Can Jerry Kill Get Minnesota Past "Glen Mason Territory"? - By Jeffrick


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Jan 10, 2011
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Well written article by Jeffrick at TDG. Now if the lunatic wren would just stay focused on the topic per the following quote from Jeffrick, we might be able to have a calm rational discussion.

"But the reason for writing this post isn't to have the argument of whether firing Mason was the right move (it was) or not (no really, it was). The point of this is to look at what Coach Kill needs to achieve to break through the glass ceiling of "Glen Mason Territory". Before we do that, a little context is needed to understand just what Glen Mason Territory really was."

Click on the link below to read the article. Also, read the other posts to see how a rational site conducts itself.

Very good article and THAT GA DUN 4TH QTR LOSS TO MEECHAGIN.

Great breakdown.
I'd say even Mason could have gotten past Glen Mason Territory had he modernized his recruiting and put more effort into that phase of the program. The 2005, 2006 classes were really bad besides a few standouts.
Should Kill get a 10 win season or "breakout" like we all hope he does at the helm here, the question isn't whether he can maintain 10 win type seasons, it's whether he can maintain a high level of "fire in the belly". Settling into status quot and "cruising" like Mason did isn't an option here, the local recruiting talent base isn't deep enough, and most of the conference is ahead of us as far as support and facilities goes.

11 or 12 wins would be surpassing Mason territory. Tubby Smith territory would be an appropriate term as well.

Well written article by Jeffrick at TDG. Now if the lunatic wren would just stay focused on the topic per the following quote from Jeffrick, we might be able to have a calm rational discussion.

"But the reason for writing this post isn't to have the argument of whether firing Mason was the right move (it was) or not (no really, it was). The point of this is to look at what Coach Kill needs to achieve to break through the glass ceiling of "Glen Mason Territory". Before we do that, a little context is needed to understand just what Glen Mason Territory really was."

Click on the link below to read the article. Also, read the other posts to see how a rational site conducts itself.

Good stuff, and very fair.

One question. Was the Big Ten tied in with the Gator Bowl for the 2003 season? I thought the Big Ten tie-in was only recently?

One question. Was the Big Ten tied in with the Gator Bowl for the 2003 season? I thought the Big Ten tie-in was only recently?

No - he got the Gator Bowl confused with the Outback Bowl.

The Outback committee said before our season finale in Iowa City that they would be taking the winner, and things unraveled quickly after Maroney's goal line fumble.

The real snub that year was the Alamo Bowl taking Michigan State ahead of us, citing the Spartans' head-to-head victory against us. That was in direct contrast to their reasoning for taking Penn State ahead of us four years earlier when we had beaten the Nittany Lions in State College, and three years later when they took Iowa despite our win over them in the season finale. I hope the Alamo Bowl never becomes a Big Ten bowl again, because if we ever ended up there, I would not be willing to give them a dime of my money.

Great breakdown.
I'd say even Mason could have gotten past Glen Mason Territory had he modernized his recruiting and put more effort into that phase of the program. The 2005, 2006 classes were really bad besides a few standouts.
Should Kill get a 10 win season or "breakout" like we all hope he does at the helm here, the question isn't whether he can maintain 10 win type seasons, it's whether he can maintain a high level of "fire in the belly". Settling into status quot and "cruising" like Mason did isn't an option here, the local recruiting talent base isn't deep enough, and most of the conference is ahead of us as far as support and facilities goes.

Some things have improved. My Gophers now play in their own stadium, on campus. Coach Mason played a large role in obtaining that stadium. Coach Kill can thank Coach Mason for that.

Re: the article. I do NOT accept every point the author attempted to make. Just as I do not accept some of your contentions, Ole. We can let it go with that, but, I disagree with the general tone of your comments and I disagree with a number of the author's contentions and conclusions.

