server down !

Yay! I won't have to break any state or federal laws tonight! Keyword being "tonight".

On HD DishNetwork as well... but with all that has happened I am still worried! Go Gophers!!!

Confirmation of above:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>BREAKING: Via <a href="">@BTNReinglass</a> & <a href="">@BigTenNetwork</a>, here's the link to watch 2nite's <a href="">#Gophers</a> game (BTN2Go issues) <a href=""></a></p>— Minnesota Gophers (@GopherSports) <a href="">September 7, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>


Will be plugging in my new comp to hdmi for this one. Thanks bros.

And of course the free stream workaround doesn't work on an iPad. Tested by trying to watch Neb and Ind. No stream ever comes. FFS, B1G.

...and 695-1 in HD

Schnauzer...can you confirm that 695-1 is working when ordering the Sports Pack? I get everything else I'm supposed to (including 682), but when I check 695-1 I get the "ordering information" screen instead of the music and DirecTV logo. It's making me nervous.

I was just going to roll with the BTN2Go option, but I decided to nut up and order the Sports Pack after this whole clusterfück.

I can't get the video stream (other games) working on my iPad. Any one else having issues?

695-1 had two games scheduled on it today. The first was the Clemson game, then a break, with the second being the Gopher game. I checked the Clemson game when it was on and it was no problem. I just took a look and I am seeing that ppv stuff too. Not sure what that means but it is still in that "break" period between games. Not sure what to make of that.

682 looks normal (and standard definition) for an alternate feed between games.

695-1 had two games scheduled on it today. The first was the Clemson game, then a break, with the second being the Gopher game. I checked the Clemson game when it was on and it was no problem. I just took a look and I am seeing that ppv stuff too. Not sure what that means but it is still in that "break" period between games. Not sure what to make of that.

682 looks normal (and standard definition) for an alternate feed between games.

Do you have the sports package?

I think BTN2Go is back up. I was just able to pull up the Navy-Indiana game on my iPad. Hope it stays on for the game!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free

BTN2Go app live games seem to be revived and working fine on my iPad. Hope it stays that way.

NO HD for tonight game on Directv, both showing SD version of the game.

I already can't stand this feed like 1 minute into the stream. Are our announcers this big of homers?

I got nothing here on my feed. anyone else having that problem?

way to go. gophers faithful get nothing.

I have it on my computer, but I can only see the NW vs Syracuse game. Does anyone know how to switch the game? Ugh!

Ski U Mah!

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