Bring on Les Miles!


Metrodome Era Survivor
Sep 11, 2010
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We need a coaching change on this team.

As if we couldn't tell from the number of restraining orders filed, this is an extremely undisciplined group of players. The coaches have no control over them.

Let the dreamers believe we can land Les Miles, but we need a newer, firmer hand guiding this team.

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Why? He might be a worse in game coach than Claeys, and that is really saying something. And he's 63. This isn't a job for a short timer.

Buy out Dino Babers. That post game speech had me fired up this morning.

Why come here and get no support from the AD or the Administration. Les Miles would even take that call. There are going to be a number of better options for a guy like him at the end of this season.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Les Miles would even take that call. There are going to be a number of better options for a guy like him at the end of this season.

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Like Note Dame. Then we can get Brian Kelly!!! Ooooo......

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I will take a part time Jerry Kill at this point. Offer Les anything he could dream of.

We need a coaching change on this team.

As if we couldn't tell from the number of restraining orders filed, this is an extremely undisciplined group of players. The coaches have no control over them.

Let the dreamers believe we can land Les Miles, but we need a newer, firmer hand guiding this team.

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I'm not saying I wouldn't take Les if I had a chance, but don't use discipline as a reason to hire him. His LSU teams had way more off the field issues than the Goohers have had. If the Strib was in Baton Rouge for his tenure they would run out of ink the way they like to make mountains out of mole hills!

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I will take a part time Jerry Kill at this point. Offer Les anything he could dream of.

I wonder if the team would be any different is Kill were still around. Water under the bridge but I feared we would really miss his leadership.



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Why? Kill's teams pulled this crap all the time. Playing down to the competition was pretty common under Kill.

At the very least, I think the false starts, offsides, and illegal formation penalties would have been cleaned up.

On the other hand, I think if there were 90 seconds left in the first half with 2 timeouts at our own 40 yard line, Kill would do a couple runs up the middle and head to the locker room, where Claeys would probably at least try to put up 3 more points.

Gophers problems:

Can't develop quarterbacks
Can't have consistent offensive production
Bad clock management
Ultra conservative

Les miles problems:

Can't develop quarterbacks
Can't have consistent offensive production
Bad clock management
Ultra conservative

At the very least, I think the false starts, offsides, and illegal formation penalties would have been cleaned up.

On the other hand, I think if there were 90 seconds left in the first half with 2 timeouts at our own 40 yard line, Kill would do a couple runs up the middle and head to the locker room, where Claeys would probably at least try to put up 3 more points.

And with Jerry the game would have been over at 21-3.

If we end up shopping for a new coach I would take Kiffin in a heart beat. Brilliant offensive mind, fantastic with developing QB's and he's an even better recruiter. Some will poo poo the idea but after years of futility we should take a chance on him. Many years of he, Harbaugh and Meyer trading jabs on and off the field would be fun.

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A foolish consistency. Keep looking for new. This team has been bad to mediocre for decades. New players, new coaches, new ADs, even a new stadium. You guys are the one constant.

I know the cubs are heading to the World Series because I'm not watching the rest of the nlcs. We have the power. I have that same power with stocks.

I'd take Kiffin, Brohm or Fleck.
But I can see then becoming hot commodities

I'm not convinced Les Miles is a great coach.

Some of his offenses would have made Limegrover cringe...

He was largely the beneficiary of having top 5 recruiting classes every year. Which is easy to do at LSU, harder to replicate most other places.

He's about to turn 63, we need someone that will be around for awhile.

I know a younger guy with ties to the area...
I don't think Sherels is ready yet. Love the guy though.

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Can't wait to see how Tracy finishes the year and what he does next year. Minnesota Golden Gophers 2017 West Division Champs. Claeys 2017 Big Ten Coach of the Year.

You gonna pay for him?

Also ... aren't the knocks against Les... pretty much what we have here?

When Kill came in, he developed a disciplined, if not predictable team. They rarely beat themselves. Though they had trouble scoring early in games, the defense could be relied upon to bend but not break. And the staff seemed to make adjustments at half that kept games close, if not winnable. They had, for the first time in a long time, a bit of an identity.

My biggest issue with this season is that this foundation is not being built upon. Whether it's a downgrade in coaching, poor execution, a good bit of our secondary being suspended... I can't put my finger on the identity of this team. And the foundation that was once at least somewhat reliable, is regressing. There doesn't seem to be any "givens" other than two solid running backs that were completely underutilized in our loss against Iowa.

That said, the best we can hope is that Claeys as a fist time coach is learning on the job. And with first year O and D coordinators there is a ton of room for the staff and players to gel. Those that are thinking that there is some miraculous savior out there waiting to take the U of MN head coaching job and help it rise from the ashes... That is about as far fetched of a scenario as there is in college sports.

When Kill came in, he developed a disciplined, if not predictable team. They rarely beat themselves. Though they had trouble scoring early in games, the defense could be relied upon to bend but not break. And the staff seemed to make adjustments at half that kept games close, if not winnable. They had, for the first time in a long time, a bit of an identity.

My biggest issue with this season is that this foundation is not being built upon. Whether it's a downgrade in coaching, poor execution, a good bit of our secondary being suspended... I can't put my finger on the identity of this team. And the foundation that was once at least somewhat reliable, is regressing. There doesn't seem to be any "givens" other than two solid running backs that were completely underutilized in our loss against Iowa.

That said, the best we can hope is that Claeys as a fist time coach is learning on the job. And with first year O and D coordinators there is a ton of room for the staff and players to gel. Those that are thinking that there is some miraculous savior out there waiting to take the U of MN head coaching job and help it rise from the ashes... That is about as far fetched of a scenario as there is in college sports.

Claeys does not have the charisma of a Jerry Kill. I thought that under Kill, they worked on play discipline, and he focused on the fundamentals. When mistakes were made, the players hear about it plenty and worked on correcting the problems in practices.

Claeys does not have the charisma of a Jerry Kill. I thought that under Kill, they worked on play discipline, and he focused on the fundamentals. When mistakes were made, the players hear about it plenty and worked on correcting the problems in practices.

I agree. Kill was a head coach for decades. Claeys, less than 10 games. My point is, it's concerning that the fundamentals and progress under Kill aren't improving. But to think there is some miracle coach out there ready to take gopher football to a level not seen in 50 years is delusional.

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