Now that Coach Kill had a 4 win Big Ten Conference year in 2013, it appears that some folks are ready to have a count down to the point in time when he will equal Coach Mason's accomplishments in moving my Gophers to a position of relevance within the Big Ten Conference, or the new form that it exists in. That is fine. I welcome that. They keep records of all the Big Ten Stuff and we can now be very precise in comparing the apples to apples conference wins and conference losses. I wish Coach Kill all the very best and hope he far surpasses what Coach Mason accomplished. IF he does....when he does, it will make being a Golden Gopher Football Fan much more enjoyable than it was during the brewball disaster. However: I will have to see it happen and I will need to be certain that what Coach Kill receives credit for from people like the author of this blog piece is at least equal to what Coach Mason accomplished. It will give us precise numbers to make a case with one way or another. The record books will tell us the entire story of this contrast and comparison of the results of these two coaches.

I believe that the total number of conference wins vs the total number of conference losses will be the ultimate test. So, I am certainly hoping for Coach Kill to prosper and succeed for at least ten seasons. That will be the purest way to judge as Coach Kill attempts to enter the Coach Mason Level as the author of this blog piece has dubbed this new and exciting contest of contrasts and comparisons of the two coaches levels.

Coach Kill had four Conference wins in 2013. However, he won zero border battles. In all, he has won one border battle contest and has lost five. He needs to do MUCH better in that area. Re: trophy games. He has beaten iowa once and PSU once. So, he has won two trophy games. He is 0 for 2 in bowl game appearances. That will need some improvement. All of these marks will be very easy to keep track of. These things are measurable. They can not be argued. This will, indeed be a very interesting comparison and contrast to discuss, measure and evaluate.

The numbers of conference related wins and losses, along with any national rankings and any bowl appearances/wins and losses will provide all the answers we will need to compile to determine IF and WHEN Coach Kill either fails to join the Mason Level or succeeds in achieving OR surpassing the Mason Level.

I say: Good Luck Coach Kill. Do your best. IF you succeed in joining or surpassing the Mason Level, you will be succeeding with my Golden Gopher Football Team in making them more competitive than they have been in a very long period of time. And, IF you can take this football program to levels that exceed the Mason levels, you WILL in all likelihood win a Conference Division Championship or a Conference Championship in the process. That would be INCREDIBLE. Good luck Coach Kill...Let the Conference games begin. Let the scorekeeping commence with the 2014 season. And: BEAT the stinking badger and end the madness in 2014! What a GREAT start that would be to this competition to see if the current coach can KILL the Mason Level over the course of the next six or seven years! The clock is ticking. The records will be kept. The comparisons can be precise. As I have always said: This will be all about Conference wins and Conference losses. This will, indeed be very interesting! And, remember Coach Kill: Compete well in the border battle games. win at least close to 50% or more of those. Win the battle of the trophy games. You will need some wins over iowa and wisky and to make it a very special year you will also need an occasional win over Michigan strung together with wins over iowa and wisky to really make some noise! Any year that you can hold the Axe, the Pig and the Jug in your office: you will have an excellent chance to win a conference championship and go to the Rose Bowl!

Nice article. Brought back some painful memories though. Coach Kill can surpass Mason but not there yet.

And, IF you can take this football program to levels that exceed the Mason levels, you WILL in all likelihood win a Conference Division Championship or a Conference Championship in the process.

Finishing higher than fourth place would exceed Mason levels. Where you finish in Big Ten is very easy to keep track of. These things are measurable. They can not be argued.

Finishing higher than fourth place would exceed Mason levels. Where you finish in Big Ten is very easy to keep track of. These things are measurable. They can not be argued.

Well, seeing will indeed be way or another. Either Coach Kill will do it...or he will not.

Now, are you talking 4th place in the division? Or 4th place overall in the combined conference standings. I guess we will have to make it 4th place in the combined conference records... ; 0 )

Not that I don't trust you maximus, but, really, I don't.

Finishing higher than fourth place would exceed Mason levels. Where you finish in Big Ten is very easy to keep track of. These things are measurable. They can not be argued.

The position the team finishes in is dependent on how other teams do. For instance, if you look at Wisconsin's streak of top 4 finishes in basketball, there's a 9-7 and a 10-8 conference record in there. Some years that's only good enough for 6th or so, but for Wisconsin those records earned them a tie for 4th. Basically we could get to 5-3, and still not get 4th place. Then of course there's always the varying strength of the conference year by year if you wanna get into that.

