Brewster Should be FIRED NOW!


Nov 25, 2008
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Today's post game lack of class is the final straw for me. Instead of congratulating Bielema for kicking his tail again, he nit-picks a meaningless 2 point conversion. Not only has he proven to be an awful head coach, but now he's complaining semantics in another blowout loss?

His real downfall started two years ago. He lands a top notch QB prospect who can run the spread...Then he ditches the spread offense for a bland and undproductive offense that relies on power, which this team simply didn't have. Brewster chose to sink or swim with Weber and now he's sinking fast.

I was prepared to ride out the season with him, but after his lack of class today, I say let him go and let ANYBODY ride out this storm.

Send Brewster packing NOW!

Hear that Maturi? You better listen to him!

Do you know what happened to Pharaoh when he didn't listen to Moses??

I think its kind of insanely funny to see him out there floundering as a coach. You can see how freaking clueless he is. Nice coaching having to waste your last time out of the first half. I watch that and can only laugh. He's definately moved into Geezo Beezo bad and will actually finish with a worse winning percentage. At least Wacker had one type of offense and he stuck with it. Punky hasn't got a clue.

These posts are really old. No one fires a coach now. No matter how much he may need to not be the coach next year, or how much you hate him, firing him now makes no sense. The team is too young and inexperienced in too many positions, but they are still all trying and making some modest improvements. So, what do you want,- an interim coach for the rest of the year for this staff? A guy who knows he has no job on Dec. 1st. Most importantly, you can say goodbye to many recruits, and forget about recruiting anyone else among the delayed-fired interim staff. Everyone who keeps calling for Brewster to be fired in-season, just feels that it will be some kind of punishment for Brewster, but we would only be punishing the current players and recruits while further crippling the program.

I hear ya.....We as the fans, and season ticket holders need to make our voices heard!! I am actually selling my last home game tickets in hopes that there are more visitors fans in the Bank thenor own....Send the big dogs at the U a message that we are sick of his crap. Bew has set us back another 10 years instead of improvement!!!!

He's definately moved into Geezo Beezo bad and will actually finish with a worse winning percentage.

Nope. Not even close. Try to get your facts straight before you go on a rant.

(P.S. The "Punky" thing has never been funny or cute. It's even worse when a Gopher "fan" uses it.)

Brew will be gone before the end of the season.

he nit-picks a meaningless 2 point conversion. Not only has he proven to be an awful head coach, but now he's complaining semantics in another blowout loss?

You must have no idea what semantics means.

These posts are really old. No one fires a coach now. No matter how much he may need to not be the coach next year, or how much you hate him, firing him now makes no sense. The team is too young and inexperienced in too many positions, but they are still all trying and making some modest improvements. So, what do you want,- an interim coach for the rest of the year for this staff? A guy who knows he has no job on Dec. 1st. Most importantly, you can say goodbye to many recruits, and forget about recruiting anyone else among the delayed-fired interim staff. Everyone who keeps calling for Brewster to be fired in-season, just feels that it will be some kind of punishment for Brewster, but we would only be punishing the current players and recruits while further crippling the program.

Fire him now and you can start the search early and land a solid coach with experience this time.

Maybe even get Tony Dungy to come in...

It would be a terrible idea to fire him now. Hurts recruiting, the current players and sends a bad message to any potential new hire. Plus there's no reason to start looking for a new coach until the end of the year when candidates are better considered.

And Dungy isn't coming here.

It would be a terrible idea to fire him now. Hurts recruiting, the current players and sends a bad message to any potential new hire. Plus there's no reason to start looking for a new coach until the end of the year when candidates are better considered.

And Dungy isn't coming here.

Having him here clearly hurts recruiting far more than a TBD coach.

These posts are really old. No one fires a coach now.

Ummm, google "History of MSU football". They S-canned an incompetent coach. Twice

No matter how much he may need to not be the coach next year, or how much you hate him, firing him now makes no sense.

Keeping him makes even less sense

The team is too young and inexperienced in too many positions,

you forgot mediocre. And sucky.

but they are still all trying and making some modest improvements.

The one thing I'll give Brewster is that the team is still playing its heart out. But there's a 55-0 game in there waiting to come out. Lair getting alligator arms on that pass play late in the game is the tip of the iceberg

So, what do you want,- an interim coach for the rest of the year for this staff?

