Brewster Should be FIRED NOW!

Where did you learn math? First of all, 8-32 is .200, not .250. Further, 6-26 is .188, not .231. Lastly, "Punky" (again, not clever or funny) needs only to win 1 Big Ten game to best Wacker's winning percentage. Let's let him play out the string before we anoint him an abhorrent affront to humankind.

Has anyone suggested he is an abhorrent affront to humankind? He's certainly incompetent, insufferable and delusional, but humankind probably suffered those types in the cave man era, when the neigborhood nerd whined that he was just 4 square corners away from inventing the wheel.
As for playing out the string, why? So he can perhaps get one more BT win to surpass Wacker?
The Wack-man was a prince of a human being, but I don't think exceeding his WP at the U is something you'd put on a resume'. However, since Brewster has claimed other head coaches victories as his own, you never know.

More wins are always better than less wins. Barring a miracle, Brewster is gone, a couple wins won't change that. But if firing him now means less change of getting another win, it's a problem.

Has anyone suggested he is an abhorrent affront to humankind?

Have you been reading the board the past 4 weeks? Some would have you believe that Brewster is responsible for the Lindbergh baby, the Vietnam War, Iran Contra, 9/11, and Jersey Shore being a relevant cultural touchstone.

As for playing out the string, why? So he can perhaps get one more BT win to surpass Wacker?

I never advocated for this. I merely made a point that to pre-suppose an 0-8 Big Ten record this year is rather presumptuous.

but I don't think exceeding his WP at the U is something you'd put on a resume'.

I didn't say that either. Again, just pointing out that "Brewster has a worse winning percentage than Wacker" is inaccurate, whether referencing overall or conference.

However, since Brewster has claimed other head coaches victories as his own

No, he didn't.

Where did you learn math? First of all, 8-32 is .200, not .250. Further, 6-26 is .188, not .231. Lastly, "Punky" (again, not clever or funny) needs only to win 1 Big Ten game to best Wacker's winning percentage. Let's let him play out the string before we anoint him an abhorrent affront to humankind.

This has to be the most hilarious know-it-all lecture of the year. Better do the math again, genius.

I thought Brewster got a producer's credit for "Jersey Shore."

This has to be the most hilarious know-it-all lecture of the year. Better do the math again, genius.

Um max? 8-32 means he's won 8 of 40 (or .200) and 6-26 means he's won 6 of 32 (or .188). Unless they changed how winning % is calculated recently.

Where did you learn math? First of all, 8-32 is .200, not .250. Further, 6-26 is .188, not .231. Lastly, "Punky" (again, not clever or funny) needs only to win 1 Big Ten game to best Wacker's winning percentage. Let's let him play out the string before we anoint him an abhorrent affront to humankind.

dpodoll is correct. The mistake made is in reading "8-32" as 8 wins out of 32 games, when it means 8 wins and 32 losses. Dividing 8 wins by 40 games (the total games played) give you .200. The same mistake was made with 6-26.

There are 47 days left until the end of the season. Brewster will be fired very, very shortly after the final game possibly within hours. Coaches are rarely fired in the middle of the season. It accomplishes nothing - temporary satisfaction gives us nothing. This team is bad, but firing Brewster now would make things even worse. Let the players have continuity for the last six games.

  • Appeases the fan base that is currently jumping ship both spirit-wise and dollars-wise.
  • Sends a message to recruits considering Minnesota that help is on the way. May cause some to at least stop to think
  • If there are signs Brewster is losing the team, an interim coach may actually help (see Gophers Basketball).

Don't speak in hyperbole. Firing mid-season may have it's disadvantages, but saying that NOTHING good will come from it is not true.

  • Appeases the fan base that is currently jumping ship both spirit-wise and dollars-wise.
  • Sends a message to recruits considering Minnesota that help is on the way. May cause some to at least stop to think
  • If there are signs Brewster is losing the team, an interim coach may actually help (see Gophers Basketball).

Don't speak in hyperbole. Firing mid-season may have it's disadvantages, but saying that NOTHING good will come from it is not true.

Look, I've said before and I'll say it again. If folks are talking about "firing" him while letting him coach out the season then yes, they've got a point (and even then, they should be prepared to wait for 2 more losses at least since that's when a bowl game is completely out of reach versus insanely unlikely). Otherwise they want the program run like the NFL which won't fly given the history of our program.

The bandwagon fans will jump back on board with a new coach regardless of when Brew is fired this year. Those that won't were already out the door and are simply giving excuses.

Will recruiting really be helped since they won't know who the new coach is yet? Any recruit who can't see the writing on the wall already really isn't paying attention or loves Brew (and in that case firing him doesn't help).

IF there were signs he was losing the team then maybe we'd have something to talk about. Those signs aren't there yet.

  • Appeases the fan base that is currently jumping ship both spirit-wise and dollars-wise.
  • Sends a message to recruits considering Minnesota that help is on the way. May cause some to at least stop to think
  • If there are signs Brewster is losing the team, an interim coach may actually help (see Gophers Basketball).

Don't speak in hyperbole. Firing mid-season may have it's disadvantages, but saying that NOTHING good will come from it is not true.

I'm not speaking in hyperbole. I just don't agree with you. I don't see a benefit of throwing meat to attempt to appease some people. Recruits aren't going to see this as "help on the way", they won't see help on the way until a new coach is hired. I don't see any signs that this team is disintegrating, and firing the coach in midseason is a great way to cause that disintegration. Basketball is a different world, do you have any examples from the world of college football?

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