Buy tickets for Gophers vs. Michigan State now or wait?


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
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Hey guys, just looking for some advice here. I have someone coming into town over thanksgiving that I want to take to the Gopher game over Thanksgiving vs. Michigan State. I only need 1 ticket as I have a student ticket and just need to get someone in the door so we can meet up in the student section.

Would you suggest buying now at $28 +$12 for shipping = $40 on stub hub or waiting until closer to game day in anticipation of low attendance due to it being thanksgiving weekend and most likely cold. Do prices typically go up or down closer to game day?

The U has offered seats for less than $40 for each game. I am sure you can get a single ticket for less than $40 either through the U or on craigslist closer to game day.

I would definitely think you wait. Even if the team is winning you would still be able to get less expensive tickets on game day from a scalper on the street and if the team is losing you will be able to get them for next to nothing.

You can go to Mariucci and buy a single game student ticket for $15. All you will need is another ID to get them in the door. Unless the team were to go on a hot streak and run the table for the rest of the season (wishful thinking), there will be plenty of student tickets available the week of the game, especially over Thanksgiving. They might still sell you one extra ticket with your U card. If not, find a friend who doesn't have a ticket and give them $15. They might take your U card though. The box office still allows recent grads (within a year) with no registered credits to buy a single game student ticket if they are still available.

Or you can gamble and probably find a deal on Stub Hub. Plenty of opportunities to go to the game for cheap.

Thanks for the advice guys. I have actually heard that they have been alot more strict on checking the picture associated with the U card to prevent non U of M students getting in with student tickets. It's not really a risk I want to take to save 20 bucks. I will have to look into the possibility of a single game guest pass (I know they sold full season guest passes before the year started). Other than that, it sounds like the consesus is to wait for the Gophers to run a promotion a week or so before game day as they have for every previous game.


A single ticket on the street for that game will be $10 gameday

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