The position the team finishes in is dependent on how other teams do. For instance, if you look at Wisconsin's streak of top 4 finishes in basketball, there's a 9-7 and a 10-8 conference record in there. Some years that's only good enough for 6th or so, but for Wisconsin those records earned them a tie for 4th. Basically we could get to 5-3, and still not get 4th place. Then of course there's always the varying strength of the conference year by year if you wanna get into that.

I don't think it is really possible to get into the varying strength of the conference year in and year out dirty little game. How the hell and who the hell is going to be the absolute judge of that kind of subjective rating crap? You have to go strictly by the numbers when you are covering a ten year tenure of coaches and their records in conference play. They do NOT put an * by any of the years of conference standings explaining just exactly what the strength of the conference was in any particular year...nor should they.

Nice article. Brought back some painful memories though. Coach Kill can surpass Mason but not there yet.
Oh, come on now, don't wimp out here. Sure, there may have been some tough losses there...but...I was in the house at the Horse Shoe in 2000 and in the Big House in 2005. I also saw some other great wins during that time. If you are going to be a damn football fan you have got to stand the good with the not so good. The exciting with the heartbreaking. That is the risk you run when you root for anyone other than the Ohio State and in the past year or so Michigan State in the Big Ten Conference. Most of the rest of the teams have some real stinkers...some real heart breakers...some really lucky breaks and some really bad bounces. Football has it's ups and downs and if you can't take it...get out while you still can...As for me: I'll take the good with the bad, call it a day and keep coming back for more. Being a Golden Gopher Football Fan owes me NOTHING over the past sixty years of great and powerful memories.
; 0 )

I think there are lots of valid measures available to surpass Glen Mason Territory but isn't the easiest one conference winning percentage. Glen Mason won 40% of the Big Ten games he coached. If Jerry Kill could go 5 and 3 in the conference this year, he will be at 40% for his first four years. If Kill accomplishes that or better...he will be ahead of Glen Mason's pace. If Kill and the Gophers go 4 and 4 in conference play, then Mason and Kill will be tied and on the exact same 12 and 20 beginning after four years using that measure.

I would be very satisfied with a four and four conference record in 2014 with our 2014 conference schedule.

I don't think it is really possible to get into the varying strength of the conference year in and year out dirty little game. How the hell and who the hell is going to be the absolute judge of that kind of subjective rating crap? You have to go strictly by the numbers when you are covering a ten year tenure of coaches and their records in conference play. They do NOT put an * by any of the years of conference standings explaining just exactly what the strength of the conference was in any particular year...nor should they.

I agree that conference strength in a given year is pretty subjective and not something that most people will have an accurate memory of more than 3-5 years after the fact.

I completely agree with the bolded statement. You should post this on the basketball board for people who believe that having our Big Ten rivals landing the best recruits in the country is good for the Gophers. A Big Ten championship is a Big Ten championship no matter how strong the conference is.

I think there are lots of valid measures available to surpass Glen Mason Territory but isn't the easiest one conference winning percentage. Glen Mason won 40% of the Big Ten games he coached. If Jerry Kill could go 5 and 3 in the conference this year, he will be at 40% for his first four years. If Kill accomplishes that or better...he will be ahead of Glen Mason's pace. If Kill and the Gophers go 4 and 4 in conference play, then Mason and Kill will be tied and on the exact same 12 and 20 beginning after four years using that measure.

I would be very satisfied with a four and four conference record in 2014 with our 2014 conference schedule.

I agree that there are lots of valid CONFERENCE measures available for Coach Kill to eiher surpass Glen Mason Territory...or not surpass Glen Mason Territory. He will have to do it on his own and he will have to do it on the conference playing fields. Non-conference games are just too much all over the board and the strength of ooc schedules for BOTH coaches has been pretty standard for bottom half of the conference types of non conference schedules at the University of Minnesota. So far, they perhaps have been somewhat similar, but, they are nothing to pay much attention to. Their only use has been to help get at least three, and most years four pretty much guaranteed wins that will help qualify the team and the coach for a bowl bid.

