Burns posts some mind-boggling analysis of the offense and special teams

To be clear, no one here is hoping for a return of the Jerry kill squad led by leidner. This game while not ideal is not Kent state. There I said it. KENT STATE. 10-7. And after the game kill got all bucky and was saying well we won the game.

If your defense is struggling, there are at least two approaches you can take on offense to compensate:

1) Open it up, try to score 50 points a game, and light up the scoreboard. Every game a shootout.

2) Ball control, eat the clock, keep your defense off the field, allow the opponents fewer possessions.

P.J. Fleck is an advocate of Option #2, I believe. I also suspect that if you don't happen to like this approach or even hate this ball control philosophy, you're going to be an unhappy camper as a Gopher fan for as long as Fleck is here. I just can't picture Fleck running a basketball-in-cleats style offense. I doubt he'd even give much thought to slightly opening things up. To me, he appears to believe very strongly in Option #2. He loves Wisconsin-style football. You're going to have to live with it, I'm afraid.
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