Bronco Nagurski still recruiting for Gophers


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Nov 20, 2008
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I was very surprized at how much airtime Bronco Nagurski got during the Florida - Alabama game on Saturday. The announcers went on and on about how Tim Tebow was like Bronco Nagurski. I suppose it is mosly because Bronco's name is the most recognizable in football, but I couldn't help but think, especially when they told everyone that he played for Minnesota, that in some way it has to help us be recognized as a football school even though he played almost a century ago. Thanks again, Bronco!!

my favorite story about bronco is at wikipedia. he was plowing a field in N minnesota and a lost sports writer or something happened on him plowing and asked him how to get somewhere (as you can see i know my bronco nagurski lore) and bronco picked up the plow with one hand and pointed down the road with it.:D

Bronko's grave

I heard that they were planning to move the grave of Bronko Nagurski to the goal line at TCF Bank Stadium. When Michigan is at the one yard line Bronko will rise up and give us a 12 on 11 advantage.

Yeah, I bet recruits from down south are filling up Brewster's voicemail after hearing that.

Good Lord....

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