C-Note Hawk and the Gophers


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Nov 21, 2008
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I find this person to be quite hilarious and from his postings I am certain that he is not a college graduate though he could have gone to Iowa. There are several rantings about how TCF stadium is an embarrassment to the Big Ten, it is a glorified high school stadium, and on and on and on. Now we are referred to as the moron and gold.
This back and forth is what makes college rivalries great but it is quite humorous when the person on the other side has no idea what they are talking about. There was even a posting how Minnesota should drop out of the Big Ten.
Iowa is the one who is lucky and should be grateful that they are still in the Big Ten. If Football were the only sport that the conference offered this would be up for debate but you have to look at the whole athletic department.
Iowa is a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Hawkeyes finish from the middle to the bottom in all of their sports and if we had a border battle with them it would be so one sided that it would be pointless. Talking smack is one thing but improve your athletic department before you think you are better than we are. I do not think Iowa will ever have to look at the Directors Cup standings. I am not sure that they know what this is.

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it is humorous. But that dude has been spouting off the same crap for umpteen years now and it never wavers. That's because the only sports Iowa has to crow about under any circumstances are football (once in awhile) and wrestling (recently returned to NCAA champion status). Other than that, they got nothing. Quite literally.

But hey, that's okay. If they want to obsess over their football and wrestling teams 365 days a year, then let them. After all, they've been doing it for decades. Why change things that work??

The rest of the Big Ten knows what the iowa fans are like and everybody in the Big Ten ignores them. They're in their own little world...let's leave them there.

Most Iowa fans think he is a jackass too. He was the one who posted on the strib comments section something to the effect that "God is punishing Sam for not going to Iowa" after it was initially reported that he possibly had a cancerous tumor. I remember other Iowa fans ripping the sh*t out of him for this and making derogatory comments about his weight issue and choice of clothing (at all their games he apparently wears an Iowa jersey with "C-Note Hawk" on the back). I place this guy just one small step below Pantherhawk in the world of idiocy (and yes, he most likely is a guy who barely graduated from Des Moines High).

cnote and panther hawk = pigeon droppings. Wherever they go, they create a mess.

c-note is a douche but lets not get ignorant here now. Iowa has a decent amount of other programs that are pretty good other than football and wrestling. Every sport with the exception of mens bball improved this year. Barta is paying attention to the non revenue sports unlike bowlsby who didnt. The sports that iowa isnt good historically are all getting facelifts. Our new athletic complex that will be completed this summer will give swim/dive facilities that can compete with anyone nationally and will improve our track/field facilities dramatically as well. The bball renovations will do wonders for our volleyball and mens bball team who are deprived of facilities that put them at a disadvantage in recruiting. mens bball is down but no one needs to dog it. Minny has been solid the past few years, But iowas program has been every bit as good as minnys has been historicall and even in the past decade.

c-note is a douche but lets not get ignorant here now. Iowa has a decent amount of other programs that are pretty good other than football and wrestling. Every sport with the exception of mens bball improved this year. Barta is paying attention to the non revenue sports unlike bowlsby who didnt. The sports that iowa isnt good historically are all getting facelifts. Our new athletic complex that will be completed this summer will give swim/dive facilities that can compete with anyone nationally and will improve our track/field facilities dramatically as well. The bball renovations will do wonders for our volleyball and mens bball team who are deprived of facilities that put them at a disadvantage in recruiting. mens bball is down but no one needs to dog it. Minny has been solid the past few years, But iowas program has been every bit as good as minnys has been historicall and even in the past decade.

Some good points here. I for one have never been able to understand why Iowa has lagged as far behind as far as overall sports performance as they have (taking into account that football, wrestling, women's basketball and softball are all pretty competitive). Certainly, if they are upgrading their facilities, that's a good start. There will obviously be more work to do in order to move up the conference ladder in sports like volleyball, baseball, track and field, swimming and diving, gymnastics, and so on. But if the Hawkeye administration wants to improve significantly in all these areas, then more power to them.

Minny has been solid the past few years, But iowas program has been every bit as good as minnys has been historicall and even in the past decade.

Solid in MBB or as an athletic program?

c-note is a douche but lets not get ignorant here now. Iowa has a decent amount of other programs that are pretty good other than football and wrestling. Every sport with the exception of mens bball improved this year. Barta is paying attention to the non revenue sports unlike bowlsby who didnt. The sports that iowa isnt good historically are all getting facelifts. Our new athletic complex that will be completed this summer will give swim/dive facilities that can compete with anyone nationally and will improve our track/field facilities dramatically as well. The bball renovations will do wonders for our volleyball and mens bball team who are deprived of facilities that put them at a disadvantage in recruiting. mens bball is down but no one needs to dog it. Minny has been solid the past few years, But iowas program has been every bit as good as minnys has been historically and even in the past decade.

not trying to flame here, but i don't know if this statement "holds too much water". i can think of a lot of other men's & women's sports where historically minnesota has been far more consistent and competitive in the big ten and nationally than iowa has been.

