Chances that Mbakwe, Sampson, and Rodney going pro...


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Sep 30, 2010
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Not sure if this is really worth a thread, but for all you who are worried about them going pro....

-Mbakwe and Sampson are not even listed as possible prospects by
-Mbakwe is listed as the 59th best prospect by
-Rodney is not ranked in the top 100 by
-Rodney is listed as a possible prospect in, but apparently is not good enough to have an article written about him. In their mock draft, he is not selected. has none of them of them being drafted
-I'm not an insider at ESPN; so, they will not let me see if Mbakwe or Rodney are listed in the top 100 or not (they were listed as possible prospects). Sampson was not listed as a possible prospect.

So, out of the 4 mock draft/nba draft sites that first pop up on google, only Mbakwe, at 59th, was listed in the top 60.

Mbakwe - He graduates so I say there's a chance he leaves for Europe to get paid. Sampson and Rodney? There's a better chance that Dr. Don replaces his beer with fruit juice than of those two guys ever sniffing the NBA - this year or ever.

Yeah, I agree, but as Slim Tubby says, its more likely Mbakwe is heading to Europe if he goes. His issue is that NBA scouts already downgrade him for his age, and staying another year likely won't help his NBA chances at all as he'll be just another year older and likely only marginally better. Europe is and likely will remain his best option whether or not he stays, so it makes sense for him to jump this year and collect a paycheck, start playing pro ball and support his family. If that is where he is bound to end up in a year anyways, might as well get there sooner and make some cash rather than sticking around on a team stuck in reverse. Also, it isn't like he has flown under the radar and on the straight and narrow here...he is one mistake away from not even playing next year if he comes back. Fly the coup.

All good points, Glove. I'm sure most of us selfishly want him to come back but I wouldn't blame him one bit if he heads to Europe. He's got his degree and a family to take care of.

I'm not saying any of them are leaving, but I highly doubt any of those sites have the slightest clue as to what is going through their heads in regards to entering the draft. I think Mbakwe is the only one actually considering leaving. Hopefully he gives us one more year.

Mbakwe - He graduates so I say there's a chance he leaves for Europe to get paid. Sampson and Rodney? There's a better chance that Dr. Don replaces his beer with fruit juice than of those two guys ever sniffing the NBA - this year or ever.

Rodney definitely has a chance, and a pretty good one too.

Rodney definitely has a chance, and a pretty good one too.

GopherFan75...I hope Rodney proves me wrong but at some point, his potential/athleticism has to translate to being a well-rounded "basketball player". Let's hope he takes it to the next level this upcoming season...he certainly seems like a very good kid!

We don't have 3 guys going pro. WE DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THE NIT!!!!!!

I believed for sometime now that Trevor will leave and play overseas if undrafted. He has stated that he is concerned about providing for his child and if he graduates this Spring, he will be gone. Getting a gig that earns him six digits has to be appealing.

I will be surprised by any scenario that ends in:

(A) Trevor staying

(B) Rodney and/or Ralph leaving

In addition to finding some guards, we're gonna' need to find a PF that can contribute immediately vs. Big Ten-quality competition. We're likely to be really soft without Trevor.

There's a better chance that Dr. Don replaces his beer with fruit juice than of those two guys ever sniffing the NBA - this year or ever.

The Doc better get used to the taste of prunes, because Rodney absolutely will play in the NBA. It's not even a question, really. He's only going to be a junior next year, for crying out loud.

It is important to remember that "Will Rodney Williams be drafted/signed to play in the NBA?" and "Should Rodney Williams be drafted/signed to play in the NBA?" are two very different questions.

The Doc better get used to the taste of prunes, because Rodney absolutely will play in the NBA. It's not even a question, really. He's only going to be a junior next year, for crying out loud.

It is important to remember that "Will Rodney Williams be drafted/signed to play in the NBA?" and "Should Rodney Williams be drafted/signed to play in the NBA?" are two very different questions.

