BT panel ranks TCF Bank Stadium 8th best in BT; Eddie George places us 12th

Unfortunately, this post says more about you than Eddie George. BTW I am not an Eddie George fan.

It says nothing about me. It shows what a complete football factory Ohio State is. Just because the guy played at Ohio
State they put him in front of a microphone. There are a lot of quality black athletes in the media today.....Eddie George
is not one of them.

If it's about OSU, why point out race. OSU has plenty of football factory type "student" athletes...

So, give your ranking, already. Show your work.
Here's their (unweighted) criteria:
- General atmosphere
- fan support - home-field advantage
- amenities
- tailgating
- the surrounding campus and the college town

There's no question that TCF is an attractive stadium, BUT: based the above criteria, I can understand why TCF isn't ranked higher. The stadium only seats 50,000 - and there are empty seats for most games. The student section is fairly small compared to other B1G schools. The tailgating scene is not the same as Wisc -due to available space. And let's face it - a stadium in the middle of a metro area just does not have the same feel as a facility on a campus located in a smaller city where the campus and the FB stadium are the focal point of game day.

Having said that, there are things the U can do to make a better game-day atmosphere. Find ways to increase student attendance; create more tailgating opportunities; develop a younger and more energetic fan-base; etc.

There's no question that TCF is an attractive stadium, BUT: based the above criteria, I can understand why TCF isn't ranked higher. The stadium only seats 50,000 - and there are empty seats for most games. The student section is fairly small compared to other B1G schools. The tailgating scene is not the same as Wisc -due to available space. And let's face it - a stadium in the middle of a metro area just does not have the same feel as a facility on a campus located in a smaller city where the campus and the FB stadium are the focal point of game day.

Having said that, there are things the U can do to make a better game-day atmosphere. Find ways to increase student attendance; create more tailgating opportunities; develop a younger and more energetic fan-base; etc.

In other words: just win more conference games, be more competitive within the conference, Bring home Trophy game hardware to be housed in Minneapolis, be highly competitive in the border battle series with iowa and wisky, win invitations to bowl games for the next twenty years in succession and WIN some of those games, and finally: BEAT the stinking badger to end all this nonsense that has been going on with them in football for the past twenty years.

Kissing the student's butts does no good. Trying to get Twin Cities fans to come to games until the team wins more consistently is pointless. Getting more fans commode hugging drunk on campus in tailgate lots, bars and in the stands is really a preview of the end of civilization in Minnesota. Win Big Ten Football Games. That is the ONLY way to fill TCF BANK STADIUM up and have it become the "toughest ticket in a town filled with too many professional sports teams and too much competition for the entertainment dollar..."

In other words: just win more conference games, be more competitive within the conference, Bring home Trophy game hardware to be housed in Minneapolis, be highly competitive in the border battle series with iowa and wisky, win invitations to bowl games for the next twenty years in succession and WIN some of those games, and finally: BEAT the stinking badger to end all this nonsense that has been going on with them in football for the past twenty years.

Kissing the student's butts does no good. Trying to get Twin Cities fans to come to games until the team wins more consistently is pointless. Getting more fans commode hugging drunk on campus in tailgate lots, bars and in the stands is really a preview of the end of civilization in Minnesota. Win Big Ten Football Games. That is the ONLY way to fill TCF BANK STADIUM up and have it become the "toughest ticket in a town filled with too many professional sports teams and too much competition for the entertainment dollar..."

In 2012 the Gophers sold out a non conference game against Syracuse after three straight non-conference victories. What was your point again?

Do they do it consistently? Sure, stuff happens once in a while. What does that prove? Did they sell out the 3 ooc games before the Syracuse games? What is your point again, maximus? 3 out of 4 non-sell outs means 75% non-sll outs All the Big Ten Games are not even sold out. THAT is a problem maximus...that is a problem any way you cut it. Winning MORE Conference games will help that problem. Not much else will help that problem.

There's no question that TCF is an attractive stadium, BUT: based the above criteria, I can understand why TCF isn't ranked higher. The stadium only seats 50,000 - and there are empty seats for most games. The student section is fairly small compared to other B1G schools. The tailgating scene is not the same as Wisc -due to available space. And let's face it - a stadium in the middle of a metro area just does not have the same feel as a facility on a campus located in a smaller city where the campus and the FB stadium are the focal point of game day. Having said that, there are things the U can do to make a better game-day atmosphere. Find ways to increase student attendance; create more tailgating opportunities; develop a younger and more energetic fan-base; etc.

I don't disagree with you Ornery, but with your points Northwestern should be dead last for everyone of those panelists. I did agree with the final ranking of #8. Just the fact that a schmuck like Eddie George ranked a few places that are most likely worse than us is what gripes me.

