Brief Notes: Tubby Smith on today's Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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Mona asked about Ellenson - small town player: Tubby said he's an outstanding student that understands his role on the team and appreciates the opportunity to play . . . "He's a key for us to get better." He said he has outstanding stamina and endurance.

Ralph Sampson still has a lot of soreness in the ankle and he won't be rushed back in.

Julian Welch: Very mature kid. Played Division I ball at U Cal-Davis and then junior college ball. Julian, according to Smith, feels comfortable about his role. Probably would have started earlier if not for an ankle injury that set him back.

Mona - smaller athletic team yesterday: Tubby said they had more quickness . . . shooting better from the three . . . got out better in covering the three yesterday.

Mona asked about the '72 Championship team reunion: They spoke to the curent team yesterday after the game. They talked about the importance of playing for the Gophers and the bond that they formed forty years ago. Talked about Dave Winfield and how he was recruited from intramural ball: Tubby said that was amazing and, of course, Winfield was an amazing athlete.

Was happy with the improved free throw shooting yesterday; according to Mona, they were perfect from the line.

Pleased with the team's play in the last two games.

Go Gophers!!

Caught Sid saying Ellenson two or three times, Mona once. Embarrassing.

Sid is 90+. If you knew what he meant that is close enough. I hope I am that active at his age. I think being involved is keeping him going. It will be a big loss when he is gone.

Yes, being active at 90+ is commendable, but the comedy that comes with the Sports Huddle is priceless....not quite as good as the Sports Show on Sunday nights, but close.

Yes, being active at 90+ is commendable, but the comedy that comes with the Sports Huddle is priceless....not quite as good as the Sports Show on Sunday nights, but close.

Why is it Cubs fans thought Harry Carrey butchering names & slurring his words was a hoot, but we are so botherd by it w/ Sid? He's the last of the Mohicans, enjoy him for what he is. My .02

Why is it Cubs fans thought Harry Carrey butchering names & slurring his words was a hoot, but we are so botherd by it w/ Sid? He's the last of the Mohicans, enjoy him for what he is. My .02

100% agree. Enjoy Sid while he lasts. Not saying you have to like his homerism, but admire it for what it is.

100% agree. Enjoy Sid while he lasts. Not saying you have to like his homerism, but admire it for what it is.


It is considered cool & the macho thing to Rip sid by the many "perfectionists" on GH.

Sid is a walking historian regarding Minnesota sports and no one will replace him once his is gone. That resource will be gone forever someday.

Show some respect.

Even at 90+, Sid doesn't make any more mistakes than someone like Souhan when he's on the radio. Granted that's a low bar, but still.

I have been reading Sid/listening to Sid for 50+ years. He is the best.

Go Gophers!!!

True, and he's usually good for a few laughs.

The mistakes are good for some comedy, I'm sure of that. My only exposure to Sid is the column, which occasionally has some good information in it.

My only issue with Sid is that, from a few people I know that have run into him, he's a complete jackarse. Completely rude, egotistical, and arrogant. Opinions vary. I really have no clue so take it for what it's worth.


It is considered cool & the macho thing to Rip sid by the many "perfectionists" on GH.

Sid is a walking historian regarding Minnesota sports and no one will replace him once his is gone. That resource will be gone forever someday.

Show some respect.

Great post. This is so totally true. We can't stand the modern day rippers (Barrerro, Souhan, Reusse) that pretend to report on Gopher sports but are always laying in the weeds hoping for the next disaster so it will be easy to write something. Then at the same time we slam the one guy who has consistently promoted Gopher sports in every way possible. Sid, as ancient as he may be, has taken the time to form a relationship with any coach that would let him and has backed these guys so that they would have the best chance possible.

I can recall back in the days when coaches could discuss recruits. Whenever a key recruit would come in town you could bet that there would be a positive article by Sid or at least a column tidbit that would confirm how great the coaches thought the recruit was. His radio show is tough to listen to these days but a lot of folks here have no idea how great his contribution to Minnesota sports has been. As you say- that's worth respecting.

(Barrerro, Souhan, Reusse) that pretend to report on Gopher sports but are always laying in the weeds hoping for the next disaster so it will be easy to write something.

Yes & that's why those two were at the game the other night, hoping we would lose so they could go into full savage mode.

Being older than most buildings doesn't exempt you from criticism. Sid is (not was), by any objective measure, absolutely terrible at his job(s). Period. It's his right to go on working until he keels over (which would almost certainly come very quickly if he did retire), but it's also our right to call him terrible, which he is. It's obvious that someone else is writing his columns, and he is unlistenable on the radio. And, as it's already been said, he's a complete jackass to everyone who's not "someone". Other than that, he's great!

Being older than most buildings doesn't exempt you from criticism. Sid is (not was), by any objective measure, absolutely terrible at his job(s). Period. It's his right to go on working until he keels over (which would almost certainly come very quickly if he did retire), but it's also our right to call him terrible, which he is. It's obvious that someone else is writing his columns, and he is unlistenable on the radio. And, as it's already been said, he's a complete jackass to everyone who's not "someone". Other than that, he's great!

I don't listen to him anymore- so it doesn't bother me a bit. The options were: A) listen to someone over 90 years old attempt to do a radio show most 30 years olds couldn't handle (as proved by callers) - and then complain about it or B) don't listen and don't complain about him considering there has been so much positive about what he has done for Minnesota sports.

Is he personally a jerk- quite possibly. As are many sport heros and personalities of our day and in the past.

On bga1's point, I've only heard good things about one star athlete doesn't get a lot of publicity for it, and that's Adrian Peterson.

(1) Sid is now an idiot.

(2) I hope Sid lives forever.

We'll never see his likes again. Enjoy.

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