CBS CFB Coaches "Hot Seat" ratings


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score

On a 0.0 (Can't be touched) to 5.0 (Hot seat! Win or be fired) scale, Dodd rates Kill a 3.0 (On the bubble, feeling pressure). There are 3 "untouchable" (0.0) coaches in the Big Ten according to this scale - Enema, Hoke, and Dantonio. Hope has the hottest seat in the conference, with a rating of 3.5. Nationwide, he has 2 coaches at a 5.0 - John L. Smith at Arkansas and Derek Dooley at Tennessee.

At the very least, some of his ratings are very bizarre (and I disagree with his assessment of Kill), but I thought it might engender some decent conversation here during the dog days.

Kill is, at this point, a near zero. But because of how fairweather MN fans are I would say a 1 seems more reasonable. You don't give someone a 7 year contract if they are even close to being on the hot seat.

Yeah the 7-year contract says a very cool seat. Kill has a lot of leeway at this point.

I'd say it's probably closer to a 1.5. If for whatever reason the Gophers go 2-10 or worse this year there would be uproar. Still insanely unlikely that a change would be made following this year, but the pressure would get ramped up a lot. A coach with a 5-19 or 4-20 record has to be on a hot seat.

Yeah a bad season would hurt, but I think Kill, Kaler, and Teague are all on the same page that this isn't a quick fix.

Kill goes 1-fer or o-fer and I would not be surprised if a new Pres and new AD re-do Kill's contract.

It is kind of a neat way to look at it but it is kind of flawed.

Kill's worst case is probably a three. If Hoke has a bad year, he immediately goes from 0 to 4. Mediocre year to three.

Highly doubtful Kill would be a 3 at this point but another 3-9 year and the seat could be a 3 since Kill wasn't this AD's hire. The AD could go with I want my "guy" in that job.

I am really surprised that either of these outlets would have Jerry Kill anywhere near some sort of "hot seat" list. His chair is cool, really cool.

I am really surprised that either of these outlets would have Jerry Kill anywhere near some sort of "hot seat" list. His chair is cool, really cool.

Agreed, but it's Dennis Dodd. I don't have high expectations of the man.

And in fairness to Dodd, he ranked every coach, I just happen to disagee with his placement of Mr. Kill.

It's surprising that Kirk Ferentz pulled in a 1.5. I bet most Iowa fans would disagree and have him in the 2s, which could quickly become the 3s with early season losses to Iowa St. or the Gophers.

And in fairness to Dodd, he ranked every coach, I just happen to disagee with his placement of Mr. Kill.

Agreed. I think the sheer size of this makes silliness like this worse b/c he won't take the time to know details like "Kill has a 7 year contract" which means his seat is very, very cool.

I would put Kill at a 2 for now. A 2-3 win season would bump it up to a 3+, 4-6 wins and he stays a "2", and he gets a "1" if they win 7+.

What did they do with Brewster? some kind of extension that had a shrunken parachute?

They renegotiated the contract with Brew and his agent. He took a lower buyout in exchange for an extension in years that he needed to sell himself when recruiting. They also included higher performance based bonuses which he obviously never reached. With the length of his current contract, Kill would have to be quite charitable towards the U for them to get different terms. He certainly doesn't need an extension for recruiting purposes any time soon.

I think that Chip Kelly might leave, but will be he fired for looking at Tampa Bay? I think that Jon Embree's seat will get really hot and quickly.

I still can't quite believe Colorado hired Embree.

If the 3-9 were in that "plummeting toward death" type of spiral, where we went 3-1 to start and then lost all 8 conference games....maybe so.

Considering how the 3-9 was achieved, with undeniable, vast improvement over the last six games or whatever, I cannot see Kill above maybe a 1.5.

And if we're talking about the chances of him being fired this year, well, that's virtually none. By his little grading scale, a 1-1.5 is a "Very safe, change unlikely". I think that describes Kill's situation perfectly.

No way is Kill a 3. This analysis is nonsense. Unless their are some very serious off the field problems and they go winless this season, no way does Kill get fired. Next thread...

They renegotiated the contract with Brew and his agent. He took a lower buyout in exchange for an extension in years that he needed to sell himself when recruiting. They also included higher performance based bonuses which he obviously never reached. With the length of his current contract, Kill would have to be quite charitable towards the U for them to get different terms. He certainly doesn't need an extension for recruiting purposes any time soon.

Sounds reasonable. Still, new AD and Pres didn't choose Jerry so who knows what a 2-10 will get you.

Sounds reasonable. Still, new AD and Pres didn't choose Jerry so who knows what a 2-10 will get you.

At least another year at the helm given the fact that his buyout would be 3 million dollars at that point. Keep in mind that Kaler signed off on the extra 2 years that were added to Kill's contract.

Kaler more or less personally bumped Kill from 5 years to 7. He has as much job security as any Big Ten coach in my opinion.

Kill is, at this point, a near zero. But because of how fairweather MN fans are I would say a 1 seems more reasonable. You don't give someone a 7 year contract if they are even close to being on the hot seat.

1 - 1.5 - About the only way Coach Kill is anywhere near the hotseat is if there is some sort of scandal. Though he has a 7 year contract, it will be another 3 years before he would be seriously anywhere near in danger simply because I think Kaler is going to give him the time and space to build the program into a winner. After another 3 years, he will have a better idea how strong the program IS.

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