So, by all means, let's take a look at any, and all conference things that will compare apples to apples. I ALWAYS compare Big Ten Wins/Big Ten losses that each coach dating back to Bernie Bierman has achieved. I also make note of those who were eventually fired or forced out because of their segment of their record that did not please the media, the fans and the administrators. Going back to Bernie Bierman the ONLY coach to not be forced out or fired was lou hoax. He fired the University of Minnesota Football Program before he hung around long enough to be fired by it. Yes, the U of M is a "graveyard of College Coaches. We even forced out Bierman and Warmath. They combined for quite a few National Championships.

So, in essence all we are doing in watching to see IF Coach Kill can rise to the Mason Territory is to see how well he can do before we fire him. Do you people understand the satirical humor in that concept? How ironic? We want to see IF Coach Kill can equal or exceed Coach Mason Territory before people around here start calling for his head...and...the administration washes it's hands of the whole matter, buys him out and fires him? Yes, Glen Mason was extended when the stadium needed his support, he was one year later bought out and fired and many people were really fired up and happy about that and were extremely impressed with Brewster as a coach, motivator, recruiter, and felt brewball was really going to be something special. We ALL fired him in the middle of his fourth season after three Conference losses. Exit Brewster...enter Kill. And: so it goes...

But, this will be a very interesting little experiment. I fear what we will find is that all coaches at the University of Minnesota Football Program can only escape the "firing squad" of media, fans and administrators IF they take another job and leave town in the middle of the night...You and I, the media, the administrators ran off and I and the honchos fired Cal...Mase...and of course Brewster. And it will eventually be the same with Coach Kill unless he leaves or retires. It is built into the job description: IF a coach chooses to will end with a buy out, retirement or a termination. Coach Mason Territory is the state of the extension/buy out/termination variety. But, good luck Coach Kill! Win Conference games. Win Border Battles. Bring some hardware back to your office. Reach Mason Territory AND beyond...and then probably take another job, retire or become the athletic director so this job doesn't extend, buy out and fire you. If you stay here long enough, it is bound to happen eventually.

Going back to Bernie Bierman the ONLY coach to not be forced out or fired was lou hoax. He fired the University of Minnesota Football Program before he hung around long enough to be fired by it. Yes, the U of M is a "graveyard of College Coaches.

Since Lou Holtz fired the U, Minnesota has had six different head coaches. I wonder how that compares? How many listed below have been to the Rose Bowl/BCS? How is that possible with all those graveyards?

Illinois 7
Indiana 6
Minnesota 6
Purdue 6
Michigan 5
Michigan State 5
Nebraska 5
Northwestern 5
Ohio State 5

Since Lou Holtz fired the U, Minnesota has had six different head coaches. I wonder how that compares? How many listed below have been to the Rose Bowl/BCS? How is that possible with all those graveyards?

Illinois 7
Indiana 6
Minnesota 6
Purdue 6
Michigan 5
Michigan State 5
Nebraska 5
Northwestern 5
Ohio State 5


Oh, come on now, don't wimp out here. Sure, there may have been some tough losses there...but...I was in the house at the Horse Shoe in 2000 and in the Big House in 2005. I also saw some other great wins during that time. If you are going to be a damn football fan you have got to stand the good with the not so good. The exciting with the heartbreaking. That is the risk you run when you root for anyone other than the Ohio State and in the past year or so Michigan State in the Big Ten Conference. Most of the rest of the teams have some real stinkers...some real heart breakers...some really lucky breaks and some really bad bounces. Football has it's ups and downs and if you can't take it...get out while you still can...As for me: I'll take the good with the bad, call it a day and keep coming back for more. Being a Golden Gopher Football Fan owes me NOTHING over the past sixty years of great and powerful memories.
; 0 )

Huh? Wimp out? I think you assume too much from what was a very general comment.

Since Lou Holtz fired the U, Minnesota has had six different head coaches. I wonder how that compares? How many listed below have been to the Rose Bowl/BCS? How is that possible with all those graveyards?