Dpod - If you are going to get caught up in semantics, you may want to reconsider your own statement...If you believe Rodney is a "can't miss" NBA player, you are an idiot. He has so for to go before he ever plays on an NBA team, it is carzy. He did not even belong as a starter on a college team that could not make the NIT tournament this year. The playgrounds across this country are littered with athletes that can jump high and dunk a basketball. RW offers nothing more than this at this time and has shown no signs of improving. He still has some time but if he does not step up and offer more than 5-6 points a game and barely 25% shooting percentage outside of dunks, he has no chance. It might help as well to use his length and athleticism to rebound and play a little defense.

The playgrounds across this country are littered with athletes that can jump high and dunk a basketball.

Yup - 6'7" guys with 40"+ verticals and the ability to run like a deer are a dime a dozen. I see them all the time - even when I go back to South Dakota to watch my nephew play. They're everywhere.

has shown no signs of improving

Absolutely false. How many games did you watch this year? Did you watch any in January or February?

It might help as well to use his length and athleticism a little defense.

Again, I'm starting to think that you didn't watch many games this year, or if you did, don't know what you're looking at. Rodney is probably the best on-ball defender on the team, especially when Nolen was injured.

Mbakwe - He graduates so I say there's a chance he leaves for Europe to get paid. Sampson and Rodney? There's a better chance that Dr. Don replaces his beer with fruit juice than of those two guys ever sniffing the NBA - this year or ever.

Thanks, Slim Tubby...I love being the reference point. :)

dpodoll68 is right on about Rodney. The guy has too much unteachable athletic ability to not get a shot.

I think Mbwake is gone in any case, hopefully Walker and Oseniek can fill the power forward position.

We may have a lineup that consists of three SF and two SG.

Sampson - Really plays like a SF
Oseniek - Probably is a SF
Williams - SF
Austin Hollins - SG
Welch - SG

Europe is and likely will remain his best option whether or not he stays, so it makes sense for him to jump this year and collect a paycheck, start playing pro ball and support his family. If that is where he is bound to end up in a year anyways, might as well get there sooner and make some cash rather than sticking around on a team stuck in reverse.

It depends on how much money he can make there, 60k-80k or we talking 200-300k? And what he feels his chances are of making the NBA next year for a much larger paycheck and you don't have to leave your family. It would take a lot of $ for me to leave my kids, but that's just me. It will also be difficult for him to give up on his NBA dream.

Stuck in reverse?

dpodoll68 is right on about Rodney. The guy has too much unteachable athletic ability to not get a shot.

He also has too much talent to be such a non-factory during the Big 10 season, but he somehow is.

I agree that with some time he may get there, but far from fated to be in the NBA

Oh Rodney...

Nothing like sparking a friendly lil debate over whether or not Rodney can play in the nba to get us all through the offseason, i believe eventually after his senior year he will get drafted...

Can anyone confirm Trevor is graduating? If so good for him.

I just have a hard time believing he is graduating in 4 years considering he has two transfers and a year of JUCO.

Can anyone confirm Trevor is graduating? If so good for him.

I just have a hard time believing he is graduating in 4 years considering he has two transfers and a year of JUCO.

Not counting departing from the juco in mid semester 2 years ago. Did he take all F's? or all incompletes?

IMO, Trevor returns. I will be very surprised if he leaves.

My top 10 reasons Trevor stays

1) He finally plays Big10 ball and misses the tourney ... any tourney. That's gotta sting.
2) The NBA may be locked out next year.
3) Europe can have issues paying its players at times.
4) Look at most bigs (there are exceptions) to come out of Europe, all have a great jump shot and perimeter game.
5) The NBA likes guys who also WIN in college, next year can't possibly be any worse than losing 10 of 11.
6) (I may be wrong on this - please correct me if I am) Trevor will still be going to school (obviously) so is he not eligible for loans of some kind? I realize he has been doing that for years now, but if a 6-figure contract is in the future they won't be too tough to pay off.
7) The NBA may still look at him as a "behavior" risk, nothing like a trouble free year in college to change that opinion.
8) If he shows solid improvement, the NBA may not be as concerned about his age as he shows he still has potential
9) Trevor is way too good to just take the Europe money and give up on the NBA, that's every kids dream and he has the real chance to do it next year.
10) He seems to love Minneapolis and the U and will want to stay.

