Can Jerry Kill Get Minnesota Past "Glen Mason Territory"? - By Jeffrick

The ONLY credit I gave Mason is when I stated that Coach kill should thank Coach Mason for helping to get the damn on campus stadium built.

Wren, I am confused. Where is this dam? :confused:

I NEVER lamented the departure of a single coach.

I lament that Bierman was forced out after all he had done.

I lament the fact that Warmath was forced out after all that he had accomplished.

I lament the fact that Cal Stoll was forced out. He was a damn good coach who got NO support from anyone.

A new high, wren.

Note: my posts were lamenting the 65 year pattern of replacing football coaches on average every four to five years and was addressed to NO ONE in particular...

If you go back 60 years rather than 65, the average is 7.7 years.

Holtz aside, only Tim Brewster didn't get five years. That's since 1954! With how bad the program has been in relation to the Big Ten, that's amazing that seven of the eight coaches got at least 5 years. Graveyard talk is ridiculous.

Illinois fired Koennig after ONE season in 2012 and Beckman may not get past year two.

Indiana has fired Cameron after 5, DiNardo after 3, Lynch after 4....that's just since 1997. Kevin Wilson can't afford a bad 2014 with a 10-26 record after three years.

Tim Brewster was given more of a chance than Rich Rodriguez at Michigan who was one win away from the national title game at West Virginia just months before!

Michigan State canned Bobby Williams in year 3, John L. Smith after 4 years.

Nebraska fired Callahan after 4.

Purdue gave Danny Hope 4 years...gone.

Well written article. Thanks for posting. Enjoyed it and there were some really good, unique points made.

Illinois fired Koennig after ONE season in 2012 and Beckman may not get past year two.

Koenning was the interim HC for one game (not season) in 2011 after Zook was fired, and Beckman is already past year two.

If you go back 60 years rather than 65, the average is 7.7 years.

Holtz aside, only Tim Brewster didn't get five years. That's since 1954! With how bad the program has been in relation to the Big Ten, that's amazing that seven of the eight coaches got at least 5 years. Graveyard talk is ridiculous.

Illinois fired Koennig after ONE season in 2012 and Beckman may not get past year two.

Indiana has fired Cameron after 5, DiNardo after 3, Lynch after 4....that's just since 1997. Kevin Wilson can't afford a bad 2014 with a 10-26 record after three years.

Tim Brewster was given more of a chance than Rich Rodriguez at Michigan who was one win away from the national title game at West Virginia just months before!

Michigan State canned Bobby Williams in year 3, John L. Smith after 4 years.

Nebraska fired Callahan after 4.

Purdue gave Danny Hope 4 years...gone.

You just blew apart wren's "Fire your way to prosperity" diatribe. It took you about 100 words to make your point; wren's was over 1,000 with talking about dams, Mason, laughing, team ownership, and everything else that makes him seem crazy. This thread is awesome.

Looking at "Big 10" wins (because that's all that matters), our greatest modern era coach (last 50 years) was Jeff Horton. He took a 1-6 team (0-3 Big 10) and went .400 in 5-games. He also was able to do what we hadn't done in the last a Trophy Game.

Now if we were to take Kill vs. Mason, it's almost a dead heat in B1G games. For the 1st 4-years, Kill has .333 vs. Mason's .375.

Worst coach goes to Jim Wacker (.200 Big 10 record) followed closely by Brew (.222 Big 10 record).

Speaking of former interim-Coach Jeff Horton, anyone happen to know what he is up to these days? Guy was put in an extremely tough spot, but did a great job all things considered at the time.

You just blew apart wren's "Fire your way to prosperity" diatribe. It took you about 100 words to make your point; wren's was over 1,000 with talking about dams, Mason, laughing, team ownership, and everything else that makes him seem crazy. This thread is awesome.

That was damn bad on your part foolish rescooter. Minnesota has had sixty five years of firing the coach on average every five years. They have had an interm coach for 1.5 months, an head coach for 1 11/12ths seasons, a head coach for 3 years and another one for about 3.5 seasons (too long in Brewster's case). Now if that is not a grave yard situation for coaches, I don't know what would be. The guy you are talking about gave one example from a bunch of places. Well, puppy, we have been doing that for virtually all of my life time and I am 67 years old now.

Here we go fool: Bierman, Fessler (3 years), Warmath (17 years), Stoll (7 years), Salem (5 years), hoax (1 11/12ths year) Gutty (5 years) Wacker (5 years), Mason (10 years), Brewster (3.5 years), Horton (1.5 months), and Kill (3 years and counting).

That covers the years 1950 through 2014. SIXTY FOUR years. There are a DOZEN Coaches involved. They ranged in service years from about 1 1/2 months to 17 years. If you can't see how the constant turn over hurt, you understand nothing about football. To the best of my knowledge, only hoax ever worked as a football HEAD coach after Minnesota chewed those coaches up and spit them out. That IS a graveyard of college coaches.

And, that is why I wish Coach Kill ALL the best as he works this job. My wish for him is that he will be incredibly successful, and when the time comes, he will be able to orchestrate exactly the kind of "final curtain" call on this job that he would most like to have. If that means leaving for another job, great! If it means deciding to retire Fine I just don't want any foolish fans, recruitnicks, sports media types, or incompetent administrators calling the shots for him. He is a good man and I think he is doing a good job. He deserves to be the master of his own fate!

That covers the years 1950 through 2014. SIXTY FOUR years. There are a DOZEN Coaches involved. They ranged in service years from about 1 1/2 months to 17 years. If you can't see how the constant turn over hurt, you understand nothing about football. To the best of my knowledge, only hoax ever worked as a football HEAD coach after Minnesota chewed those coaches up and spit them out. That IS a graveyard of college coaches.

Stated differently, none of the guys we have fired have gone on to be successful coaches anywhere then which firings were stupid?

You just blew apart wren's "Fire your way to prosperity" diatribe. It took you about 100 words to make your point; wren's was over 1,000 with talking about dams, Mason, laughing, team ownership, and everything else that makes him seem crazy. This thread is awesome.

Yeah - that makes him "seem" crazy.

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