Illinois 7
Indiana 6
Minnesota 6
Purdue 6
Michigan 5
Michigan State 5
Nebraska 5
Northwestern 5
Ohio State 5

The problem was and the problem is that since 1950, when Bierman was forced out, the Gophers had five coaches counting Bierman's last year prior to the very short stay for hoax. So, hoax was about the 6th coach in a 32 year span. Considering Murray was there for over half of those 30 some years, Fessler, Stoll, Salem and hoax brought the average down to a new coach every four years. And, the graveyard just kept adding new plots. Gutty, Wacker, Mason, Brewster, the interm coach and Kill make the average tenure since hoax about 4 year stints of duty. And THAT is a problem. I don't know about Indiana. They are Indiana. Purdue is not much. Michigan is NOT the team they were 10 years ago. Neither is Nebraska. MSU lucked out when their coach's heart attack didn't take him out of the game. The Ohio State will always be a pretty strong team. But, replacing a coach on average ever four or five years for the past 65 years has really taken a heavy toll on my Golden Gopher Football Program.

Mason won a handful of trophy games in the decade he was here... Mason also had a sub par B1G record... The point is moot u til kill is as tentured here as mason was... Once that time comes... Kill will have won more B1G games as well as trophy games... And it will be known only then that kill is BH far the superior coach

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

To me this is another rehash of the past. Why keep going there? We all know what happen during the Michigan game and the Badger game (blocked kick in/near end zone). Lets move forward and like the team focus on getting better and having a positive attitude.

Kill will never have better teeth than Mason.... or hair....

Wren, enjoy your thread.

Maurice Alexander
Dominique Barber
William Brody
John Carlson
Matt DeGeest
Adam Ernst
Jason Giannini
Deon Hightower
Leland Jones
Justin Kucek
Tommy Leavitt
Mike Maciejowski
Steve Moore
Tony Mortensen
Everett Pedescleaux
Gary Russell
Johnny Sampy
Sam Scroggins
Hussain Shakir
Jack Simmons
Andre Sloan El
Nhemie Theodore
Will VanDeSteeg
David Wess

Jeff Brooks
Mike Chambers
Richard Christy
Boyd Coleman
Alex Daniels
Steve Davis
Eric Decker
Otis Hudson
Dominic Jones
Marcel Jones
Keith Massey
Michael McKelton
Chris Mensen
Troy Reilly
Ryan Ruckdashel
Jason Sekinger
Matt Stommes
Ned Tavale
Jay Thomas
Nate Triplett

Dominic Alford
Tommy Becker
Andy Brinkhaus
Garrett Brown
R.J. Buckner
D.J. Burris
Brylee Callender
Lee Campbell
Duran Cooley
Willie Dyson
Eric Ellestad
Ben Fischer
Jamar Howard
E.J. Jones
Daron Love
Robert McField
Sean McWhirter
Josh Robertson
Rudy Robinson
Terrence Sherrer
Adam Weber
Mike Wey

By my count Mason had 18 of 65 recruits contribute to any meaningful snaps in actual games after he was fired(07 season on) These classes were recruited post 03' coming off the best season in the program for ages.
There's simply no doubt Mason stopped grinding after 03'. Kill's legacy will be judged on whether he can reach a similar peak season as Mason did in 03, and how that success is parlayed after that in recruiting/donations/attitude.

Maurice Alexander
Dominique Barber
William Brody
John Carlson
Matt DeGeest
Adam Ernst
Jason Giannini
Deon Hightower
Leland Jones
Justin Kucek
Tommy Leavitt
Mike Maciejowski
Steve Moore
Tony Mortensen
Everett Pedescleaux
Gary Russell
Johnny Sampy
Sam Scroggins
Hussain Shakir
Jack Simmons
Andre Sloan El
Nhemie Theodore
Will VanDeSteeg
David Wess

Jeff Brooks
Mike Chambers
Richard Christy
Boyd Coleman
Alex Daniels
Steve Davis
Eric Decker
Otis Hudson
Dominic Jones
Marcel Jones
Keith Massey
Michael McKelton
Chris Mensen
Troy Reilly
Ryan Ruckdashel
Jason Sekinger
Matt Stommes
Ned Tavale
Jay Thomas
Nate Triplett

