Brewster is behind the Kansas rumors

I was ready to concede to another year of Brewster and move on, but this Kansas BS really takes the cake. It was clearly initiated by him, and it's the last straw for me. Maturi needs to fire him and get it over with. It's $800K. This is not worth quiveling over. Just do it and move on so we can have access to the same pool of candidates as Kansas, etc.

At minimum, as others have said, he either needs an extension or to be fired. We cannot go on in the current status and expect anything good to happen. If Maturi can't do one or the other, then he needs to be out the door too.

I hope everyone has been emailing him and making it clear. And if he anyone has his email address handy, I'd like to send him another note, which I haven't done for a couple years.

The way Les Miles manages a game if he had 27 timeouts left they still would have messed it up. Saving a timeout here and there? Is that the best critique against Brewsters game management? Please people. Get a clue and watch other coaches continually mess up end of game situations. Then ask yourself, has Brew done anything close to this? The answer is an easy no.

The way Les Miles manages a game if he had 27 timeouts left they still would have messed it up. Saving a timeout here and there? Is that the best critique against Brewsters game management? Please people. Get a clue and watch other coaches continually mess up end of game situations. Then ask yourself, has Brew done anything close to this? The answer is an easy no.

Brewster called a timeout during an extra point attempt. In your time watching college football have you ever seen that done?

Also, when Brewster wins a Nat'l Championship like Les Miles I'll give him a get out of jail free card. Until them, his 6-18 B10 record won't cut it.

Brewster called a timeout during an extra point attempt. In your time watching college football have you ever seen that done?

Also, when Brewster wins a Nat'l Championship like Les Miles I'll give him a get out of jail free card. Until them, his 6-18 B10 record won't cut it.

Seriously, in the context of this discussion, why are we critiquing the usage of timeouts? Should Brew not have called a time out here or there...probably...but come on, let's focus on more important issues.

Brewster is a recruiter. That has been obvious since day 1, and Maturi hired him on that basis. He should be perceptive enough to know that Brew deserves more time in order to see how his current recruits develop and to obtain a couple of more classes. By not extending and committing to Brew, Maturi is taking away, or at the very least dramatically lessening, the effectiveness of the sharpest arrow in his quiver - his recruiting ability.

Replace Ohio State and Penn State with Indiana and Michigan and we likely still have the same record. No guarantees in any game.

You are right that there are no guaratees but way off when you say we "likely" lose to Indiana and Michigan.

On the time-out issue, I guess those who complain never watched Gopher football prior to Brewster. Think back to the Gutekunst and Wacker eras for those who can and you would witness similar problems.

Brewster is a better coach than when he got here. I've noticed improvement. Granted, there are still mistakes and his performance may not be good enough for him to be retained long-term, but he's a better coach now. I think the problems this year had more to do with bringing in Fisch's offense. There's just too much there and the transition was rocky.

Iceland, you are right. If Weber hits at .650 instead of .500, we win a couple more games and most of us are happy. This week he is rated 100 out of 100 Div.1A QBs. Remember that Abdul Khaliq was rated #1 out of 100 his senior season.

This week is serving as a great reminder as to why I hate Minnesota sports, on a collegiate and professional level. And a lot of it has to do with our fans and media. Brew needs five years, and he needs to be able to recruit for all five years. Buyouts are a necessary evil in today's college game. Extending Brew makes sense, I'll just give a +1 to Schnoodler for all of his points regarding this issue.

Brewster called a timeout during an extra point attempt. In your time watching college football have you ever seen that done?

Also, when Brewster wins a Nat'l Championship like Les Miles I'll give him a get out of jail free card. Until them, his 6-18 B10 record won't cut it.

Well, then it's all decided. We'll start looking for the new coach while you tell Brewster you've decided he's done.

On the time-out issue, I guess those who complain never watched Gopher football prior to Brewster. Think back to the Gutekunst and Wacker eras for those who can and you would witness similar problems.


I remember quite well. And how did their tenures end?

Adam Weber quit completing passes, that's what happened to it!

Now here is something worth examining. A lot of you aren't going to like me for this, but then you probably don't anyway and besides that, if you pay attention to my name you already realize it's a contradiction to reality.

Saw Weber in summer camp prior to his first year as a starter. Shocked that he got the job as both my sons and myself went away from a set of practices convinced the kid could not throw well. Hard yes, well no. Decker became his crutch, to the point where he would ignore better targets and force the ball. There have been plenty of talented receivers on this team the last couple of years and the fact that they caught a pass or two a game while Decker racked up a half dozen or so, many while they were wide open and he was doubled up created some irritation.

Okay, here it is: This offense was not only a new one, the players were split into factions. That's the way it looked on the field and that's the way it sounded off the field. Hope I'm wrong, but to me if Brewster has termination coming it's because he didn't handle his players well. Case in point: "Eric Decker is our best player." Say it after he's gone, don't say it while he's still dressing next to the other guys, all of whom have pretty good-sized egos. There, that's my daily rant, sorry if it turned into thread piracy.

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