However, if he can guerentee himself an NBA contract or a very good shot at one this year. I think he leaves. There are so many unknowns, however, surrounding his draft stock and the CBA that I think it is all pretty uncertain there.

It depends on how much money he can make there, 60k-80k or we talking 200-300k? And what he feels his chances are of making the NBA next year for a much larger paycheck and you don't have to leave your family. It would take a lot of $ for me to leave my kids, but that's just me. It will also be difficult for him to give up on his NBA dream.

What about rookies ?
Salary for a rookie may be one half to two third of the average salary
European pro teams tend to sign less and less import rookies !The level of bball in Europe is far higher than it used to be
The Bosman rule now allows a wider choice of players
Teams now prefer to sign vet import players already accustomed to Europe and who can immediately fit into the team systems
Example : only one rookie (Kyle Hill from Eastern Illinois) in France's 1st division (32 imports)
only 2 (Georgia Tech / Wisconsin) in France's 2nd division (36 imports)
Same applies in many countries
This means that unless you were in the NBA pre-draft lists or had tremendous reviews in a top NCAA D1 College, it will be difficult to start in a top pro league in Europe !You will have to work your way up from either :
Some European countries where bball level is lower
A lower division of a big bball country (France, Italy .)
There, you will have to be very very good because top pro leagues coaches are generally afraid of recruiting a player coming from such leagues .
A vicious circle like we say in France .


Not sure how accurate this is, but considering he's not on the draft boards he wouldn't make the roster of an top tier team and as a rookie he may not see that much $. IMO he's better off trying to make the NBA next year.

A big part of succeeding in Europe/ overseas is fitting in.

Right now, Trevor has a number of red flags (constant movement of teams/ involvment in criminal matters- convicted or not) that could cause teams to be a little wary of employing him.

I can answer #2, #4, #7, #8, and #9 with one question: what about getting paid to play hoops for a year in Europe precludes him being drafted by the NBA?

IMO, Trevor returns. I will be very surprised if he leaves.

My top 10 reasons Trevor stays

1) He finally plays Big10 ball and misses the tourney ... any tourney. That's gotta sting.
2) The NBA may be locked out next year.
3) Europe can have issues paying its players at times.
4) Look at most bigs (there are exceptions) to come out of Europe, all have a great jump shot and perimeter game.
5) The NBA likes guys who also WIN in college, next year can't possibly be any worse than losing 10 of 11.
6) (I may be wrong on this - please correct me if I am) Trevor will still be going to school (obviously) so is he not eligible for loans of some kind? I realize he has been doing that for years now, but if a 6-figure contract is in the future they won't be too tough to pay off.
7) The NBA may still look at him as a "behavior" risk, nothing like a trouble free year in college to change that opinion.
8) If he shows solid improvement, the NBA may not be as concerned about his age as he shows he still has potential
9) Trevor is way too good to just take the Europe money and give up on the NBA, that's every kids dream and he has the real chance to do it next year.
10) He seems to love Minneapolis and the U and will want to stay.

However, if he can guerentee himself an NBA contract or a very good shot at one this year. I think he leaves. There are so many unknowns, however, surrounding his draft stock and the CBA that I think it is all pretty uncertain there.

I can answer #2, #4, #7, #8, and #9 with one question: what about getting paid to play hoops for a year in Europe precludes him being drafted by the NBA?

College to NBA is far more likely for Trevor IMO than Europe to NBA. He would need to work his way up the ladder in lower division Europe squads before the league would even look.

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