Here's their (unweighted) criteria:
- General atmosphere
- fan support - home-field advantage
- amenities
- tailgating
- the surrounding campus and the college town
Your post is generally right I think, but I also think that these criteria mostly have nothing to do with a stadium. I would much rather watch a game at Nebraska memorial stadium than tcf because the atmosphere is electric, and for all the reasons the poll cited. But it is a large cement structure and not comfortable at all and many seats don't have great visibility.
Atmosphere and amenities are the only ones in any way related to the physical stadium structure. Fan support, campus, and tailgating have nothing to do with the stadium. It's fine to include them, or rank them, but it stops becoming "best stadium" in any way.

Thanks! That was my point.

Both of you have a set of rabbit ears 10 feet tall. Now if I would have made reference to a backwoods
Caucasian with the same illiterate spewing you wouldn't have said a thing. Unreal.....

Both of you have a set of rabbit ears 10 feet tall. Now if I would have made reference to a backwoods
Caucasian with the same illiterate spewing you wouldn't have said a thing. Unreal.....

No wonder Badger fans rip you a new one at every turn....

"Eddie George majored in basket weaving at Ohio State. He's an embarrassment to the black population as far as being a spokes person on any type of venue. A lot of " dem " and " dat" when he speaks. Here's a thought Eddie. Learn the " Kings " language and quit talking like you had a bit part as one of the slaves portrayed in the movie Amistad."

It says nothing about me. It shows what a complete football factory Ohio State is. Just because the guy played at Ohio
State they put him in front of a microphone. There are a lot of quality black athletes in the media today.....Eddie George
is not one of them. "

"If it would have been Art Schlister ( sp?) I would have used the same analogy(quit talking like you had a bit part as one of the slaves portrayed in the movie Amistad)(. Don't pull the race card on me"


Back to the OP I basically agree with Wren. Just show up to the games and enjoy. We won't get any love till we win consistantly. Regarding Eddie George, that is just typical OSU arrogance.

No wonder Badger fans rip you a new one at every turn....

"Eddie George majored in basket weaving at Ohio State. He's an embarrassment to the black population as far as being a spokes person on any type of venue. A lot of " dem " and " dat" when he speaks. Here's a thought Eddie. Learn the " Kings " language and quit talking like you had a bit part as one of the slaves portrayed in the movie Amistad."

It says nothing about me. It shows what a complete football factory Ohio State is. Just because the guy played at Ohio
State they put him in front of a microphone. There are a lot of quality black athletes in the media today.....Eddie George
is not one of them. "

"If it would have been Art Schlister ( sp?) I would have used the same analogy(quit talking like you had a bit part as one of the slaves portrayed in the movie Amistad)(. Don't pull the race card on me"


Back to the OP I basically agree with Wren. Just show up to the games and enjoy. We won't get any love till we win consistantly. Regarding Eddie George, that is just typical OSU arrogance.

Badger fans? You have NO idea of what you're talking about. Quit making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Atmosphere is too strongly controlled by the recent successes of the program and would allow this list to flip-flop around every 4-6 years, despite no major facility change.

To rank these stadiums more fairly/accurately, Athlon should have defined some scoring criteria and forced their panel to break down their score, rather than just 'hey Big Ten experts, rank the conference stadiums!"

Atmosphere is too strongly controlled by the recent successes of the program and would allow this list to flip-flop around every 4-6 years, despite no major facility change.

To rank these stadiums more fairly/accurately, Athlon should have defined some scoring criteria and forced their panel to break down their score, rather than just 'hey Big Ten experts, rank the conference stadiums!"

It is just some personal opinions that have been compiled in a stupid little list. Why are so many of you giving it so much credence? Do you honestly think anyone really cares what a few of these people think? Sometimes I think some people have such a POOR self-perception that they get upset and think that not everybody everywhere is all "gaga" about the local stadium. Come on people: these people were just asked because a bunch of fans might have heard of some of them before. Hell, they are just fans themselves and EVERYBODY knows that fans are just a bunch of fanatics who are blinded by their own bias and personal favorite thing to be fanatical about.

Jeeze: be satisfied if you like going to games in TCF BANK STADIUM, If it is good enough for you, why care what somebody else thinks? Come on, people: have enough ego strength to stand up tall even when some fool tries to trash something you like...or tries to trash you. In other words: NEVER let the ba$tard$ get you down. I know I certainly NEVER let any of the fools and ba$tards$ who try any crap with me get me down! None of those jerks and stiffs and creeps can ever kill my personal joy about my Golden Gopher Football Team! Or the stadium they play in. Maybe some of the people on that list are little scooter-freaks who are just trying to cause a commotion. Maybe some of them make a habit of lying and spoofin and trying to get other people's goat. Maybe the only way they can ever register with someone is by trying to present a really nasty, negative picture of something near and dear to someone else. There are all kinds of creeps who try to leak their ill-will on the general public. They are all over. Why, we even have some of those types of creeps, jerks and stiffs right here on GOPHERHOLE. Most of the time it is best to just ignore them. Every once in a while, it's probably a pretty darn good thing to have a little fun with them and maybe even call 'em out...

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