Can't Make It To Every Game? - U of M Teams up with Stubhub ? ? ? ?


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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Can't Make It To Every Game? - U of M Teams up with Stubhub ? ? ? ?

I got an email from the U, they've got some sort of arrangement with Stubhub for season ticket holders to sell their tickets on Stubhub.

It looks like there is some integration with the existing ticketing system, and.... yet... not quite seamless.

The process is to go to and there is a stubhub option where you register to sell your tickets. But then you're not done.

Then you sign up with stubhub... and set the price.

Not exactly the smoothest system but not terrible either.

The email is telling folks about this option is also kinda wonky with a somewhat blurry img containing non specific instructions. It talks about step 1 being "LOGIN OR REGISTER at your ticket marketplace" (I guess that's, but it doesn't actually bother to say where. It's not that hard to figure out but if they want folks to do this thing ... probabbly should tell them. It wouldn't take that much effort to be more specific.


Email marketing aside this is an interesting attempt that hopefully long run would make more tickets / better seats more readily available to folks who want to go.

It's not that hard to sell on stub hub "the old fashioned way".

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It's not that hard to sell on stub hub "the old fashioned way".

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It's not that hard, but I don't think that the option to transfer tickets electronically existed before and that makes a big difference for sellers since it enables you to list your tickets right up to game time vs. a couple of days before the game to allow time for shipping the actual tickets. Partnering with a well-known entity rather than trying to re-invent the wheel with an in-house system is also a positive in my view.

My guess is that this is intended as an easier way for ticket holders to sell (rather than Craigslist or having to ship tickets) and that it is targeted mostly at hockey and football where there seems to be the highest percentage of tickets that get sold, but not used. The U might be getting a small cut on sales through their website, but the bigger benefit would seem to be making it easier to get tickets from the people holding them to the people who can use them.

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