Dominic Alford
Tommy Becker
Andy Brinkhaus
Garrett Brown
R.J. Buckner
D.J. Burris
Brylee Callender
Lee Campbell
Duran Cooley
Willie Dyson
Eric Ellestad
Ben Fischer
Jamar Howard
E.J. Jones
Daron Love
Robert McField
Sean McWhirter
Josh Robertson
Rudy Robinson
Terrence Sherrer
Adam Weber
Mike Wey

By my count Mason had 18 of 65 recruits contribute to any meaningful snaps in actual games after he was fired(07 season on) These classes were recruited post 03' coming off the best season in the program for ages.
There's simply no doubt Mason stopped grinding after 03'. Kill's legacy will be judged on whether he can reach a similar peak season as Mason did in 03, and how that success is parlayed after that in recruiting/donations/attitude.

Blasphemy! How dare you use facts to attack wren's hero. Ever since Mason allowed wren to carry his suitcase, wren has been lighting candles to him. Unfortunately it is pretty sad to see how deluded he has become on this subject. Everybody seem to knows this yet he is allowed to continue this never ending soap opera here. It is also interesting to note that most all of the comments at The Daily Gopher about Glen are pretty much the same, i.e. he brought on his own downfall. The only one who doesn't understand that or accepts is wren, Mr. Deluded in Winona. :horse::blah::banghead:


Maurice Alexander
Dominique Barber
William Brody
John Carlson
Matt DeGeest
Adam Ernst
Jason Giannini
Deon Hightower
Leland Jones
Justin Kucek
Tommy Leavitt
Mike Maciejowski
Steve Moore
Tony Mortensen
Everett Pedescleaux
Gary Russell
Johnny Sampy
Sam Scroggins
Hussain Shakir
Jack Simmons
Andre Sloan El
Nhemie Theodore
Will VanDeSteeg
David Wess

Jeff Brooks
Mike Chambers
Richard Christy
Boyd Coleman
Alex Daniels
Steve Davis
Eric Decker
Otis Hudson
Dominic Jones
Marcel Jones
Keith Massey
Michael McKelton
Chris Mensen
Troy Reilly
Ryan Ruckdashel
Jason Sekinger
Matt Stommes
Ned Tavale
Jay Thomas
Nate Triplett

Dominic Alford
Tommy Becker
Andy Brinkhaus
Garrett Brown
R.J. Buckner
D.J. Burris
Brylee Callender
Lee Campbell
Duran Cooley
Willie Dyson
Eric Ellestad
Ben Fischer
Jamar Howard
E.J. Jones
Daron Love
Robert McField
Sean McWhirter
Josh Robertson
Rudy Robinson
Terrence Sherrer
Adam Weber
Mike Wey

By my count Mason had 18 of 65 recruits contribute to any meaningful snaps in actual games after he was fired(07 season on) These classes were recruited post 03' coming off the best season in the program for ages.
There's simply no doubt Mason stopped grinding after 03'. Kill's legacy will be judged on whether he can reach a similar peak season as Mason did in 03, and how that success is parlayed after that in recruiting/donations/attitude.

My comments aren't going to be "bash Mason," but thanks for posting those classes. Mason, as CEO of the program, has to be held accountable for the recruiting, but there are two elements of recruiting: (1) talent level of the recruits, and (2) having them stay with the program through their eligibility. I think the latter was the bigger problem in the late-Mason and entire-Brewster tenures. From early indications, that may be the place where Kill will make the biggest difference. If you get kids into the program and have them develop physically and get acclimated to the system, you are likely going to have quality depth. I think the big issue for Kill will be landing kids at the skilled positions (but that's the challenge at almost every program).

It's like shooting "bar pool." Hit the shots you're supposed to and get lucky once in awhile and you'll be doing fine. I like what Kill has done thus far because I think he's building for the long haul. Now, we need to sit back and give him (health permitting) and chance to drive the entire route.


Looking at "Big 10" wins (because that's all that matters), our greatest modern era coach (last 50 years) was Jeff Horton. He took a 1-6 team (0-3 Big 10) and went .400 in 5-games. He also was able to do what we hadn't done in the last a Trophy Game.