Minny has been solid the past few years, But iowas program has been every bit as good as minnys has been historicall and even in the past decade.

While Iowa doesn't have a bad athletics department, it certainly has not been as good as Minnesota's during the last 15 years. The Sear's Director Cup standings are a good way to compare how successful athletic departments are on the field. It ranks the top 10 men's and women's sports at each Division I schools. Here are the results from the last 15 years for Minnesota and Iowa:

1993 - 1994 MInnesota 14, Iowa 43
1994 - 1995 Minnesota 31, Iowa 26
1995 - 1996 Minnesota 22, Iowa 35
1996 - 1997 Minnesota 15, Iowa 27
1997 - 1998 Minnesota 17, Iowa 34
1998 - 1999 Minnesota 21, Iowa 43
1999 - 2000 Minnesota 19, Iowa 34
2000 - 2001 Minnesota 23, Iowa 44
2001 - 2002 Minnesota 7, Iowa 48
2002 - 2003 Minnesota 11, Iowa 42
2003 - 2004 Minnesota 20, Iowa 48
2004 - 2005 Minnesota 22, Iowa 39
2005 - 2006 Minnesota 16, Iowa 53
2006 - 2007 Minnesota 20, Iowa 68
2007 - 2008 Minnesota 28, Iowa 50

*2008 - 2009 Minnesota 2, Iowa 32
*Standings after completion of winter sports.

15 year average from 1993 to 2008:
Minnesota 19.07
Iowa 42.27

While Iowa doesn't have a bad athletics department, it certainly has not been as good as Minnesota's during the last 15 years. The Sear's Director Cup standings are a good way to compare how successful athletic departments are on the field. It ranks the top 10 men's and women's sports at each Division I schools. Here are the results from the last 15 years for Minnesota and Iowa:

1993 - 1994 MInnesota 14, Iowa 43
1994 - 1995 Minnesota 31, Iowa 26
1995 - 1996 Minnesota 22, Iowa 35
1996 - 1997 Minnesota 15, Iowa 27
1997 - 1998 Minnesota 17, Iowa 34
1998 - 1999 Minnesota 21, Iowa 43
1999 - 2000 Minnesota 19, Iowa 34
2000 - 2001 Minnesota 23, Iowa 44
2001 - 2002 Minnesota 7, Iowa 48
2002 - 2003 Minnesota 11, Iowa 42
2003 - 2004 Minnesota 20, Iowa 48
2004 - 2005 Minnesota 22, Iowa 39
2005 - 2006 Minnesota 16, Iowa 53
2006 - 2007 Minnesota 20, Iowa 68
2007 - 2008 Minnesota 28, Iowa 50

*2008 - 2009 Minnesota 2, Iowa 32
*Standings after completion of winter sports.

15 year average from 1993 to 2008:
Minnesota 19.07
Iowa 42.27

I've actually always been a fan of the Directors' Cup. I know a lot of folks poo-poo it because they only care about the so-called "revenue" sports and think the rest don't matter. But I kind of look at the Director's Cup as an overall assessment of how the entire athletic department is performing. And certainly, when you take this into account, the Gophers have been better for quite awhile now. And as an aside, the fact that Stanford continues to pile up the points every year is remarkable.

Having said that, if Iowa is investing more of their funds into improving their overall athletics performance, then like I said earlier, more power to them. This is where the rivalry with Wisconsin has been fun. Both schools field teams that are nationally recognized in a number of sports. If Iowa were to start performing better in some of the other sports in addition to football, wrestling, women's basketball and softball, it would make things more fun for everybody imo.

I am not sure who this C-Note guy is. I haven't seen anything that he has posted, but he sure sounds like someone with an axe to grind. He obviously is trying to start some firestorms with his un-informed posts. Ignore him, and please, if I may ask, don't lump all of us into the same category.

Iowa athletics overall have been down for a long time - the baseball team this year was just non-competitive, as an example. Also, in Track and Field, the men were 9th and the women 10th. In golf, the men's team was 6th and the women's 5th in their B10 tournaments. Both gymnastics teams finished 6th at their B10 meets. The softball team had a pretty good season, finishing 4th in the B10 and getting an invite to the NCAA tournament. So, with just a small sampling, you can see that the Hawks are pretty much bad to mediocre in lots of sports.

