Calipari interested in Chicago Bulls head coaching position.


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Nov 20, 2008
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What would be a bigger shocker, Lane Kiffin skipping out of Tennessee after one year to go to USC or John Calipari skippin gout of Kentucky after one year to go to the NBA? I assume Kentucky fans are in an uproar right now. Might have to head over to their rivals site and read some of the fun.

I'm not sure when loyalty was lost as a positive quality, but it sure is lacking in sports now-a-days.

Have to admit - this would make me laugh pretty hard if he left.

It would make me laugh as well, but I'd be glad to have coach sleaze out of college basketball. It will also be nice to have a major-conference job come open that WON'T start a Tubby rumor for once, though he'd surely be rumored for whatever job is opened by the domino falling at Kentucky. Maybe that would at least give Dithering Joel Maturi enough time to finish up the contract extension that's supposedly been in the works since March.

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