CBS: Stanford's band makes fun of Iowa during Rose Bowl halftime show


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

Stanford dominated Iowa on Friday evening in the Rose Bowl, beating the Hawkeyes, 45-16.

Not only did the Cardinal beat Iowa on the field behind a record-setting performance from Christian McCaffrey, the Stanford band used their halftime performance to troll Iowa fans.

The Stanford band did a "Farmer's Only" halftime show, playing the jingle from the dating website's ad to make fun of Iowa fans -- which made up a large majority of the crowd at the Rose Bowl.

The goal was apparently to make a corn maze and have the cow drunkenly wander through it. Iowa fans, already down 35-0 to Stanford at the half, did not find the humor in it.

The Stanford band is always a bit different and regularly find themselves at the center of controversy for the content of their shows -- Wisconsin fans weren't happy with 2013's "Ode to Cheese" show in the Rose Bowl.

Go Gophers!!

I didn't realize the Stanford band was mocking Iowa fans. By Iowa standards, I thought it was a pretty classy production.

The Stanford band did a "Farmer's Only" halftime show, playing the jingle from the dating website's ad to make fun of Iowa fans -- which made up a large majority of the crowd at the Rose Bowl.

This is actually pretty hilarious.

I found it funny. Don't care what iowa peoples think

What's offensive about seeing a faux Holstein cow take the field? I enjoy cow milk. Or is it because California is new age and drink soy?

I thought that was the Iowa band.

Isn't that their normal halftime routine anyway?

The script the Stanford band used insinuated that the Iowa band is a kindred spirit because Stanford also comes from "The Farm" and they were breaking up with their rival band (Cal), who "always wants to do city things like rally at yacht clubs and play at Raiders games. We’re from the Farm! We need a band who knows how to shuck free range, organic corn and humanely tip heirloom cows."

I thought it was pretty clever, and tame by the Stanford band's standards. I actually thought the pregame show script cut a little deeper, but they didn't have a giant cow running around the field, so maybe that's why it went unnoticed. Also, you know, Iowa wasn't yet getting the snot kicked out of them.

A2: Hey Wallis, I wonder how the Hawkeyes are responding to their Rose Bowl … accommodations?
A1: Will, what have you done?
A2: Well, seeing as this is our third Rose Bowl in four years, this is pretty much a second home to us...
A1: Will, that’s not how it works!
A2: Which makes Iowa our guests!
A1: I do not like where you’re going with this…


A2: Since the Hawkeyes traveled 1700 miles to a strange place with sunshine, a coast, and actual signs of civilization, I figured I should do something to make them home.
A1: Please tell me you just made some nice home*cooked corn on the cob or something?
A2: Noooo...but I did follow another Iowa tradition by re*decorating their locker room.
A1: What!...When!?...How..?
A2: I snuck in last night. It was easy, everyone seemed preoccupied gluing flower petals to flatbed trailers for some reason!


A2: Anyways, the visitors’ locker room is now pinker than a heartland hog in the springtime.
A1: You painted it pink?
A2: Yup! I figured it would be a nice “Welcome” present since Kinnick Stadium’s visiting locker room been pink since 1979!
A1: But, Will, that was meant to degrade the opposing team and make them NOT feel welcome.
A2: WHAT? How does pink do any of that, I mean it’s just, like, a nice color that gets me excited to go out, so I figured it was to amp up their visitors?!
A1: No no, they try to emasculate the other team to intimidate them..
A2: WHAT?!


A2: So are you telling me that Iowa uses pink as a means to emasculate the other team through heteronormative standards that are further emphasized by the hypermasculinity of football?
A1: Exactly. But you do realize that we are technically the visiting team at this game, right?
A2: No freaking way? So I painted...our own locker room pink?
A1: Yep.
A2: Oh, well that’s even better. It will just inspire our team to fight back against patriarchal oppression and the social construct that is gender.

Hopefully we'll play Stanford one day because I'd love to see what they come up with for Minnesota.

The Stanford band has often said that if they don't get booed by the opposing fans, they haven't done their job.

And they are pretty good at their job.

The Stanford band has often said that if they don't get booed by the opposing fans, they haven't done their job.

And they are pretty good at their job.

The first thing you see when you go to their website:

"A new low in tasteless behavior."
--Robert Shapiro, part of O.J. Simpson's defense team, 1994

Also, this looks way more fun than the UMN Indoor Concert:


Ha! A Stanford band member tweeted after the performance that he couldn't tell if the Iowa fans were booing or mooing! LOL

What would Stanford's mocking of MN be? Something polar bear related?

What's offensive about seeing a faux Holstein cow take the field? I enjoy cow milk. Or is it because California is new age and drink soy?

Ironically California produces more cow milk than any other state

What's offensive about seeing a faux Holstein cow take the field? I enjoy cow milk. Or is it because California is new age and drink soy?
They probably thought the cow was one of the iowa cheerleaders dancing around to the farmer's only song. [emoji2]

I laughed when I saw the cow and the Farmers music was funny, at the same time I thought it more appropriate that a Pig rather than a cow be parading around the field if you really are going for an "Iowa" bent slant or troll. Funny thing is if we ever played Stanford all of these same things like getting trolled for Agriculture economy would apply. That and there are more cows in California than any other state except Wisconsin. California is a top four milk producing state.

One year in which Stanford played Notre Dame, the Cardinal band "poked fun" at the Potato Famine. I would say that is crossing the line.

One year in which Stanford played Notre Dame, the Cardinal band "poked fun" at the Potato Famine. I would say that is crossing the line.
I don't think so. A good friend of mine of Irish descent, huge ND fan, went to St Thomas, Irish last name, etc., told me this joke. "There was no Irish potato famine, they just forgot where they planted them."

They also did a spotted owl gig when their team played one of the Oregon schools, during the height of the environmentalist Spotted Owl backers vs forestry industry saga

Iowa deserved it.... nothing else to discuss.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I don't think so. A good friend of mine of Irish descent, huge ND fan, went to St Thomas, Irish last name, etc., told me this joke. "There was no Irish potato famine, they just forgot where they planted them."

You think 1 million dead and another million forced to emigrate out of a population of 8 million over the span of 3 years to be funny? Wow.

You think 1 million dead and another million forced to emigrate out of a population of 8 million over the span of 3 years to be funny? Wow.

No, but his comment was.


per CBS:
The Stanford band did a "Farmer's Only" halftime show, playing the jingle from the dating website's ad to make fun of Iowa fans -- which made up a large majority of the crowd at the Rose Bowl.
My impression, from the blimp shots, was that the stadium was 90% red, with only a few sections of black/gold. Or were those Wisconsin fans that showed up to the wrong bowl?

My impression, from the blimp shots, was that the stadium was 90% red, with only a few sections of black/gold. Or were those Wisconsin fans that showed up to the wrong bowl?

From watching on TV it looked like majority was black/gold. maybe 65/35?

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