Bronson Dovich is a Gopher!


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Breaking: Chaska (MN) OT Bronson Dovich (<a href="">@BronsonDovich</a>) has committed to <a href="">#Minnesota</a>! <a href="">#Gophers</a> first in class of 2015.</p>— Kyle Goblirsch (@Gobie247) <a href="">May 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Very nice.

Now we just need Schmidt and Carlberg to step up and Kill has got himself a nice looking OL class.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Thank you to everyone who has helped me turn this dream into a reality. Can't wait to be a Gopher &#55357;&#56842;&#55357;&#56911;</p>— Bronson Dovich (@BronsonDovich) <a href="">May 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Awesome news! Welcome Bronson!

Now, we don't have to "BURN EVERYTHING" with lack of commits. :cool:

Good, i was thinking last night that a class of Dovich, Schmidt and Carlberg would be a fantastic O-line class. He has a great frame at 6-6 285 very similar to the other two. I don't know if he is athletic or has the flexibility of the other two though. Anybody want to add some insight on that for me?

Great! Now we can start worrying about when our second recruit comments!:rolleyes:

Glad to have you in the fold, Bronson! Welcome to the U of M.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>No it was not. No timetable as well. RT <a href="">@jpraml</a> That wasn't the secret news from the other day was it? When will that break?</p>— Ryan Burns (@RyanBurnsGI) <a href="">May 30, 2014</a></blockquote>
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Good, i was thinking last night that a class of Dovich, Schmidt and Carlberg would be a fantastic O-line class. He has a great frame at 6-6 285 very similar to the other two. I don't know if he is athletic or has the flexibility of the other two though. Anybody want to add some insight on that for me?

The one video on his rivals page has him going up against a couple recruits and getting the best of them. One was a smaller (assume speedier) rush lineman that he just manhandled....

Looks like a big lean kid compared to many of the others in the video. His highlights start about :36 into it and he goes up against about 3 guys.;_ylt=AiUPIXzgXyOYusebv5B_EtFfs5B4

Good, i was thinking last night that a class of Dovich, Schmidt and Carlberg would be a fantastic O-line class. He has a great frame at 6-6 285 very similar to the other two. I don't know if he is athletic or has the flexibility of the other two though. Anybody want to add some insight on that for me?

I haven't seen him play live, but from looking a some the clips on the internet, he looks athletic but that he'll probably have to work on his strength quite a bit before getting playing time. Obviously, that's the norm for HS lineman.

Schmidt an Carlberg remind me a bit of Connor Mayes in that they physically COULD play right away.

That obviously isn't to take anything away from this kid, I thought the same thing about Isaac Hayes and I think he'll be a fantastic college football player. Dovich fits the Jerry Kill mold, he likes his OL tall and athletic and he'll worry about getting them strong enough to play once they are on campus. Welcome aboard Bronson!

Really glad to have this young man on board. Love the home grown O lineman. Welcome Bonson!

Great news! Maybe one of the top five recruits out of Minnesota this year. Glad he's staying home.

I hope he plays guard instead of tackle as 6-6 is pretty big for a guard and nothing outstanding for a tackle. Reminds me of Campion. Also worth noting Limegrover since he has been here has only signed one O-lineman under 6-4 which was an espn top 150 guy in Isaac Hayes.

yes. bronson pinchot did deserve a shout out. you seen pinchot's pipes?

Here is the free scouting report from the Scout site

Since this article didn't require a subscription I assume it is ok to post it. From the Minnesota Scout site--"Dovich has gone from 240-pound tight end early in his career to 290-pound Big Ten offensive tackle. That growth came from dedication to the weight room in the offseason and as schools saw his progression in the spring evaluation period, Dovich began to see his recruitment take off. South Dakota State was the first to offer, Rutgers followed with the first Big Ten offer, but it was the third offer, from in-state Minnesota which proved to be the one. After visiting the Gophers again and then taking time to consider his options, Dovich committed to the Gophers just before the end of the spring evaluation period.

"They were my favorite coaching staff for sure. I know they have all stayed together for a long time and when I got the chance to meet and talk with them I really understood why. I've also grown up being a Gophers fan and the thought of being in state and close to friends and family is awesome."

Coach's Comments:
"His biggest development has come a lot through the weight room. He made a commitment after freshman year and sophomore year to be committed in there. He made gains coming in after his sophomore season. He played at 240, then he commits to the weight room and getting his body ready, and all of a sudden, he's 290 moving a lot of weight."
-- Chaska head coach Lambert Brown

Scouting Report:
Dovich has a big frame and has added good weight and strength over the last year. He must continue to work on his quickness and flexibility as he adds the weight, but he moves around pretty well at his size. He does a good job as a drive blocker and does a solid job of finishing his blocks, but we would like to see him turn up the nastiness just a little bit more. In pass protection, he has not seen elite speed rushers yet, but has the length and strength in his punch to be effective in that department. He shows good footwork and the ability to slide and mirror defenders, but will simply have to adjust to the level of competition in college.

Dovich is a kid we will monitor closely as a senior. The work he has done in the offseason will no doubt have him as a different player on the field this Fall than what we saw last season. His size and work ethic are assets and the Gophers always seem to do well with in-state offensive linemen."

goldgopher IANAL but from what I have seen, what you posted is fine, except, it's expected that you post a link back to the source.

Very nice get for the Gophers! Now all we need is Jashon Cornell, Grant Schmidt, John Kelly, Drayton Carlberg, and Jonathan Femi-Cole to make a halfway decent class... :cool:

Sweet! Nice addition! Welcome aboard. Lock up those borders!

Glad to get Bronson on board. Seemed like a kid whose recruitment was about to blow up.

OL is very important for this class, the staff has said they are taking 4 and this is a nice way to start it off.

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