Why do Hawkeye fans talk football all year long? Well, wouldn't you? :)

So, with just a small sampling, you can see that the Hawks are pretty much bad to mediocre in lots of sports.

Why not go DI hockey? I think Iowa could field a decent hockey team very quickly. It would be heavy on Minnesota players, but Iowa definitely has more money and prestige than a Bemidji State or even St. Clown or Mankato.

Why not go DI hockey? I think Iowa could field a decent hockey team very quickly. It would be heavy on Minnesota players, but Iowa definitely has more money and prestige than a Bemidji State or even St. Clown or Mankato.

Yeah, put up a D1 hockey team! I can handle watching Iowa getting their hind-ends handed to them in yet another sport!

But seriously, I am all for the proliferation of college hockey throughout the land. Give it a try!

i am not a big fan of the directors cup and my reasons for that, are that its based off of 20 sports for div1. They choose a predetermined number of sports and if i recall(dont take this as fact, im not completely sure), if that school has more than 20 sports, you get to take your best 10 mens and 10 womens programs.
1. Iowa doesnt have 20 scholarship sports programs, they have only 19 and one of them, football(one of our best programs), is not even included in calculations.

2. non-revenue sports are gonna be hard to be competitive at iowa. Iowa is population deprived compared to the rest of the population and its not given a big enough budget to recruit out of state.

3. Stanford wins it every year because they are good at alot of irrelevant sports that get included like badminton, water polo, equestrian,etc. UCLA is up there because of these sports as well.

I was speaking about the MBB program, not athletic program over the past decade. Iowas non revenue sports under bowlsby did not matter. Under Barta they do.
This year the results have been seen:
Every program is on the upswing except mens bball and volleyball but when the renovations and practice facilities come, i expect these programs to be back
Mens golf made the national championship tourney for the first time in more than a decade with the addition of the best golf coach in the conference
Mens gymnastics was #9 going into the national championships
Womens gymnastics was ranked #22 in the last rankings
Iowas softball and field hockey are big ten powerhouses
Womens bball has gone 1st and 2nd in the last two years in conference
Volleyball I feel will pick it up. Iowa has great instate talent and if Iowa can get even facilities to recruit with, they should get good in a hurry
Baseball should be getting better once they get rid of Dahm. With Northern Iowa dropping bball, Iowa will have the only program in a pretty good state for prospects.
Once the new athletic facilities get done this summer, i expect the water sports and track to really take off.

i am not a big fan of the directors cup and my reasons for that, are that its based off of 20 sports for div1. They choose a predetermined number of sports and if i recall(dont take this as fact, im not completely sure), if that school has more than 20 sports, you get to take your best 10 mens and 10 womens programs.
1. Iowa doesnt have 20 scholarship sports programs, they have only 19 and one of them, football(one of our best programs), is not even included in calculations.

2. non-revenue sports are gonna be hard to be competitive at iowa. Iowa is population deprived compared to the rest of the population and its not given a big enough budget to recruit out of state.

3. Stanford wins it every year because they are good at alot of irrelevant sports that get included like badminton, water polo, equestrian,etc. UCLA is up there because of these sports as well.

I was speaking about the MBB program, not athletic program over the past decade. Iowas non revenue sports under bowlsby did not matter. Under Barta they do.
This year the results have been seen:
Every program is on the upswing except mens bball and volleyball but when the renovations and practice facilities come, i expect these programs to be back
Mens golf made the national championship tourney for the first time in more than a decade with the addition of the best golf coach in the conference
Mens gymnastics was #9 going into the national championships
Womens gymnastics was ranked #22 in the last rankings
Iowas softball and field hockey are big ten powerhouses
Womens bball has gone 1st and 2nd in the last two years in conference
Volleyball I feel will pick it up. Iowa has great instate talent and if Iowa can get even facilities to recruit with, they should get good in a hurry
Baseball should be getting better once they get rid of Dahm. With Northern Iowa dropping bball, Iowa will have the only program in a pretty good state for prospects.
Once the new athletic facilities get done this summer, i expect the water sports and track to really take off.

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. Just because you aren't good at them doesn't make them irrelevant, which seems to be the argument any time any sport other than football is brought up. It simply means you aren't a solid all-around athletic department in terms of performance. The flamers that constantly obsess about Hawkeye football make this ridiculous argument all the time.

But just because you call them irrelevant doesn't make it so.

HerkyHawkeye Says:
Mens golf made the national championship tourney for the first time in more than a decade with the addition of the best golf coach in the conference

that's great for Iowa but the Big Tens best golf Coach resides in Minneapolis and it's not close. Considering what Brad James has done in his 9 seasons at Minnesota, he is one of the top coaches in the nation, not just the Big Ten.

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