Brock Vereen writes column for SI: My Career Starts Now


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Nov 11, 2008
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Nicely done Brock, about his experience at the NFL Rookie Symposium:

One of the great things that the symposium brought out of all the rookies was that everyone was able to be themselves. There was never any feeling of self-entitlement from anyone. Whether you were a first-rounder or a seventh-rounder, it seemed to be widely understood that none of that mattered now. We were all just rookies with something to prove.

For me, the most exciting part was the final morning when we visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame. There was no better way to wrap up 72 hours of hearing how to be successful in the NFL than to pay homage to those who were more successful than anyone. Walking through all of the galleries, videos, and busts was all the motivation anyone would need rolling into their first NFL training camp.

The Hall of Fame tour concluded with Aeneas Williams speaking to us about how, even though it may have been our lifelong dream to become an NFL player, knowing what path we want to take once our time is up is just as important. Sometimes it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that we are not going to play this game forever. As he finished up chanting Begin with the end in mind! and as we all loaded up the buses and headed to the airport, it was never more clear that the NFL will provide more opportunities than any of us rookies could have ever imagined. To call ourselves NFL players was the highest privilege anyone could ever receive.

Go Gophers!!

Makes me want to start watching the NFL again. Huh.

If only they could get away from all that domestic abuse, being broke after spending millions, DUI's, etc.

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