CBS: Accuser's attorney blasts FSU hearing: 'The fix was in'


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS:

An attorney for the woman who has accused Jameis Winston of sexual assault blasted the Florida State code of conduct hearing concerning her allegations, calling it "biased" and a "sham."

Retired Florida Supreme Court Justice Major Harding decided in a ruling made public Sunday that Winston had not violated the school's code of conduct, writing, "The evidence before me is insufficient to satisfy the burden of proof." Accuser attorney Baine Kerr told the Associated Press in a Monday phone interview that the hearing process had been engineered to reach that decision and maintain Winston's eligibility for Florida State.

"I don't want to impugn the proceeding as corrupt, but I think it was biased and the fix was in," Kerr said. "It's all about a football game 10 days from today. It turned out to be just a predetermined whitewash to keep a guy playing football."

Go Gophers!!

Thank you captain obvious. Will he get same protection once he declares for the NFL.

Thank you captain obvious. Will he get same protection once he declares for the NFL.

Totally agree, everyone knew there was not a chance in you now where that Winston was going to lose this hearing.

Rather than call it corrupt, take it like a attorney. You lost, move on. This has been in the district attorney's office with not enough credible evidence. Now a hearing by a mutually agreed upon Judge. A retired Florida Supreme Court Judge. How many more chances do you want to bring this up?

Rather than call it corrupt, take it like a attorney. You lost, move on. This has been in the district attorney's office with not enough credible evidence. Now a hearing by a mutually agreed upon Judge. A retired Florida Supreme Court Judge. How many more chances do you want to bring this up?


Rather than call it corrupt, take it like a attorney. You lost, move on. This has been in the district attorney's office with not enough credible evidence. Now a hearing by a mutually agreed upon Judge. A retired Florida Supreme Court Judge. How many more chances do you want to bring this up?

Come on, this is Florida. Same place that demanded a recount after counting presidential ballots 4 times and getting the same winner every time.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Rather than call it corrupt, take it like a attorney. You lost, move on. This has been in the district attorney's office with not enough credible evidence. Now a hearing by a mutually agreed upon Judge. A retired Florida Supreme Court Judge. How many more chances do you want to bring this up?

There was plenty of credible evidence to be had that was simply ignored. Unfortunately it's all gone as the police seem to have drug their feet during the investigation.

There was plenty of credible evidence to be had that was simply ignored. Unfortunately it's all gone as the police seem to have drug their feet during the investigation.

This +1. It is troubling that people seem to suggest that the accuser should just let it go like she lost a small claims case. Wonder if they would feel that way if it were their daughter or sister.

She is now being used. And the media and her attorney are trying every avenue to prove it was not consensual. We have not heard from one friend she told, a teacher, an advisor, a pastor, a doctor, even a family member. She was not clear who it was when she reported the rape. There was no report of her blood alcohol level which would have avail her of an unconscious claim and being unable to say no. No traces of ruffies. Are we to believe she didn't know she was with The Most Recognizable Man in The State Of Florida. It has been his contention that it was consensual. No one has proof to the contrary. That being said she has no claim.

This +1. It is troubling that people seem to suggest that the accuser should just let it go like she lost a small claims case. Wonder if they would feel that way if it were their daughter or sister.

Thank you for sharing this and what a complete mess. One of the criteria that my child used to determine her college choices was how well the schools handle alleged sexual assaults, as it tells a lot about the culture of a school.

She is now being used. And the media and her attorney are trying every avenue to prove it was not consensual. We have not heard from one friend she told, a teacher, an advisor, a pastor, a doctor, even a family member. She was not clear who it was when she reported the rape. There was no report of her blood alcohol level which would have avail her of an unconscious claim and being unable to say no. No traces of ruffies. Are we to believe she didn't know she was with The Most Recognizable Man in The State Of Florida. It has been his contention that it was consensual. No one has proof to the contrary. That being said she has no claim.

Didn't this incident occur before most casual fans would know who Winston was? It was during his redshirt Freshmen year I believe. Did the police test her system for roofies?

She is now being used. And the media and her attorney are trying every avenue to prove it was not consensual. We have not heard from one friend she told, a teacher, an advisor, a pastor, a doctor, even a family member. She was not clear who it was when she reported the rape. There was no report of her blood alcohol level which would have avail her of an unconscious claim and being unable to say no. No traces of ruffies. Are we to believe she didn't know she was with The Most Recognizable Man in The State Of Florida. It has been his contention that it was consensual. No one has proof to the contrary. That being said she has no claim.

