Bruininks: We’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results & a mediocre season


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Nov 11, 2008
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Bruininks: We’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results & a mediocre season

From a MN Daily interview this week:

The Gophers have started out the season 1-2 including a loss to South Dakota. Are you concerned about the direction of the football team?

I was deeply disappointed with the loss [to South Dakota]. I think we have done some of the right things in terms of trying to rebuild our football traditions and to put us on the path, I think, to a more successful winning strategy.

We need a stronger football program here at the University of Minnesota. Our fans deserve it and our students, faculty and staff deserve [it].

I’m guardedly optimistic, but I would say to all of our fans, we have high aspirations for Gopher football, and we’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre season.

Do you think Coach Tim Brewster is the right man to help the Gophers reach those high aspirations?

I think Coach Brewster has done some things that I appreciate and respect …

A lot of the building blocks are in place to build and sustain a successful program, but at this point we’re simply going to have to wait and see how well we do and how successful these strategies are at establishing a strong foundation for the future.

It appears as if President B and Maturi have different talking points as President B's comments have been a lot more direct than Maturi's to date.

Go Gophers!!

And he proved that by paying $400,000 for a Big 10 Coach. That really warrants results beyond mediocore.

They will have to go $2 mil to get a decent coach - and I think they know it. They must make money from the program and expand the stadium to compete with Nebraska and the big boys. Few seem to appreciate what a challenge Nebraska is going to be to Minnesota in recruiting and in our six-team division.

From a MN Daily interview this week:

The Gophers have started out the season 1-2 including a loss to South Dakota. Are you concerned about the direction of the football team?

I was deeply disappointed with the loss [to South Dakota]. I think we have done some of the right things in terms of trying to rebuild our football traditions and to put us on the path, I think, to a more successful winning strategy.

We need a stronger football program here at the University of Minnesota. Our fans deserve it and our students, faculty and staff deserve [it].

I’m guardedly optimistic, but I would say to all of our fans, we have high aspirations for Gopher football, and we’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre season.

Do you think Coach Tim Brewster is the right man to help the Gophers reach those high aspirations?

I think Coach Brewster has done some things that I appreciate and respect …

A lot of the building blocks are in place to build and sustain a successful program, but at this point we’re simply going to have to wait and see how well we do and how successful these strategies are at establishing a strong foundation for the future.

It appears as if President B and Maturi have different talking points as President B's comments have been a lot more direct than Maturi's to date.

Go Gophers!!

A couple of points I would like to highlight here:

1. "We have high aspirations for Gopher football, and we're not going to be satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre season." Sounds good. Unfortunately, being satisfied with mediocre results and mediocre seasons has been a tradition since 1967. In this case, the proof is in the pudding and the U's administration has not shown this to be their true intent over the years. Therefore, it'll be up to the President and the Athletic Director to rectify the situation.

2. Agree that the President's words are much stronger than Maturi's. But this shouldn't come as a surprise. Maturi will defend his coaches, regardless of the merit of doing so, to the end. And the fact that he hired Brewster in the first place means that he'll never publically admit that Brewster has been a poor hire. Adding that to the fact that Maturi has basically admitted in certain interviews that hiring Brewster was more of a flier than anything else leaves me dreading the prospect of him hiring another coach should this be Brewster's final year at the helm.

Ouch! Not hard to read between the lines there. As Scooby Doo likes to say, sounds like "Ruh roh" for Brew if this season isn't salvaged somehow.

Bruininks: "I’m guardedly optimistic, but I would say to all of our fans, we have high aspirations for Gopher football, and we’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre season."

I am glad the UM is not waivering with their goals. Jettisoning Mason was the first step in their quest. However, we all know how difficult this will be and the time and resources it will require.

Patience, focus and a constant evaluation of the progress and coach is needed with this process. both by the UM and its supporters.

As long as it isn't just based on the win loss record. I became a litter more optimistic after the USC game. I liked what I saw. I hope they do not lay another stinker this weekend and start winning the games they should.

A lot will depend on whether or not he can keep control of the team.

What is his definition of mediocre? I say 4-8 or 5-7 is mediocre. 2-10 or 1-11 is just plain bad.

To be mediocre, he needs to win Saturday and also steal a couple Big 10 games....that's just to be mediocre. I don't see this team even being mediocre. I wish that wasn't the case.

To be honest, 6 and 6 with a bowl game is mediocre. 2 million for a new coach will not cut it, that does not get you a proven coach. They will have to spend 3 to 4 million to get someone that will give them a better than 60/40 chance to succeed.

Bruininks: "I’m guardedly optimistic, but I would say to all of our fans, we have high aspirations for Gopher football, and we’re not going to be satisfied with mediocre results and a mediocre season."

And by "we" he means "whoever the poor saps are that replace me in June."

To be honest, 6 and 6 with a bowl game is mediocre. 2 million for a new coach will not cut it, that does not get you a proven coach. They will have to spend 3 to 4 million to get someone that will give them a better than 60/40 chance to succeed.

I was being generous with the 4 win season. In this day of 30 something bowl games, 6-6 with a bowl game IS mediocre. Hopefully Bruininks has the same definition of mediocre that you do.

I'm tired of being a lower tier Big Ten team. I'm also tired of losing to Wisconsin and Iowa. To show how far down we've gone, I'm tired of losing to teams from the Dakotas.

Well, of course 6-6 is mediocre. You have to figure that about half of the teams have better records than you, and half have worse. Mediocre just means average although it does carry negative connotations.

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