At this point grabbing someone from the English dept. to run the team would be an improvement. At least we wouldn't be hearing "Irregardless" at the pressers.

A guy who knows he has no job on Dec. 1st.

That statement also applies to Brewster. Unless he's a moron.

Most importantly, you can say goodbye to many recruits, and forget about recruiting anyone else among the delayed-fired interim staff.

Its only a matter of time before our current recruits start bailing. And I don't recall seeing any 4-star signings in the last week or two. Besides, its not like Brewster's "stellar" recruiting classes from the past 3 years are doing us any good

Everyone who keeps calling for Brewster to be fired in-season, just feels that it will be some kind of punishment for Brewster, but we would only be punishing the current players and recruits while further crippling the program.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm calling for Brewster to be fired before he sets the program back 10 years instead of 5. I could care less what happens to him after he's kicked to the curb. I'm sure he'll land a TE coaching job in the NFL and buy himself a Porsche with the $200K buyout.

And as for the players:
A)Its a privilege to play football for the UofM, not a right
B)They're being rewarded with a free education, which they should be working for. Some student working in the food service who burns the crap out of the eggs every morning would be reprimanded or fired. The players aren't being held accountable for their lousy play
C)S-canning Brewster would be doing them a favor, if it brings us one step closer to hiring a competent coach for next year.

i love how people like moses feel self-righteous enough to post a new thread about a topic that has been discussed at least 500 times in the last few weeks. moses offered nothing new and was late at best and hardly interesting.

Of all the reasons to can Brewster, his post game reaction is NOT one of them. He needed to stand up for his program.

Nope. Not even close. Try to get your facts straight before you go on a rant.

(P.S. The "Punky" thing has never been funny or cute. It's even worse when a Gopher "fan" uses it.)

Forgive me for not saying "in the Big Ten"

Wacker 8-32 (.250)
Punky 6-26 (.231) - Projected

In 5 years of god awful football Wacker never went winless in the Big Ten. Brewster is in danger of doing it for the 2nd time...

Forgive me for not saying "in the Big Ten"

Wacker 8-32 (.250)
Punky 6-26 (.231) - Projected

In 5 years of god awful football Wacker never went winless in the Big Ten. Brewster is in danger of doing it for the 2nd time...

Where did you learn math? First of all, 8-32 is .200, not .250. Further, 6-26 is .188, not .231. Lastly, "Punky" (again, not clever or funny) needs only to win 1 Big Ten game to best Wacker's winning percentage. Let's let him play out the string before we anoint him an abhorrent affront to humankind.

firing him now sets the program further back than what happened went you went from Mason to Brew. it's more than the head coach, it's the assistant who pack it in and don't recruit one bit for the interim coach, knowing they won't be back next year (98% of them, anyway). besides, who wants to verbal when you don't even know who the hell your coach is next year?

shizcan hit the second after the final game of the year and start your officially announced seach (even though it'd probably be a good idea to start compiling names NOW).

firing him now sets the program further back than what happened went you went from Mason to Brew. it's more than the head coach, it's the assistant who pack it in and don't recruit one bit for the interim coach, knowing they won't be back next year (98% of them, anyway). besides, who wants to verbal when you don't even know who the hell your coach is next year?

shizcan hit the second after the final game of the year and start your officially announced seach (even though it'd probably be a good idea to start compiling names NOW).

A lame-duck coach can be even worse than an interim coach. There is so much negativity going on with fans that Brewster is counter-productive.

Someone wrote that in D1, it is very rare that an interim coach is named mid-season. We could expect one or two wins under an interim coach. Under Brewster, I don't think we'll even win one game.

It's time to cut bait - seriously.

Someone wrote that in D1, it is very rare that an interim coach is named mid-season. We could expect one or two wins under an interim coach. Under Brewster, I don't think we'll even win one game.

in what appears to be a lost season, how does an extra win or two help your program long term? if Maturi actually believes that a win or two helps, then you guys are in some serious, serious trouble if Maturi is the guy in charge of hiring the next coach (pray he gets fired too).

in what appears to be a lost season, how does an extra win or two help your program long term? if Maturi actually believes that a win or two helps, then you guys are in some serious, serious trouble if Maturi is the guy in charge of hiring the next coach (pray he gets fired too).

More wins in FB count as much as more wins in women's to Joel they are important! It effects our Sears Cup standings, etc.

