Changing the Culture of Losing: KARE 11 Extra


Nov 12, 2008
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I just saw a promo on KARE 11 that Mike Pomeranz is doing an "Extra" story on the U of M and the arduous task of changing the culture of losing. I'm really interested in this story and hoping to gain new insights as to what (if any) plans the U has and is implementing. It's scheduled to run Wednesday night during their 10pm news.

his new post on the topic is actually helpful though. as there was some question yesterday in the original thread as to the way in which the promo spot language was worded. his summary of the promo he saw helps, and its wording, helps clarify a bit that it appears pomeranz's story may be more of a mutual story between himself, coach kill and the U. as opposed to just a pure trashing piece as many of us have come to expect from our less than stellar, and less than professional local media hacks.

we'll just have to wait and see of course.

It needs to be said. People were absolutely dillusional in their expectations back in 2006.

How were they delusional? The Brewster experiment was a mistake, sure, but he wasn't the only coach we could have hired. Expecting better than five wins a couple times in a decade isn't delusional.

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