CBS: How long is too long a college football game?

The problem isn't the time in the game, it isn't even the replay though I think his idea of doing it like the NFL is not a bad one. The problem is the commercial breaks. But they can't touch those because there are too many $$ at stake. So let's speed up the action on the field so that we can get to the commercial breaks faster.

You nailed it.

Well duh!

Just go to 3 'quarters', like hockey. That way you also get 2 half-time shows.


Yes, the commercials are the problem but they aren't going anywhere because they pay the bills. The only types of changes that can truly make a difference are running the clock on first downs (but maybe not inside of 2 minutes???) and reducing replays (I would favor going to coaches challenges on this one).

In basketball on the other hand there are so many TV timeouts, there is no reason for coaches to get to call as many as they do. The number of team timeouts there needs to be reduced to about 2 per half. I like hockey...1 per game and even then it's usually not used.

Basketball, in pros & in college, especially towards the ends of games, is becoming almost unwatchable. The amount of stoppages of play in the last two minutes of a game is just crazy. It takes 20 minutes sometimes to play the last two minutes, especially in a close game.

Basketball, in pros & in college, especially towards the ends of games, is becoming almost unwatchable. The amount of stoppages of play in the last two minutes of a game is just crazy. It takes 20 minutes sometimes to play the last two minutes, especially in a close game.

Not to turn this into a basketball discussion but couldn't agree more. What bothers me most is the fact that there is a rule against intentional fouls yet at the end of a game you can intentionally foul on every possession and there is no technical assessed.

On the football thing I would not mind one bit seeing the stoppage of the clock on first down go away. It would definitely keep things moving from a clock standpoint.

The problem isn't the time in the game, it isn't even the replay though I think his idea of doing it like the NFL is not a bad one. The problem is the commercial breaks. But they can't touch those because there are too many $$ at stake. So let's speed up the action on the field so that we can get to the commercial breaks faster.

This. It's the commercial breaks causing the bulk of the problem, followed by some extra-long replay breaks. Cut those down and you're good again.

Basketball, in pros & in college, especially towards the ends of games, is becoming almost unwatchable. The amount of stoppages of play in the last two minutes of a game is just crazy. It takes 20 minutes sometimes to play the last two minutes, especially in a close game.

5 timeouts (limited to 4 in the second half) is fine. But instead of 2 full & 3 30s, maybe 1 full & 4 30s, with no full TOs allowed after the 4:00 media timeout. If you have a full TO left at the 4:00 mark, it gets converted to a 30.

I pretty much commit a whole day to going to home football games anyways, somtimes more if I go the night before or stay the night of, driving 3 hours to & from to attend. So, the length of the game doesn't really affect or concern me too much.

Replays and commercials stink when attending. At least the U decided they could show the replay of the reviewed call. Was much worse when they wouldn't.

Replays and commercials stink when attending. At least the U decided they could show the replay of the reviewed call. Was much worse when they wouldn't.

I think the ability to show controversial replays was a conference decision but could be wrong on that, agree that it is nice for the fans to be able to get a sense for what the replay booth is looking at. Agree on the TV timeouts sucking for fans, it is always annoying when both teams are on the field ready to go and they have to stand around and wait for the guy with the red hat to inform them that the network has decided that they have made enough money and now the game can continue.

Go to hand timed games instead of electric. The games will look faster.

Not to turn this into a basketball discussion but couldn't agree more. What bothers me most is the fact that there is a rule against intentional fouls yet at the end of a game you can intentionally foul on every possession and there is no technical assessed.

On the football thing I would not mind one bit seeing the stoppage of the clock on first down go away. It would definitely keep things moving from a clock standpoint.
Just let teams decline free throws. Problem solved.

I can watch an entire game in 90 minutes if I just cut out the commercials and halftime. The game isn't the problem.

If they really have a problem with it, I would just shorten the quarter lengths to 12 minutes. If they want the games to take as long as the NBA, then shorten them to the length of the NBA.

Or just get rid of the ridiculous rule about stopping the clock after a first down.

The clock rule is one of the best things about college football. It gives us so much more actual game time, allowing for the comebacks, momentum swings and drama you don't find in the NFL. So naturally some idiot is going to want to get rid of that in favor of the longer commercials we've been forced to accept.

Here's an idea: Maybe someone could actually come up with an innovative way to generate revenue for once, rather than falling back on the lazy and simplistic "hurr durr more 'murcials" strategy and quit fcking up a good thing.

The clock rule is one of the best things about college football. It gives us so much more actual game time, allowing for the comebacks, momentum swings and drama you don't find in the NFL. So naturally some idiot is going to want to get rid of that in favor of the longer commercials we've been forced to accept.

Here's an idea: Maybe someone could actually come up with an innovative way to generate revenue for once, rather than falling back on the lazy and simplistic "hurr durr more 'murcials" strategy and quit fcking up a good thing.

I remember the 1994 World Cup. During the game, the PBP guy would announce the portion of the game was sponsored by xxxx. Then for that portion of the game, there would be an advertising bug for the sponsor by the score and time.

As much as we joke about AggieVision, we still remember Casa De Autos.

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