Bruininks on SaveGopherFball group: disappointed with their tactics and approach

No one has more blood in this program than the former players. They also have as much or more knowlegdge about running and being in a successful program than anyone at the U. Not just here, but on super bowl teams and coaching exp. on all three levels. There is no agenda for a specific coach, but any candidate considered, chances are there is an "M" man somewhere in the country that has knowledge of or a connection that does have knowledge about the prospect. That is why we want a seat at the table.

Andy, Nobody is trying to bull rush in now, the Pres. was contacted the day after Brewster was fired.

No one has more blood in this program than the former players. They also have as much or more knowlegdge about running and being in a successful program than anyone at the U. Not just here, but on super bowl teams and coaching exp. on all three levels. There is no agenda for a specific coach, but any candidate considered, chances are there is an "M" man somewhere in the country that has knowledge of or a connection that does have knowledge about the prospect. That is why we want a seat at the table.

Fair enough thoughts. My knowledge is cursory and limited to people I know (minorly) within the Athletic Department. When looking over the resume's of the named folks on the committee, outside of Bob Stein, I see little current real world experience/knowledge that would lead the University to seek counsel. I have complete appreciation and respect for their playing history, but find it hard to take some of the people involved seriously. Looking over the credentials of most, there just doesn't seem to be much beyond the surface. Not trying to be argumentative, but I find it hard to believe that any of the group is more knowledgable about running an athletic department than those who run ours today (who certainly face their own set of challenges/shortcomings IMO). I do think there is a place for this group, but their ham handed approach really hurt the credibility of the group (look no further than this site which should provide fertile ground for support). If I were in President Bruinink's chair, I would handle this exactly as he has thus far. In the corporate world, they would have zero input. Thanks for your opinions and honest input, while we disagree on this topic, we can both agree that this hire is critical and needs to be done right. Ski-U-Mah!

I don't think there is a big enough table for all the people who want a seat at it.

The majority of the names you see in the press are not the heart of the group, but you will not see most making comments because we realize that their minds are made up.

No one has more blood in this program than the former players. They also have as much or more knowlegdge about running and being in a successful program than anyone at the U. Not just here, but on super bowl teams and coaching exp. on all three levels. There is no agenda for a specific coach, but any candidate considered, chances are there is an "M" man somewhere in the country that has knowledge of or a connection that does have knowledge about the prospect. That is why we want a seat at the table.

Sorry, bigboy. Unless you and your buddies have been contributing large sums of money, time, or other resources to the U's athletics programs over an extended period of time you are just like the rest of us in the peanut gallery. You deserve no special consideration during the coaching search other than to have Maturi read your emails or listen to your phone calls.

Andy, Nobody is trying to bull rush in now, the Pres. was contacted the day after Brewster was fired.

Fair enough. I will only further suggest that having a group of well-respected alumni very publicly and openly dismissing the capability of our athletic director to do his job competently will only throw a serious wrench into this entire process.

Up north, we have contributed big time, and many went out and raised the big buck donations for the Stadium. Thats where part of the rub came in. We were good enough to be called on to raise money but no voice here! Nuff said.

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