BTN's Tom Dienhart: Friday football? There are 'lots of possibilities' for Big Ten

Why does a friday game mean you can't tailgate? There is plenty of time to tailgate before a 7 or 7:30 pm game. If tailgaiting is important enough for you to b!tch about then it should be important enough to take a half day from work and do. Besides. taking a half day at work on a friday to go tailgait sounds F'n awesome to me.

Why does a friday game mean you can't tailgate? There is plenty of time to tailgate before a 7 or 7:30 pm game. If tailgaiting is important enough for you to b!tch about then it should be important enough to take a half day from work and do. Besides. taking a half day at work on a friday to go tailgait sounds F'n awesome to me.

Because the tailgating lots are used during the week by students and faculty so they won't be open to football game parkers until late in the day. You should probably stay at work.

Because the tailgating lots are used during the week by students and faculty so they won't be open to football game parkers until late in the day. You should probably stay at work.

They could open the lots up for tailgaiting by 3 pm on a friday no problem. It would be 1 friday every other year.

You should be a real fan and be willing to miss work for a game.

They could open the lots up for tailgaiting by 3 pm on a friday no problem. It would be 1 friday every other year.

You should be a real fan and be willing to miss work for a game.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or just don't remember August. Thanks to the State Fair, we already have to miss work for a game once a year. Let's not add to it.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or just don't remember August. Thanks to the State Fair, we already have to miss work for a game once a year. Let's not add to it.

nope not being sarcastic. not everyone works a 8-5 monday through friday job. Fortunately for you us health care workers need to be available to work 24/7 and have to work saturdays too. Doesn't stop me from making gopher games on saturday. Even when i'm on the night shift. People need priorities in life. Work shouldn't be one of them, life is too short. Work isn't an excuse to be against a Friday game. That's all I'm saying. If you are a true fan you'll make the game.

nope not being sarcastic. not everyone works a 8-5 monday through friday job. Fortunately for you us health care workers need to be available to work 24/7 and have to work saturdays too. Doesn't stop me from making gopher games on saturday. Even when i'm on the night shift. People need priorities in life. Work shouldn't be one of them, life is too short. Work isn't an excuse to be against a Friday game. That's all I'm saying. If you are a true fan you'll make the game.

I miss plenty of work Fridays traveling for road games, so please save the "true fan" speech for someone else.

We already have one weeknight home game every year. Let's not add to it.

I miss plenty of work Fridays traveling for road games, so please save the "true fan" speech for someone else.

We already have one weeknight home game every year. Let's not add to it.

Didn't know less than 3 full lines counted as a speech.

The B1G has done dumber things for money. I feel like your "we already have one weeknight game very year" doesn't really count as an argument when it comes to more money for the B1G.

Why does a friday game mean you can't tailgate? There is plenty of time to tailgate before a 7 or 7:30 pm game. If tailgaiting is important enough for you to b!tch about then it should be important enough to take a half day from work and do. Besides. taking a half day at work on a friday to go tailgait sounds F'n awesome to me.

I agree for the most part. People shouldn't complain about taking a half day of work once every two years. However, the tailgaiting issue is a bit more complicated. I believe it was this past year if I remember correctly....and the University was not well prepared for the tailgaiting for a weekday home game. The problem is employees use those lots. Now, if the university could figure something out for this one day.....and I'm sure they could.....people shouldn't have complaints about this.

nope not being sarcastic. not everyone works a 8-5 monday through friday job. Fortunately for you us health care workers need to be available to work 24/7 and have to work saturdays too. Doesn't stop me from making gopher games on saturday. Even when i'm on the night shift. People need priorities in life. Work shouldn't be one of them, life is too short. Work isn't an excuse to be against a Friday game. That's all I'm saying. If you are a true fan you'll make the game.

Don't forget your bartenders that depend on you.

"Roger Thornhill: Now you listen to me, I'm an advertising man, not a red herring. I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders that depend upon me, and I don't intend to disappoint them all by getting myself "slightly" killed."

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