  • She didn't tell anyone? She reported it to the police that same day it happened. They sat on the case. Even the prosecutor was incredulous at the way the police handled the case. There is also a friend on record both herself and as calling the FSUPD 911 number.
  • No report of blood alcohol content? The reading was .04 when the test was administered several hours after the alledged attack. Prosecutor Meggs himself commented that that could indicated it being as high as .10 at the time of the alledged attack. If GHB were unknowingly given to the accuser then they are only detectible for 6-12 hours following being ingested. Meaning that they could have feasibly been cleared of her system by the time the sexual assault kit was done.
  • The Most Recognizable Man in Florida? In December 2012, Jameis Winston was a freshman who was redshirting. He was not garnering any national publicity at that time. Take a picture of a redshirt freshmen player at the U to any campus bar and see if you can find one person to recognize them. He may have been known to some, but he certainly didn't attain his present level of celebrity until fall of 2013 when he finally took a snap. This lack of public visibility at that time would also explain why she didn't know who she was with. Also, a victim of GHB basically doesn't remember anything. All comments regarding her behavior that evening are consistent with being drugged.

Unfortunately we will likely never know what really happened that night due to the way the case was handled. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence however that the FSUPD and TPD handled this case differently than they handle others. The ties between the FSUPD and TPD with the FSU program are hard to ignore. You have the investigating officer as a part time employee of the Seminole Boosters, the primary financier of FSU athletics sitting on a case. Take 10 minutes and read the article. Regardless of whether anyone thinks there is guilt or innocence on Mr. Winston's behalf, you are absolutely wrong in claiming the accuser should simply cease pursuit of her legal options/remedy. Our legal system exists specifically to provide our citizens that right. If you have not read the attached article then you certainly should do so. At a minimum you should at least get your facts straight regardless of your opinion as shown above.

All you need to know about Jameis' respect for women is when he stood up and yelled "fu** her right in the pu$$y."

He's a coward with no respect for women.

You never know what happened for sure but I highly doubt they met at a bar while drinking underage and decided hey im going to go home with this random guy but I don't want to have sex with him? Id like to think that most people aren't ignorant enough to think that college kids go home from bars with random people and intend not to have sexual relations. Yes because you go home from a bar with a random person of an opposite sex doesn't mean you necessarily want to have sex with them but odds are most of the time it does.

You never know what happened for sure but I highly doubt they met at a bar while drinking underage and decided hey im going to go home with this random guy but I don't want to have sex with him? Id like to think that most people aren't ignorant enough to think that college kids go home from bars with random people and intend not to have sexual relations. Yes because you go home from a bar with a random person of an opposite sex doesn't mean you necessarily want to have sex with them but odds are most of the time it does.

You are probably right, BUT
- Maybe she started sobering up and said no but Winston wouldn't take that for answer.
- Maybe it was the GHB talking when she said yes. As mentioned above, it would have probably been out of her system by the time she was tested.

If she is my daughter and I believed her and I was getting these BS hearing results, I would keep trying to get that SOB behind bars.

But he will never be found guilty anywhere in Florida.

All you need to know about Jameis' respect for women is when he stood up and yelled "fu** her right in the pu$$y."

He's a coward with no respect for women.

Possibly, but that doesn't make him a rapist.

All you need to know about Jameis' respect for women is when he stood up and yelled "fu** her right in the pu$$y."

He's a coward with no respect for women.

Thousands of college males say stuff as bad or worse about women in public places every day.

But nobody knows about it because they aren't a football player.

Shouldn't have said it, you are right. But saying it doesn't make him a bad person. (Other stuff might)

You are probably right, BUT
- Maybe she started sobering up and said no but Winston wouldn't take that for answer.
- Maybe it was the GHB talking when she said yes. As mentioned above, it would have probably been out of her system by the time she was tested.

If she is my daughter and I believed her and I was getting these BS hearing results, I would keep trying to get that SOB behind bars.

But he will never be found guilty anywhere in Florida.

Very good point. Its honestly sad that you can never truly find out what happens in these situations as it is an awful thing for anybody.

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