the same approach we will get blown out by Purdue--a team that was absolutely putrid last year and, like us, has a brand new new coach.

Can we cut the crap, please. Maryland has talent, but they are hardly a top-ten squad. They just lost the previous week on their home field to UCF by TWENTY EIGHT POINTS! They started their third-string quarterback, of Pete sakes. We did not lose this game because of Maryland's talent. We lost it because our players, despite having two weeks to get ready, were not as prepared as theirs, our game plans--both offensive and defensive--were atrocious, and our in-game adjustments were nonexistent.

TBrew nails it!

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All explanations/excuses aside (lack of depth, lack of talent and so forth), there was also a lack of focus and simply put, Maryland was a lot more intense and ready to play. That's inexcusable after a two-week layoff. No excuse for that. None.

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