Now if we were to take Kill vs. Mason, it's almost a dead heat in B1G games. For the 1st 4-years, Kill has .333 vs. Mason's .375.

Worst coach goes to Jim Wacker (.200 Big 10 record) followed closely by Brew (.222 Big 10 record).

Looking at "Big 10" wins (because that's all that matters), our greatest modern era coach (last 50 years) was Jeff Horton. He took a 1-6 team (0-3 Big 10) and went .400 in 5-games. He also was able to do what we hadn't done in the last a Trophy Game.

Now if we were to take Kill vs. Mason, it's almost a dead heat in B1G games. For the 1st 4-years, Kill has .333 vs. Mason's .375.

Worst coach goes to Jim Wacker (.200 Big 10 record) followed closely by Brew (.222 Big 10 record).

Note: my posts were lamenting the 65 year pattern of replacing football coaches on average every four to five years and was addressed to NO ONE in particular...

NO, you foolish agenda-laden people. I NEVER lamented the departure of a single coach. I dislike lou hoax the most because of the way he destroyed so much with the way he left. What I DO lament is the fact that the University of Minnesota for the past 65 years has on average had coaches who lasted 4 to 5 seasons and then all the staffs turned over. This happy "fire your way to prosperity" bull sh*t has really sucked for the entire time I have been a Gopher Fan. The first things I remember were the Fessler days. He had won a Big Ten Title at the Ohio State. He was Paul Giel's Coach. He lasted 3 seasons. Murray then came on board and it was pretty much a GOLDEN AGE of Gopher Football during the first dozen years of his tenure. Then it got tougher. I lament that Bierman was forced out after all he had done. I lament the fact that Warmath was forced out after all that he had accomplished. I lament the fact that Cal Stoll was forced out. He was a damn good coach who got NO support from anyone. I lament the fact that they ever brought hoax in because of the way he left the program after 1 11/12ths of a season. By then, it just pissed me off when the fools in administration and the fools in the stands and the "so-called boosters and the fools in the media called for a new coach every few years.

I KNOW I will be watching you people try to do the same damn thing to Coach Kill. With the looks of the upcoming schedule, for some of you, I anticipate that may happen sooner than some of you will admit. You "recruitnicks" will never be satisfied with his recruit's "fantasy rankings..." If the 4 conference wins of 2013 turns to 3 wins in 2014 or 2 wins in 2014 it might get tense...especially if there is not a win at TCU.

I laughed in regard to the concepts of the article that killjoy person posted and always plugs from some other web site. Is there really any pressing urgency to see if Coach Kill can obtain Mason Territory? Mason territory would get him fired. It got Mason fired AFTER they extended him, gave him a pay raise and then bought him out a year later so they could fire him in order to hire that Brewster character. That is pretty damn comical. But, IF Coach Kill were to continue to fail to ever beat wisky for the Axe...and iowa keeps winning the Pig you people might get real nasty really soon. Especially if his recruiting class fantasy STAR rankings don't pick up really soon.

The ONLY credit I gave Mason is when I stated that Coach kill should thank Coach Mason for helping to get the damn on campus stadium built. Just look at what the athletic department has done with THAT little campus gem. With the lack of a student section most of the time, the team really might have been better off just staying in the dome. (JUST making a point about the student section here...but, there were many years they were much better in the damn dome than they have been in this beautiful on campus stadium.)

So, in review: I lament the fact that for the past 65 years or so, Minnesota has averaged getting a new football coach every four to five seasons, even though Bierman and Warmath had some longevity. Notice how the more longevity that ithey had, the more Big Ten and National Championships they won earlier in their tenures at Minnesota.. Thinking that firing a coach is EVER a good thing, barring scandal, is pure "stinking thinking..." All that means is that the administrators don't know how to hire people who can stick around 10-15 years on a regular basis. Once in a while they might get lucky, but, if you are averaging a new coach every four or five years: the damn administrators should be fired. The author of this piece started out defending and celebrating a firing of the coach that he went on to state was the new "territory" that Coach Kill would somehow need to match or surpass. It was really LAUGHABLE and pathetic.

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