CBS: Big Ten stadium rankings (10. Minnesota - Huntington Bank Stadium)

So a few decades ago, I was driving south on "the" 5 towards "the" 10 (AKA, the Santa Monica). Traffic got jammed up and when I heard the news, what happened was a nude woman had been walking down the side of the 5 and they sent an ambulance out to check on her. When they got there she was passed out on the side of the road. The medics went around back to get a stretcher, she came to and climbed in the drivers seat and took off in the ambulance leaving both paramedics on the side of the road.... As they say "Only in LA"

And the two worst cities to drive in are Seattle and Boston
I started flying into John Wayne because I would stay in Anaheim. Yes, weird stuff would happen when I was out there as well.

I started flying into John Wayne because I would stay in Anaheim. Yes, weird stuff would happen when I was out there as well.
The unnerving thing about John Wayne is taking off out of there when they cut power shortly after takeoff due to noise abatement requirements for the surrounding neighborhood. Then they power back up after they get over the Pacific. First time experiencing that clinched a sphincter.

I have never, ever heard anyone say they don’t like our stadium. It’s a great place to watch a game. The concessions generally are all f’d up but who cares and that’s another topic.

So a few decades ago, I was driving south on "the" 5 towards "the" 10 (AKA, the Santa Monica). Traffic got jammed up and when I heard the news, what happened was a nude woman had been walking down the side of the 5 and they sent an ambulance out to check on her. When they got there she was passed out on the side of the road. The medics went around back to get a stretcher, she came to and climbed in the drivers seat and took off in the ambulance leaving both paramedics on the side of the road.... As they say "Only in LA"

And the two worst cities to drive in are Seattle and Boston

Atlanta has to be on the worst cities to drive list. Unbelievably horrible traffic. I recall back to back Fridays where NYC rush hour was Child’s play compared to Atlanta’s.

Agree Seattle truly blows, comparable to other large metros except even when traffic is moving the spray thrown up by tires makes it similar to driving in a blizzard or fog.

I went to a forum on people who drive for a living and the most frequent names for congestion, bad roads:

“All of New Jersey”

In terms of most reckless, psychotic drivers: Texas (Houston mentioned a lot 🤷‍♂️), LA, Chicago, Miami. Yep. You’re gonna see some stuff! I’d give an honorable mention to I-70 in and out of Denver.


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