But seriously, there's little reason not to get it over with at this point. It would improve the morale of the fans and the team. As for recruiting, that is almost entirely dependent on how many guys the new hire can get after he's here. Brew having 10 commits versus an interim guy having 7 won't matter because they'll all be allowed to bail on the commit if they want to. But getting the new coach on board a week earlier would make a bigger difference.

There is nothing to be salvaged by keeping Brewster around til the end of the season. The fans hate him and I believe the team does too. I'll bet the guys on the team all think he's a world class idiot and they can't stand him. He's subject them to more embarrassing moments then they'll have for the rest of their lives. Yeah, lets stand in the east end-zone and sing the stupid rouser even though we just got our asses kicked. I'll bet they all just wished they could disappear in that moment. By firing him now they would inject some hope back into the fan base for the future, and I bet the players would say "thank God!" too. The only possible good move to be had is to fire him now! Anything else (including doing nothing) is just more negativity.

These posts are really old. No one fires a coach now. No matter how much he may need to not be the coach next year, or how much you hate him, firing him now makes no sense. The team is too young and inexperienced in too many positions, but they are still all trying and making some modest improvements. So, what do you want,- an interim coach for the rest of the year for this staff? A guy who knows he has no job on Dec. 1st. Most importantly, you can say goodbye to many recruits, and forget about recruiting anyone else among the delayed-fired interim staff. Everyone who keeps calling for Brewster to be fired in-season, just feels that it will be some kind of punishment for Brewster, but we would only be punishing the current players and recruits while further crippling the program.

thats BS>>>>>>>WHO NEEDS HIS RECRUITS!!!! cal NDSU< SDSU< south dakota and northern illinois kids and offer em scholarships!!

The "hurts recruiting" argument doesn't hold up. The horrendous record and clueless coaching staff are what hurt recruiting. Get rid of Brewster now and the program will look more appealing to recruits.

There is nothing to be salvaged by keeping Brewster around til the end of the season. The fans hate him and I believe the team does too. I'll bet the guys on the team all think he's a world class idiot and they can't stand him. He's subject them to more embarrassing moments then they'll have for the rest of their lives. Yeah, lets stand in the east end-zone and sing the stupid rouser even though we just got our asses kicked. I'll bet they all just wished they could disappear in that moment. By firing him now they would inject some hope back into the fan base for the future, and I bet the players would say "thank God!" too. The only possible good move to be had is to fire him now! Anything else (including doing nothing) is just more negativity.

I can disappear at certain moments. Kind of like in Astroids when you can hit the hyperspace button. It's scary.

These posts are really old. No one fires a coach now.

Ummm, google "History of MSU football". They S-canned an incompetent coach. Twice

Did you read the Google results? They may have "fired" John L. Smith but A) they didn't do it until Nov 1st and B) they let him coach out the year. So maybe not the example you're looking for?

Fact is, only 4 coaches in all of D-1 football have been completely fired (read, not coaching out the season) in over the last decade or two (can't find link to Fuller article that lays out just how long its been). This isn't the NFL and its not how things are done. I'm all on board with the U going the John L Smith route to get a jump on the coaching search, but everyone pining for Brew to be gone now needs to wake the F up and chill b/c it ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN.

I hear ya.....We as the fans, and season ticket holders need to make our voices heard!! I am actually selling my last home game tickets in hopes that there are more visitors fans in the Bank thenor own....Send the big dogs at the U a message that we are sick of his crap. Bew has set us back another 10 years instead of improvement!!!!

Don't skin your knees too hard jumping off the bandwagon. Assuming you have tickets and aren't just trolling that is.

There are 47 days left until the end of the season. Brewster will be fired very, very shortly after the final game possibly within hours. Coaches are rarely fired in the middle of the season. It accomplishes nothing - temporary satisfaction gives us nothing. This team is bad, but firing Brewster now would make things even worse. Let the players have continuity for the last six games.

Sid says Brew needs another year to prove himself. Plus, Brew needs another year to get revenge on BB for trying to add another point onto his total points. Oh, that extra point means we're so mad we're going to beat the big bad Badgers next year. Maybe Brew would have preferred that BB take a knee every play from 6 min. left. Maybe BB should have put in his 3rd stringers, let Brew score a few quick ones and make the score close so Brew can get another year to screw the pooch even worse.
I told you guys last year Brew was going to sink with Weber at QB. Look at the frosh qb at Nebraska and compare him with Weber. How do you like it?

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