BTT order form


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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This probably should not happen in a mailing from a major university. ...

I received a mailing from U of M ticket sales/marketing, an order form for Big Ten Tournament tickets. Paraphrasing, the order form said come watch the Gophers in Indianapolis as they strive for a "birth" in the NCAA Tournament.

Did I miss something? Is one of the players' girlfriends expecting? Or perhaps one of the coaches' wives? Birth, berth. ... what's the difference?;)

This is the kind of grammatical error that just should not happen. It reflects poorly on the department, not to mention the institution of "higher learning" from which the mailing originates. I would think folks in that field would have a little more respect for the English language.

OK, that's my rant for the day.

This probably should not happen in a mailing from a major university. ...

I received a mailing from U of M ticket sales/marketing, an order form for Big Ten Tournament tickets. Paraphrasing, the order form said come watch the Gophers in Indianapolis as they strive for a "birth" in the NCAA Tournament.

Did I miss something? Is one of the players' girlfriends expecting? Or perhaps one of the coaches' wives? Birth, berth. ... what's the difference?;)

This is the kind of grammatical error that just should not happen. It reflects poorly on the department, not to mention the institution of "higher learning" from which the mailing originates. I would think folks in that field would have a little more respect for the English language.

OK, that's my rant for the day.

Absolutely agree. Mistakes like this are embarrassing and happen too frequently in mailings/communications from the Athletic Department. Repeated errors like this are not be acceptable in my line of work, and it shouldn't be at the University either.

I fear it is a sign of the times in the world of tweeting, texting and, yes, even message boards. In general, we do not appreciate the language or know it as well as we once did. There must be some English majors who could hired to edit all materials that leave the office.

On another note, I am still irritated that that a public announcement for tickets was made before we received the order form from the ticket office.

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