Cal's final drive


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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Did anyone else think that the 4th and inches Cal converted on during their last scoring drive should have been 4th and a full one yard? They showed the replay and it looked like Best went out of bounce at least a yard behind where they marked it. I thought it should have been a replay at least. Anyone else see that, or am I just seeing things?

Best went out of bounce

Best typo (or misspelling) I've seen in a long time!

Since I was on the complete opposite side of the field and toward the other goal line, I couldn't tell if he was out of bounds before the first down marker or not ... but he had plenty of "bounce" all day long. Sure wish we had a couple of 'em like that.

I thought Best certainly got the benefit of the doubt. I am on the North side and we noticed that the official that sets up the first down arrow on the South side of the field was always off by a full yard which may have been part of the problem. The official first down chains were on the North side but it was obvious the official on the South side had no idea what he was doing.

Refs go with the momentum

Over the years I have noticed that refs go with the momentum more times than not. If a team is on a roll, they usually get a good spot. I am not sure why, I guess just human nature - and I hate it.

Did anyone else think that the 4th and inches Cal converted on during their last scoring drive should have been 4th and a full one yard? They showed the replay and it looked like Best went out of bounce at least a yard behind where they marked it. I thought it should have been a replay at least. Anyone else see that, or am I just seeing things?

The ESPN replay seemed to show that he got a good 2-foot spot on that one, yep. He also arguably was out of bounds on his leap for the first TD; however Cal would have scored anyway, so I was glad they didn't bother to waste time to review it.

Haha, my bad. Things like that happen when you've been drinking :D

Oddly enough, Lilbigboy said the same thing ("out of bounce") in another post and I was laughing at it because I had seen that earlier today too! hahahaha

And to prevent this from getting out of control, it's "out of bounds", peops. :)

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